It's not fun not having anything to say because you are afraid to go outside because of how cold it's getting, and you don't have a job to drag you out there, that you speak bad about later while you drink some ginger garlic tea so you could do it again tomorrow.
*Spinning around in the chair.* (if I had a chair to spin in). Do you remember when I said how I was starting to not want to work the more I was out of work? Ya, I'm getting there again. It's a little morally depressing. But I do try to have some house work done before my mom gets back from work once I wake up before she gets home. A few times she has walked in to see starting to wash the dishes. I like it better when she gets home and I've made the bed, washed the dishes, cleaned up the kitchen, and had something done for dinner. But most of the time when I'm thinking of doing dinner, she calls to ask what I'm making and I can get her to bring something home for it, or to get some to go with the meal like already cooked chicken. So she can eat as soon she gets home.
Currently my hair is a pure wreck. I've eaten things that I shouldn't have just because I didn't really think of cooking today and spoiled something that I was good for me because I left it out of the fridge too long when I was defrosting it. I watched a few things on the computer an got a few more hentai manga for uploading to my esnips site. The link is over there. I have to sort and zip and make a cover page and such. I have a mother board that looks like it doesn't want to get updated, and the fax line/connection that we have isn't working and I'm suppose to call the phone company for some help on that one then if it's not the phone line, then I'm calling the maker of the printer. I'm sure that I will be calling the printer people.
Then I almost fell into dept to the tune of about $2500. I didn't really expect anything to happen, and I was treating it as something to just fill time and treat as a joke, but then I thought that it might be real at one point. It was for one of those mystery shopper jobs. I expected to be asked for a fee, and I would say forget it. I expected them to send me to some site that I would have to sign up with, I expected a few ways this would end. If you aren't asking me to sign something saying that I worked for you and getting my SSN for taxes, it wasn't real. But they said that I was on their list, and I was in group 5 and my first job would be to go to a wal-mart an a money gram place and evaluate them and they have sent me everything that I would need to do these two jobs in a fed-ex package. Ok... I thought and waited for the package. Incase it was real, I looked up two places to go. The closest wal-mart was in NJ.
I got the stuff very late in the day... and it was way lighter than I expected, and nothing in there was what I expected. I had a paper that didn't look like I should have gotten it, and three money orders each being $830. Ok.. what gives. I sent them an e-mail telling them what I got, and asked what gives mostly, but in a very nice way. I got something back from them saying that the paper was a mistake, here was what I was suppose to do, but the money orders where right. It seems that I was suppose to cash them at my bank, take $50 for transportation. $100 to spend at wal-mart, $200 was my pay, and they rest was suppose to sent back to them because it had to be over $2,000 for whatever reason to help evaluate the money gram place. Everyone but me was a bit more worried about the last part. But I did write them back saying that if the money orders were cleared by my bank I would have it all done by 2pm the next day. From the time I got the package I was given 48 hours to get the evaluations completed and sent back via e-mail.
By that night everyone was really worried about it and I saw that something was up with the addresses. One, the address was different on the money orders, then what was on the fed-ex package, and the place I was sending it too. The money orders were from a bank in TX, the place that I would be sending the $2000+ via money gram was also in TX, but they came from NJ. So I called up the phone number on the money order to the bank in TX. If anyone would be able to tell me if they were real or not, it would be the place that they supposedly came from. I called too late, so I called them first thing the next day. I had to call them back a second time because the first e-mail address that I got didn't work. I was sending them scanned copies of the money order for them to look over, but this was just to make really sure, because during the first call, I was told that they weren't any good after we realized that there wasn't a date on any of them. It said void after 90 days, but there wasn't a date to count from. I got back an answer in like 2 hours or so, I don't remember, but they weren't any good and the matter was sent down to their fraud department. I sent them back another e-mail saying that I found this this place, and there they were looking for people all over NY, and that they will be getting more of the same soon.
Then a day later, the people who sent me money orders e-mailed me asking about my evaluations. I told them that the bank didn't clear the money orders and that they sad that this was a scam, and that this was the end of my dealings with them.
I could have used that money, but that is what they are working on when they send this stuff to you. Next thing you know, in a month's time, the bank will come looking for you to pay back the money when the bank the money orders came from said that they weren't real.
Oh, my mom is on vacation. Ya, nothing great there, except I can look at porn sites without looking over at my shoulder to make sure that she is still asleep. While she is gone it would be nice to find a job, but I'm not holding my breath, but I do have to try to get the fax service to work again. My sister was trying to send papers to the phone people about her stolen cell so she could get it replaced, but the fax only worked the first two times, and when we tried to send the papers back again with additional information they wouldn't go. I spent 4 days trying to send them, but it was always an incomplete call and nothing was sent. So I have to try and get that fixed before she comes home.
Other than that, I think that I might start re-writing my old stories. When I was looking for work, I saw that some people were looking for new stories and I know that my stuff needs to be re-done badly. So I may start that this week while I have so much freedom.
Well, that's about it.
Have a better Christmas than me if I don't get to say merry christmas to you before the day shows up. :)
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