October 05, 2017

Spending Spree.

I'm sure by a lot of other people's markers I did no such thing, but for a person making as much as I do, I sure did.

I shopped at work before leaving on Monday. I spent about $25.

I then paid to get on the bus. $2.75 I think. But I was prepared for that. I stopped off at Cold Stone's next door to break a $20 that I got the week before.

Once I was in town I made my way to Penn Station. I actually decided to walk down Market St since my feet were pretty well off from just standing at Cash Rep that day. Penn Station got $58 I think for a monthly bus pass. I don't even know since it's an expense I have to pay.

Then I decided to do a little grocery shopping. I tried to go to Whole Foods, but I ended up going to ShopRite instead due to where the bus I jumped on dropped me off at. I kept myself in check and even put back a box of pasta and some spaghetti sauce. I think I made it out under $30.

Now, my upcoming 'vacation'. It starts on the 11th and I'll be back about 17th. No idea about my internet connection during that time. But considering how often I update here, you won't miss me at all.

There are two people in that state that I want to see, but one is further away than I thought, and I still have to look up the other one. They lived in Key West. Yeah. Heck, I should start looking at how much Amtrack cost's to get down there. I was and still is, thinking about taking the bus, but someone said that the train may cost the same. I'll see.


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