December 01, 2007

Just A Little Note Before I go To Bed.

Ya, I know it's abit late, but I helped my mom bake a few things and it threw off my sleep a bit.

Either which way, waited for a call back from this interview I went on with Jhodie, but they didn't call us back. I thought that they might pick one of us. On the next set of maybe jobs. I'm going to re-apply to Target, and Pathmark. Don't know why Pathmark would take me now when I already applied to them before.

I have packed up everything that we baked. Coconut patties, veggie patties, pineapple patties, carrot cake and sweet potato pudding. The zucchini bread and the cassava pone didn't come out well enough to sell. 

I'm yawning, and Tanzi was in the hospital yesterday. Lack of iron in her blood. Yep it got that bad. I don't have much details since she could only type with one hand and was tried when you was typing. In a few days I'll find out how she got the hospital. She's trying to get me to go out west to hang out with her and to work and crash on her couch. How much harder or easier would it be for me to get a job over there? Either which way I don't think that I can run off yet and leave my mom.

Even if she still wants me to go to church and it taking me next Saturday. Not looking forward to it. Maybe it won't be too bad. But I know that when people start asking me if I remember them and I say no, someone is going to end up feeling hurt.

My mom did let me buy a DVD -+ R DL burner for the desktop. It is said to be here come Tuesday. YA! I get to tinker. It was a rather darn good price. It was like $20, and I got it from Tigerdirect and it was made by Samsung. See, not a no name brand thing. I was going to give you the link, but they have all sold out. Sorry.

Oh, I'll be putting up a few things for free and for sale on Craigslist. Nothing major. Just a few things that I found when I turned the bed around and moved a few things. One cassette-tape-radio-clock, that I think I'll ask for about $5 for. Then there is the cat perch thing that you hang more or less next to your window-sill . That's for about $5 too. Our cat didn't take to it. It would rather sleep on my feet when I'm in bed than on it. The one thing that I have to give away or try to give away, is a Direct TV cable box. Don't know why it wasn't just sent back, but if someone wants it they can come and get it. I'm just trying not to toss it since I was told it works fine.

And now to use a plug-in that I got for this blog writer.

Night, or morning as it seems to be 4:14am on my side of the world.

Quote of the Day:
Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.
--Dr. George Washington Carver

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