Hi ya.
I got my hands on the camera from a teacher who called for help so I'm sharing early.
Here is a shot of my new desk. I tried to send both, but I don't see the other one here even though I saw it in the code. Oh well.
I took some pics of the school for R.
He was the only one who got back to me on that mass e-mail I sent out before thanksgiving. He once again asked for pics of the school. It's the only thing he asks for. Just like I only ask for socks if someone ask me what I need. I still need socks by the way. :) Size 11 incase you want to get rid of any.
Ok, went back to check the code. It only has one. So I'll have to send the other one by itself.
I'll be posting the pics as a gallery that I have access though ACDSee. :) I think it's cool. Not the best look for me, but it works, and it gave me less hassle then Image shack did to set up a gallery.
Well my sister is back. She called me asking me for the mixer part of the bread maker. Tuesday is shopping day for us.
Oh, since I'm here I'll relay how I got to work today.
What is so hard in getting to work you say? Ever watched "Adventures In Baby Sitting"? Ok, it wasn't that bad, ok no where close, but stuff can happen.
After realizing last night that I didn't have any money on me I came up with a plan as to how get money and make it to work and maybe have a snack or two with me.
The 24 hour gas station has an ATM from my bank. So I was thinking of going there, taking off twenty, spending $8 on something to nibble on, and then catch another bus to school. Then as I'm standing there waiting for a bus to come I started to think that it may not have $20's. It's an ATM at a gas station, and most likely it hasn't been stocked since Friday. What would I do if I went there and I couldn't take out a $20 and I had spent my last $2 to get there?? So I said I should go to town then, but I don't have that much time. Should I chance it and go the gas station anyway? Ok, I decided to let the next bus decide. If one came and it was going to town I would go to town and have a pick of three ATMs to get one $20. If one came and it was going towards school I was going to the gas station and hope and prey that it had at least one $20 for me.
The bus was town bound. So I got on and then hoped that it wouldn’t stop at the main bus stop and take me near to one of the ATM's that was 4 blocks away. It didn't. I walked over, walked back, got on a bus that took off after I sat in it. It was Sunday, so the place was empty, but it also had the feeling of like they had cleaned up after a small mud slide or something. I don't know why I thought that.
With all that I still made it into work just as if I had left my house 10 past and had to wait for a bus. I had left the house like 10 mins early, but on the way back we stopped a number of times for other people to get on when I was on the bus to work.
I'm thinking of taking the camera home with me. I want to take some pics of town. I've been saying that I would for the longest time. It has a big memory card, and I have a feeling that the battery lasts a long time too.
I had to connect a sandisk up to the win2000 computer to get it to work and get the pics off. XP isn't supported for this model. Oh, the sliver and black computer is the xp, and the white one is the Win2000 computer. The black box on top is the DVD burner from Iomega. The cds in front of the computers are the cds for the teacher that I told you about. As you can see I haven't gotten too far, but we all knew that it's going to take some time.
Speaking of cds, I have to get back to them. I want to finish the cd that I'm current working on and at least one more. I'm wondering if I should have my soup today. I'm not really hungry but I am getting cold. I think I'll just hang out in the bathroom again. It’s one of the warm places in the building. *grin*. There aren't that many students here again. Now that I said that I wasn't hungry I start to fell hungry.
Ok… leaving now.
See ya.

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