I felt like adding some colour to my blog today. That picture is just outside the windows of the break out rooms here in the LRC.
It's 4:53pm and I'm the only one here. I get to close up the LRC in about 2 more hours.
I'm going home to and empty house, to get something to eat before I go back over to my neighbor’s house to see if I can fix her cd-rw drive. I'm thinking of seeing if I can find the original drives from Gateway, but I'm not holding out much luck. It's no where near new. I think it has to be at least 4 years old.
I'm not sure what I'm going to eat tonight. My sister made some pesto bread for me with the bread maker today. I'm sure I'll end up making noodles. I did get one slice of bread this morning before I "ran" for work. It's good, but it was normal bread. I'll find out how the pesto one testes tonight.
Today I was left to myself for work. Didn't have much so first I returned some cds to Dr. St. J, then some pics to Alison. I tried to find someone for the security department office to hand in something, but I couldn't find them so I left it in their mail slot in the Admin office.
My day was going fine until Dr. Moura called. She wasn't what turned my day over it was E. E left and went somewhere with out telling she was leaving and locked the front desk computer. When we realized that she bailed, I was sent out to cover the front desk. I did tell you that they are now sticking to having someone at that front desk during normal working hours right?? Well I was out there when Dr. Moura called. She had stuff on a floppy and she went down to the Media Center to use one of the computers there to open it since her new computer didn't come with a floppy disk drive. But it was telling her that the floppy couldn't be read and if she wanted to format it. After wondering in and out of two related subjects I asked her to come down and see if I can open it for her. She has Win98 at home and Win2000 don't like those kind of floppies, but WinXP seems to work around that issue.
So she came down, I came in here with the disks, and low and behold, I don't have a floppy drive anymore. So I tried a laptop that was in here, but it didn't have a floppy disk drive anymore. So the only other WinXP computer that I could have gotten my hands on to get to the information on the disks was the front desk computer that E locked. I didn't want to, but the teacher needed those files. I got the files off without any problems, then about 10 mins later she shows up. She asked her logged her out, I told her I did because I needed to use her computer. Then she raised her voice at me. She was saying stuff as she walked off. I may have said that I needed to use her floppy drive, but I wasn't going to get into and argument with her on the LRC floor, so I just let her walk way. When she got back I came back in here and finished up the work I had found for myself to do, that I was doing over the network while she was off where ever she was.
When Rick came in to mark on the board that he was going for lunch I let him know. He had suggested that I log her out last week when I was asked to cover the front desk again. I was working with a program that was on that computer and the one in here. I told him I wasn't logging her out. I would just wait until I came back in. So I told him how she got mad at me for logging her out, and I told him why I had to log her out. He had a little talk with her, as I covered the desk again 15 or so mins later. At this point I was about the go use the bathroom when he told me to cover the desk so he could talk with her. Then she came back and I told she was going to the Admin office. Ok. I waited. I did some more work over the network. She came back I closed down to go use the bathroom. She got up and said she was going to another department. Great. I waited for her to get back. She got back, sat down and started calling a number. I had 2 more left so I stayed there and finished them off before leaving. She called Collin by accident. She was trying to get Ron she said. Ok. I didn't do anything wrong. She can all and talk to who ever she wanted.
Finally I got to use the bathroom. When I came back I saw Ron in his office. I came back here to do a bit more work on site. I have now posted indicators as to what kind of file you will accessing when you click a link. FlashPaper, .pdf and word are the only three I have. Everything else is either a web page, a password protected webpage, or a picture webpage. The only one that I'm now realizing I haven't done is the portal page. I may put that one off until tomorrow, but then I wanted to start the picture thing for the teacher tomorrow. The one who brought all those cds. He even came by today to see how far I had gotten. I told that I was going to start this week end and I'll have some for him at the end of Sunday. He want's to get a slight jump start on the PowerPoint for next semester.
*Joan Osborne - St. Theresa
I just remembered about doing that when I stopped to rub my cold hands. Listing what song I'm hearing as I type up my blog. *grin*
*Tom Petty - Won't Back Down
Well, I think that's mostly it.
I'm hungry since I haven't had anything since the slice of bread and some egg this morning, and I'm getting cold now. I've done most of the little tweaks for the website. I should go and finish those last two sets of pictures I got from the dorm site. I've just had them sitting there even thou I got the last set on time. This week I didn't get any. I may see them in my mail this weekend, so I'll hold off judgment until then.
What I want to do is attach one more class since I think he said we had until the 27th do them.
*Blake Shelton - Ol' Red
I've gotten though a few of them, but I have like one or two more to just start. I think I'll do that with my last hour and half. This one I can't do the pre-assessments part. I have to go though the whole thing.
*Enya - Bodicea
Well see ya.

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