I saw this the other day and I was going to send it to you, but my day just ended without me sending it off.
So now I'm sending it. I was doing something when I found these... I have like 3 or so more. Sandy gave them to me a while ago to level themout. I don't know what he was hanging out of when he took me, but I got very slanted pics. It was a good thing that a few days before I found out how to level pics out. :)
Ok, it's now6:36pm here. I'm cold, getting hungrey again, and I'm tired.
Jhodie just called to let me know that they aren't coming to see me home again. Nika most likly really tried right now. She use to be up at 7am, and waking us up. Now as of this last week, we have had to priy her out of bed, and she's falling asleep earlyer. I guess school is tiring her out alot.
Maybe I can get a short game in of something before heading home.
They did ask me to help the new guy with installing some drivers and such before I go home, and I did. Now it's time for me to go home. ... "fast forward time to 7pm."
Collin called, then showed up, I helped with one more install, now I'm leaving.
Night all.

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