I have to say sorry for one if not two things.
The first one being about Sermel, the girl that I started to work at Clear Harbor with. I once said that I didn't really think that she did any work, but lately we were presented with awards. More like had them, but either way, I found out that she got one for processing the most orders for the month of September. So that kicks the idea that she doesn't do her work, but she still out rightly sleeps during work hours. But in her defense, AT&T West doesn't have as many orders we SouthWest does since we are doing more then one state.
On the award side of this story, I got two for September. One for having an 80% issue rate. They use a different word on the award. It just means that 80% of all the orders I did, were done right and produced a sale for allconnet and AT&T. I hope I can keep it up since I don't really know how I did it. I just did what I was suppose to do. The next award I got was for being present and on time for the whole month. I seems that once you call in and let them know that you are late, it doesn't count against you. I only call when it's not my fault I was running late. Like the time I waited for 40 mins for a bus to get me from New Castle to town.
The other thing that I may have to apologize for, but mostly just clear up was that thing I said about Lynn making her kid use bath soap to wash the dishes. It wasn't bath soap, it was clothes watching power. That is a bit better, when we were growing we use to use the blue soap that we used to wash our clothes with to wash the dishes. I'm not even sure if we really had "dish liquid" back then.
Lets see, yesterday was Friday the 13th. And for the number of things that could go wrong, most of them didn't. One I got to work on time. Slightly early even. We got paid, but mine came with a flaw that I didn't know that turned my rather up beat day into a more less happy one. I worked for 2 hours over time. If anything I expected it to plug the hole left behind by the taxes and such they had to take out. But I didn't. It seems that the two times that I was late and didn't call in because it was no one fault by mine while I was late, it was taken out of my pay. I wasn't mad or upset, I just less happy. At least I was still feeling better than the day before when I was trying not to throw up and was starving for most of the day.
Also on Friday, we had a small meeting about our punching in and out. Most of us thought that he didn't have to make such a big deal about it, but since we could be fired over it, he more or less had to I guess. Oh well.
I lugged three tupper ware to work to wash them since I had to bring them home that night. I packed clean clothes so I wouldn't have to show up at work wearing the same thing I wore on Friday. I bugged me sometimes when I did that. But now that I'm thinking about it, I don't think that I really did since most of the time I wore the ones that I washed when I was over here.
George came over on Wednesday night. I met him at the port, and he got a ride me up to the house. He is Lynn's. The girls in the bus thought he was mine and I heard about it when I went to work the next day. When I told him that he was my cousin’s, they said I could borrow. Borrow?!?!!! I do not borrow. I own. You are mine or you are not. I don't like sharing. And I told them so. What is the point if they aren't yours???
Well I was living on buss fare and two packets of noodles for two days. I took of $20 to put $10 on my phone since I was out, but that $20 had to be saved to get home this weekend.
Today Nika got all dressed up in that new dress Jhodie got her at the shop in Nevis two weeks ago, to go to church. They were suppose to go last weekend, but Jhodie wasn't feeling well.
I have to get up and go take a shower, so we can go out later, but I don't know how much later, and it can't be too much later since the town is starting to shut down now. It's 1pm, half the places are already closed by now. Ya, to have a whole day of Saturday shopping would be nice since things in Nevis cost more then here.
Oh, I think it's time we got a new water heater. It went odd on us at the end of last year I thing, but now something happened and I hear that Peter might have helped, but I'm not sure and now, just really hot water comes out of it. It was too hot for Nika to take a bath this morning.
Well, as you see, I changed the site again. One reason being, I switched to the new beta version of blogger, and I couldn't keep the one I made. But I was able to keep most of it. This was the original layout that it was before I tweaked it. I have my links and I just added a new one, I held on to my banner even thought it sticks out. I may get around to getting a new one around Christmas time that matches the new site better. I have my ticker, I'm glad I didn't loose that. I would have to guess at a new number again by the time I got another counter.
I missed my Friday night line up on SciFi Channel. *not happy* the most I saw was about 30 or so mins of Battle Star Galactica. I saw nothing else. First, my sister made me watch a movie that I downloaded for all of us last weekend. Then I fell asleep while trying to watch the re-run of the line up.
Ok, I'm going to get a new ep of Bleach and maybe xxxHolic then try and take a bath.
See ya. *grin*
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