mimobot Designer USB Flash Drives by mimoco | welcome to planet blõôh!
I'm sharing.
I found this site like 20 mins, about two hours now, ago. I went to check out my deviantart account, since I haven't been paying it that much attention and I'm thinking of making some things again, along with writing some new stories, of not fix some of my old ones.
Either which way, I saw this on the side and went to have a look. They looked so cool, and why not have a USB drive look like something that matches you? They have quite a few there, and they have previews of others that you can preorder.
I picked this one. It's cute. The name sounds like it's a machine, but it looks like a flower on the front. At least to me it does. You can get them in a number of gig sizes. I picked the highest at 4 gigs and it came up to $110. Oh, you get this little baggie clip on thing that they call a Protohoodie.
This is a cute little thing for gift.
As for my day, not as nice as the USB drive.
One, I had a nice sleep, and woke up after 2pm, or just about 2pm. I was suppose to go out and put the money on my bank account so I could pay the cell bill. Mom gave me the $100 to pay on the bill. I was suppose to do it yesterday, but I didn't go out. Today I made myself leave and I took Nika with me since I couldn't leave her alone. It's a good thing that the bank was close by. It was cold out. (Oh, the sleep was the only thing good.)
So cold out that by the time I got to the bank a mere 3 blocks away, my nose was hurting and started to leak. I was able to get it deposited so I could pay with it tonight. Then I walked up the subway and put $10 on my metro card. Mom gave me $20 but I held on to $10 incase I needed it for something.
Then on the way down the street, miss Nika said that she's hungry. She had a whole slice of pizza before we left the house. It gave me a reason to stop into this place that I've been wanting to go into for a while and see how much their meals cost. It wasn't so bad. I just couldn't eat anything of it. Before I left the house, my tooth started to hurt, by the time I got the eatery, I was saddened that I couldn't eat any thing, not even one of the soups. The chicken noodle looked good and it was only $3 for a small, which seems like a nice size.
But miss Nika didn't want any soup, and just chicken. I didn't really have the money to buy the soup, never mind the chicken. The chicken didn't come by itself either. If I wanted just chicken, I would have to buy a whole bowl for about $6 or so to get any.
We walked down to the next block and got some cubes for seasoning. Jhodie was complaining that she didn't have any, but when I got home I found one of the two that I bought in the cupboard. On well. We got home and I made some noodle soup, which Nika ate some of. Most of the time I was just waking her up. She didn't even try to come in here and when I was going to get her to come in the room to start her homework, Ms Brown came home and then Phillys' friend showed up for her I-Pod and is now currently copying over some songs to the I-Pod even after I added the music that I ripped for her. Two CDs and one song from another cd.
I left Phillys there to help her with the moving of files while I gave Nika her shower. The drain isn't working that well and is constantly backing up, so no more bath tub baths for her until it's fixed.
Now I'm back here.
Well, see ya. I would like to at least start something before I have to leave. Mom doesn't want me disturbing Ms. Brown while she is sleeping.
PS. I'll be adding the link to the side.
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