October 20, 2006

Friday..... it's here....this is the short version

Well it did rain again today, but not to the flooding degree that we had yesterday. Not that it stopped anyone from trying to plan for it. Some schools sent the children home. The sad part was that who told the parents?

One of the departments did so well today that they got a pizza lunch and got to go home early after they went over their target by a huge amount. Due to some paper I signed that is all I can say about that.

I was just happy it didn't rain on me today. Still short on money and shorter than I should be because my sister had to take $20 off of the bank. A girl from work asked me if I would be coming to town since I was staying in Nevis this weekend. I told her that I didn't think I would have enough money for the bus fare. She then asked me if I was that broke. I told her yes.

I might take myself down to the beach if I can't stand it up here.

Oh, I forgot to mention. The house is currently abandoned by everyone else who is suppose to be here. Lynn is in the hospital because of her asthma that has been complicated to a cold. The youngest boy is at his grand mother's. The oldest is off somewhere, and the other guy, I don't know nor do I care. I'm happy I get to sleep in a bed tonight. I can't say I will tomorrow. And I have access to the computer.

This is the first time in 3 weeks that I'm up to watch Dr. Who. YA! *grin*

So see ya.
Take care

And grab a new game for the weekend. :) My suggestion. You would like this a bit more then other players if you have played the first one like I did.

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