December 22, 2005

Yahoo! Widgets - Yahoo! Weather Widget: Get local weather conditions and forecasts on your desktop

Yahoo! Widgets - Yahoo! Weather Widget: Get local weather conditions and forecasts on your desktop


Ya I'm late again today.

I just wondered into 10pm without even feeling it. Granted I had a nap with Nika at 5pm, but I was up an hour later. She wouldn't wake up for another 2 hours. And she was saying that she wasn't tried at the time.

Everyone is asleep now.

I didn't go out with Nika after all, but we did a lot of things together and such. Jhodie did go fishing and she came back with a big fish. She's saying it a barracuda. I'm not sure. But it's gutted and all seasoned in the fridge. Jhodie came back and just cleaned up, after she cleaned the fish in the sink. It was just three so she didn't make a big mess.

My uncle came by. He's trying to hook things up and thought I could help just because it concerned part of the computer.

We also gave him the money for the case of drinks. We aren't getting the malts after all. Not enough money. I also asked him about the guy. All the details are still not there, but the wife didn't live, and his mother died the next day from shock. There is only one young boy and he is staying at a teacher's house he said. The cops are talking to the older boys. It sounds like they could be like 20 something.

I completely missed my night's line up of stuff on BBC America. Oh, my tv went dark. Just like that 5 or so hours ago. I at first thought that I pressed a button on the remote when I sat up, but we couldn't find a button that did that. It looks like Emerald will have to come back and have a look at it again. I expected something like this to happen yesterday. :)

Oh, that heartburn antacid pill that I took gave me nausea. I had to think hard about other things or I would have thrown up last night. I wonder if this is why the person sold them. That they had some kind of side effect from them also.

Ok, now to talk about the link that I sent you. It's for a widget. A widget is like a clip on for installed software on your computer that displays or runs a small action for you from the desk top. The most common one are clocks and your weather. They are also very pretty to look at most of the time.

I found this one as you can see from yahoo weather. I was surprised, and tempted to see how well it worked and what were the other widgets they had to offer at this time. But I can't. And I'm sure that most of you can't either. One of the system requirements is that you have to have 512 megs of Ram. Ha! I don't have that much at work.

If you happen to have that much power(ram) under your hood let me know how it goes if you decide to try it out.

I got back my acid thing again tonight. Not really thinking of taking the pill. I already used one of my Eno's so I'm not rushing to use my last one yet. Reallife comics wasn't up today, and I'm going to see if I can get anything done on this desktop tonight. I've already packed away what there was to pack away. She didn't cook tonight. Just set a bread to bake in the machine.


December 20, 2005

I have an Issue with an actor.

Not so much the person themselves, but a part they play.

The elf from the Fellowship of the Ring movies and then played in Troy. It's the part he plays in Troy that I don't like.

I loved him in the Ring movies, and it took me a long time to recognize him with out the long blond hair, but here, I hate him. He started the Trogon war?? This hard headed boy who would have done his current family a favor of he could have chosen to have been born to a lesser family. His brother didn't deserve that.

And that I had to see after watching Back to the Future III.

Ok, back to my day... I intend not to stay up until 4am today. I did that last night and I set my day off to a late start. It would have started later if Emerald didn't show up banging on my windows. Ya, she really came. That was one of the things I didn't get to mention in last's night blog.

When we were in town we ran into her. Emerald is the lady that was suppose to come by and fix our tvs like 2 months ago but forgot or the rain or something. We have been trying to get her to come and fix them for like a year it seems. Today she finally came. Around 11 may be 10 she came by. Jhodie went to town to get mouse glue traps. I expected her to be back in like an hour. She came back three hours later. She went to the bank, she went card shopping, she picked up a few more things then a few glue traps. I think she said she did something else, I just can't remember what it is right now. She got back I tried to go back to sleep. I can't do that again. I will have to be up earlier tomorrow and try and take Nika out nature walking like I wanted to do on Sunday or some other day earlier in the week. We were stopped by rain.

BTW... it's almost like we have new tvs again. It only took her like 4 hours. *grin* Jhodie offered to bake her a banana bread for fixing them for us. I think she's family. We have so many family members. The whole 5th cousin once removed and such deal.

The other thing that I was going to tell you about isn't a nice thing. Yesterday morning I think, Lyn called Jhodie up to let her know that the guy who ran the sandwich shop in town was dead. The "Why Not Have A Sandwich" shop that is. His wife might be paralyzed and in the hospital with their kids. Someone(s) broke into their house.

This didn't happen when I was a kid, but these days every week it's something. We weren't sure it was true until we passed the place and saw someone had put flowers in the door. I don't like how this going. I knew him. We were by no means friends or anything. But he talked to me a few times when I was there, and I saw him around the place often enough. Now I'm afraid about how my kitchen door is set up. I may not have much, but they brake into places where they think people have money. That is how this guy up in Wade's Garden died. That is one way I don't want to go.

On to something a bit more claming. Jhodie brought back four cards. They were all Christmas cards, but they went all over. One was for mommy, one was for our grandmother, one was for Uncle Ben, and one was for .... ah, now I remember. Nika is going to a birthday party soon, so Jhodie got a card for the birthday boy.

While Jhodie went back to town to post the other cards, I got up and did some dishes. I finished after Emerald left. I cleared both sinks, and wiped down most of the table. Today I thought that I was going taste a home made meal again, and I was almost right. Oh... I remember what else she got. Fish. She stopped to buy fish in town. She said that she will be going fishing tomorrow since she can catch fish bigger then the ones she bought. She was late in getting there to buy any so no big ones were left. She was thinking of going out early but changed her mind with all the odd ball people out there now. Nika and I will stop by at one point if not stay for a while. I'll soon see.

It's now midnight down here. Once again I'm the only one awake. I'm watching information on the strike in NY. I would hate having to walk to work this time of the year over the bridge. I have yet to walk over that thing for how many years I lived there. I walked up to it once on the Manhattan side, then I turned around and walked back into china town. *grin*

Oh back to dinner that is now causing me pain. Jhodie made dumplings to go with the chicken she started cooking last night but didn't finish. The dumplings were great, but now I have acid reflux or just very bad heart burn. I don't which one it is yet, but since I want to go to bed a bit earlier I took one of the heartburn pills that Jhodie got me at the last seventh semester sale. I have to pack up the rest of the fish after I put Nika in her bed before I go to bed myself. It doesn't say how long it could take before I stop tasting acid in the back of throat. The most I can give it is an hour. The box said that I can't take more then 2 in one day so I hope that means it works well because it is very strong. I also guess this means that I can't take an Eno now either. I was going too take one of the two Enos that I had, but I thought I should go for the pill since it should be stronger and maybe faster. I think it's been 20 mins already.

Nika likes playing Aloha Solitaire, and she's getting good at it. She's up to level 5 I think. She's played it twice for the day.

That's it. Nothing else... take care. Sorry if you live in NYC.

December 19, 2005

Hi Ya.

I'm getting set right now to start washing some dishes again.

I did the same thing last night. I did some dishes before bed until around 3am. Well it wasn't all I was doing, or I wouldn’t be doing it again tonight. I did some computer stuff, answered some e-mails for a forum that I'm giving help on, and found a few things to download.

Yesterday, as in Sunday, since it's now 1:21am, I tried my hardest to get a decent amount of sleep before really getting up for the day. Nika fell asleep early, then woke back up around 10 or so, so I was left with her while my sister went to sleep around 11. She had a job on Sunday. It was an early one too. She was going to clean as the student packed up to leave. She got a few things to bring back from that job and the one she had on Saturday.

That morning was kinda easy with Nika. It's when the phone rang after Nika settled down to watch her shows, and Uncle Ray showing up to drop off he newest kid while he left to do something, is when sleeping got hard. He said that he was going to gone for 30 mins. He got back a little over an hour later.

Oh, and did I mention that Nika fell asleep on my bed? Ya, and a scant 3ish hours later, I was calling to my sister who got up to use the bathroom around 6 to come and put Nika in her bed because she had some how backed me up against the head board and onto my side. My leg was getting heavy and I needed to move. I was so happy when she moved her off my bed. I have a big bed. We were two feet apart when I fell asleep around 3:30, and I woke up being muscled into my head board. How does that happen??

Well Jhodie got home around 1 and she let me get back to sleep for like 2 more hours, then we were up and a few hours later she was trying to find an outfit that she could wear to a church thing and still look good. Nika was dressed and everything. It was a Christmas party that the church down the street had invited them too. Jhodie couldn't find anything that she liked that didn't look out of place, so we went into town instead and let Nika ride her scooter to make up for it. We took the way that had the most side walk so she could have a good time of it. We ended up going at sunset, and as we opened the door to walk out, there was Peter.

He walked with us for most of the way. Every time we got to the curve Nika had to get off and walk across the street. He said that he didn't see the point in her riding it if she had to get off so often. I had a better come back than what my sister came up with. We knew what the streets were like, and my sister still wanted her to have it. If he thought that the sidewalk wasn't the best place for her to ride her scooter, then he should find a place that she cane play with it or find someone that can make a place. But as it stands, we were using what we had.

Either which way. We really just went to the supper market to get a sponge that Lyn had taken out of our shopping bag back to Nevis with her. We had only gotten one, so we had to replace it. We got there and got three things. An apple, a small pack of tissues, and some spinach buns. They didn't have any sponges. We looked all over. Then we walked into town, but took a turn down to the lower street so Nika could still ride her scooter. It was Sunday night so there weren’t many cars. We went all the way to the bank and take off a few dollars. We got there, walked up the steps to find out that she didn't have the card to open the atm door never mind get money off the bank. We had some money. We had the money that Uncle Ben sent us.

We ended up getting take out since it was now too late to cook dinner. We were in and out of Kim Shaws with our rice and chicken. Once again, it was Sunday night, not many people around. When I first went in I thought that I saw someone from school. A student who was a friend of mine, but I didn't remember until after we left that, that student had already left a semester or so ago. The little things that you forget.

We got home ok, Nika had a little to eat, then fell asleep on my arm in the couch around 10. A few mins later Jhodie was out too. I once again stayed up to do some downloading like I said way at the top of this post and the dishes thing.

Today we had to pay down on the HUGE lights bill. One student came in and put down credit on a lights bill. Over $1,500. ?? I don't know why. Jhodie didn't have the lights bill after all so I had to stand in a line that wasn’t moving to get a print out of our bill. It wasn't really a print out. They would look up your name on the computer then right it out on a template for you to take to the casher to pay on. I was there with about 10 other people. The issues that a few of them had and they talked about them. They don't talk behind anyone's back. They were upset about stuff and they didn't care that the people were right there in front of them.

I had asked for the water bill from Jhodie so they would get the name and address right, and they still gave me someone else's bill. I picked up and read it since I saw her writing a bill for less then $200. I picked it up and it was for someone on upper Cayon Street. I told the lady that wrote it up that it wasn't my bill. She started to say that it was mine, then she read the address along with the one I gave her, and said sorry. The second one was right. I left three people still standing there who were in front of me.

Here is a small glitch. We had gone to the bank to change over the pounds that we got from our Uncle. Then we went to pay on the lights bill. What we forgot to do was go to our bank and take off the lights money. So we gave them everything we had and went back to the bank to get the money off the back to do the other stuff. But it seems that we paid them a little more with money that wasn't suppose to go towards that. I'm not really sure how it all was suppose to go since it was all in my sister's head. But we still have money to get some briceons (local soda pop in glass bottles. Fanta mostly) and some malts for Christmas. It will be the first time that we will have any such case in the house for Christmas since I was 10 years old. I think my mom was upset that he, our father, had also gotten some coke bottles in there too. We didn't drink coke a cola.

Either which way. We came back in town, go the money off the bank that we needed. Jhodie did that part too. Then went over to C & C and picked up the meat for the next two weeks long with my can of fruit and some veggies. We then went over to Ram's to use our refund check. Twice a year you get money back for everything you bought over the past six months. This last six months we spent way too much. I mean way too much. We got back $107. We spent over $5,000 in the last 6 months at Rams alone. Jhodie said that it was the extras that she got with her money that pushed us over the $100 mark. Grief! But to comfort me she said that she saw a fund for over $200 that someone else got. Well good for them. We had one from C&C too. That one was for $5 and change. That covered my fruit.

Now I have to go and do some dishes before going to bed. It's now 2:20am now. I've been on here way too long.

I have some other things to say, but I don't see much going on tomorrow so I'll save it for later.

See ya.

The time is now 2:40 and I’ve finished spell checking and such. I don’t know how many dishes I’ll get done now. I have to at least clear one sink.


December 17, 2005

I like the car I can't buy and can't drive.


I went to this site, and it and it said that this car (pic up top) is the kind of car I should get from them, and I like it and the price they gave me. Granted I'm sure I would end up tacking on a few more things to raise the price. But since this is a car and not a computer, I won't be able to a tack on much more since these add on are expensive add ons. *grin*

Well today was the last day of the semester and last day for me for 2 weeks. Ron quickly forgot that I wasn't going to be here for most of break. Oh speaking of which. In stead of working a week when I get back, I will only be working 2 days during break. We will be closed for the 2 and 3 of January.

The lunch had one ok, two hitches. One Collin didn't pick anything and I missed it when I ordered twice. One of meals that was picked by two people had to be changed. But since all the meals came in parts, and Rick ordered two things, he was able to have a meal after all. The second hitch being, that after we had all eaten, they would have liked normal food. There was a lack of seasioning that most of them agreed on with the food. And to a point I agreed. Next time I'm sure everyone is going to go for local food. Ron loved his meal.

He told us of some changes and of all the holidays that we were getting this brake and that we were getting more interns. More?? Collin also got the whole brake off. How did that happen?

I kinda of wish that I was there for the christmas lunch now that I think I'm getting along with other staff members better and the teachers, but I'm not so willing to eat in public.

Work was low today. We closed at 4 so I closed up, and I got in at 11. Nice ha? *grin* I showed up. Restarted the computers from the last exam. Took down the shades, and opened up the doors. Which turned out to be not locked after all.

I finished up the input of the rooms assignments for the classes. I cleaned up the annoucement page and folder. I hadn't cleaned out that folder in about a year I think. It looks so empity now. I came up with our brake hours a bit to soon. I had it all done up before we had lunch and that was at 1:15 or so. I ended up having to change part of it. It's a good thing I hadn't printed out two copies to post on the doors. Wait, I did. :(

At 4:10 when I was the only one there, I called my siser to let her know that the girl hadn't come by for the money yet. Last week Lyn had asked if I could lend her $50 so she could buy a computer desk for a computer she just got. She isn't geting paid until later this week so I said sure. We tried calling the girl last night, but she never picked up, so my sister tried to leave her a voice mail. Her voice mail was full. So we sent her and e-mail from my ross account incase she had internet at home. I told her that she could call here until midnight. I think she called the house sometime this morning, and she was going to drop off the desk then come to school to get the money from me, and that is where the phone call comes in. I called at 4:15 or so to let Jhoide know that the girl wasn't here yet, and we were closed. Turns out the girl was going to come by later in the afternoon with out letting us the time. So Jhodie thought that she was late and called her again and found that she was coming soon. So I decided to stay a bit longer and wait for her and see how the repair of the front desk computer went. Gary, one of the new guys, said that it seems to be find now. Ya, until I start to use it. And there were issues. Issues I didn't want to see, but tried to work around them until the girl came. At 15 to 5 she hadn't shown yet, and I called home and she hadn't come by there yet either. Ok, I'm going home. I told Jhodie and packed up to come home.

I didn't have to wait long, I got one as I got up there, and as I'm leaving in one of the new nice buses, I looked at the line of new palm trees that they just planted that week. I saw them Thursday night when I was waiting forever for a bus. Right now they look a little skinny, but once they perk up and fill in, it's going to look great. They also placed some of those plams in a spot on campus that I just took a picture of. A week after I took the pic I saw holes, then two days later there were 3 or 4 plams, then they put in the last one a few days ago.

I came home to see Jhodie and Nika going out to let Nika play on her new scotter. Then a little bit after they got back we went by a friend of Jhodie's to help with her computer. Then we had chicken and chips for dinner. Nika only waned two johnny cakes, and right after she ate, she fell asleep in the couch.

Internet has been out for the past 6 hours. That is why I'm just now blogging. I number of people along wth me are starting to really get ticked of at the cable for how offten and long they drop internet acess for us. I might be able to afford DSL after Jhodie leaves.

Well I made myself clean up alot of dishes, Jhodie was suppose to was some also, but ending up not doing any tonight. Which is fine. She has work Sat and Sunday I think. She had to ask the girl that we went to see tonight to take another job for her this weekend.

I think that's it. I'll just let this download tenchi while I go to bed. I's realy late now. It's 2:40am.

Night. Posted by Picasa

December 15, 2005

Not a bad day.

Most of today was an odd spill over from yesterday.

The job that Ron had for me I was given late today to do.

Yesterday I was called up the Admin office to help one of the Assoc. Deans with his adjustment to office 2003. Today I was up there and I was talking with another staff person from that office, and he came out of his office and heard us talking and asked me if the guy was giving me a hard time. Then he said that, jokingly that no one was to give me a hard time. We laughed. Aren't I special? *grin*

The reason why I was even up there was to finish up some of the lunch thing for tomorrow. I called so many places today asking them what their menu was going to be for tomorrow's lunch. A few places I called didn't serve lunch. You don't really get "normal" food at these places. I was calling up restaurants, so what did I expect. After calling up like 12 places I picked Marshall's, but there turned out to a misunderstanding. They didn't serve lunch, so I had the next one down on my mental list. Serendipity. Just like the movie. It's actually down the street from me. Didn't even know it was there. It's next to OTI.

A few people weren't happy with my choice. They wanted "normal" food. One person wanted stewed chicken, one person wanted a fish plate, and one wanted the simple of the simple. Rice, peas and chicken. It was almost insulting to ask the restaurants if they served that. One person was just going with what Ron said about not worrying about price, and asked for a sea food platter that can easily cost $90. Maybe less if we went to the place he wanted which was King's Place. I might suggest we get lunch from there next time. One guy who had his birthday today, wanted to get lunch from BET Soundstage. Ha! I don't even think they were opened for lunch. I called and called and on one answered. Besides, they didn't have that much of a range, and only one person wanted something from there. I'll see if I can get a scan copy for you to see. One person wasn't there to pick anything so I sent him and e-mail letting me know, and two went A WALL on the idea. Ron doesn't understand why since he loves the food at this place.

The last part of my shift was me the project from Ron and my Music. I put on my head set, cranked up the volume and lip synced my heart out. I just two odd pages left to work out, but I got the bulk of it done before I rested my back and came home. I left work like 20 past 7 and then ended up waiting like 20-30 mins for a bus to come along and it was cold and windy out. Then I find out that someone who was on the bus has been paying attention to me and knew where I got off. He started off by saying that he wants me to his girl friend. Ha! I'm still waiting for G to take me or drop me like a rock when I show up on his door step in 9 months or so.

So when this guy started to bug me and such and asked if I had a boyfriend I fibbed and said yes. Then he asked me if I was married. Ha?? Why would I have a husband if I had a boyfriend?? If I looked that disloyal, why was he trying so hard?? I don't even know what to call him.

I quickly left his company when my stop came, and I came home to Nika and her new scooter. She also had new clothes. The scoter she paid for with some of the money that Uncle Ben sent us for Christmas. The clothes she paid with her own money, and they were on sale. But she still got like 8 new outfits for her and some new underwear.

Dinner was the chance two for the potatoes and KFC. I say chance two for the potatoes because they didn't taste like they were fully cooked last night, so she tried to finish cook them today. They seem to be resisting the process. *grin*

Well it's late and everyone is in bed. Nika I think fell asleep on her own. She went shopping with Jhodie today. And about an hour ago Jhodie went in. I'm still here because of that e-mail that I had to send out and to type up my blog for the day.

I was kindly asked to put up some of the shopping. Yes, it's still on the floor and kinda close to the door still. I so do feel like crashing right now, but I do feel like putting a few things up before I do.

Today it felt like it was Friday. I knew it wasn't, but every now and again I had to remind myself that I had one more day left.

Oh, St.Jean came for his cds about 10 mins after I finished helping his wife with a movie clip. Due to bad or no dinner from the night before I couldn't pack a lunch like I did for yesterday so I paid for lunch today. A small salad and small fries. $10. Not bad.

Oh, the front desk computer is having issues. I don't really think it was wiped the first time around.

I had to delete what I had downloaded of Tenchi Universe because the subtitles were in Spanish. I wasn't planning on learning two languages. I trying again and its slow going. I expected it to be faster since there were nine seed for the torrent, but what do I know?

Ok… I think that was my day... now I'm off to do something. I'll try and put some things again and then crash, but I have to be bed by 2am.


... Sorry no grammer check tonight.

December 14, 2005


I spent the last 3 hours of my shift being very mad at the students at school today.

But before my shift started to go down hill I spent some time on this site. Samorost2

It's an interesting web site game. I've heard of these games, but I've never played any. I don't think that I could have won at the other games, but this I liked and wish I could play the rest of it. It was fun trying to figure out what I had to do next to continue the story. If you know of other games like this, leave a comment with a link would you?

My day started ok. It would have been better if my boss didn't walk up behind of me as I walked onto campus at 11:20. He even asked why I was getting here at 20 past. I held my tongue and didn't try to sound like and excuse maker. Then we started to talk about work. Work he didn't send me after all.

I had some e-mail to get back to people on. I reminded Ron about something that was suppose to be done, and I started my little project of planning and getting lunch for all of us this Friday.

I might be getting my hands on come local music that I want for a picture screensaver of St.Kitts. I just have to hear alot of it before I settle or find one that I like. Which ever comes first.

Rick had me burn him a copy of six local music cds that lead me to burning two cds of a cd I got from the library when I took back the on that I did last week, to doing the set for St.Jean. Doing the set for St. Jean lead me to be on the LRC floor for 3 hours. I wanted to use three computers to burn the cds, but for some reason the computers with the flat panels had more people there than any other spot on the floor. So I just got two computers. I got my water, got a book and tried to play some music while I burned 90 cds. So now I have 91 cds for St.Jean. I'm sure he will say that he wants more, but how much I don't know. I should send out the e-mail before I go to bed tonight, but I think I'll test out one or three of them before I do call him out.

I'm better now. I not as ticked off at the student body as I was earlier. I still don't have any eggs for Jhodie. I picked up Nika from B's shop, and I hammered the gate back up. It didn't fall off, it was just close to falling off.

Carnival music met me as I came home tonight. They have four speakers at the end of one of the blocks close to my house on the main road. And it's still going and it's 10:03 now.

Speaking of my house... her's a pic. Free Image Hosting at

I took that pic with the cam from the teacher. Not bad. Most of my pics came out rather good that day and the next.

That's about it.... two more days then I'm on vacation time. I will be walking a fair bit this vacation just so Nika isn't stuck in the house for most of the day. I just wish I had a camera to take some more pics. I guess I could ask my uncle for his. I just wish the battery life was longer. Either which way, I like the teacher's alot better.

This is the one he has.
Free Image Hosting at
Nikon Coolpix 8800

Ok.. that's it. Off to spell check.

Ok, I’ve spelled check and such… night.

Oh… the music has now stopped.

December 13, 2005

cute gift and my monday... some of today.


What do you think? Here's the link if you want to know more. mobiBLU Cube

Wal-Mart has great pics of this little mp3 player. Ya, it's an mp3 player incase you didn't realize that.

It's so small and cute, and it has a protective case also. I just wish that my ears weren't so small so I could use the ear buds that came with them. I have to use a normal head set if I ever got this, and it would be so fun to have this. Just for what other people would say when they saw it and asked what it was. *grin, grin*

When ever you’re willing to send me a small gift, let me know, I'll send you my address.

*back to the real world*

We got back from dinner an hour ago.

Ya, we actually went out for dinner tonight, and Jhodie flipped for the bill. We went to subway. Total came to $53 I think. One kid's meal at $9.17, two subs at 6" and two drinks.

Nika didn't go to school today. She wasn't sick, she was just tired. She woke up at 4am and didn't go back to sleep until 8am or so, and stayed kinda asleep until 11:30am. Jhodie went to work around 1pm so I had to get up and look after Nika. I did that for about 5 or so hours, then I crawled back in bed. I went to sleep late this morning. I went into bed just as Nika had gotten up. She asked me for a something to eat, and I told it was too late and she had to go back to sleep. It was this morning that that found out that she stayed up. At least she got to see Winnie the Pooh. That show comes on so early, that she never sees it.

I then got a nap for about 30 mins to an hour. Then Nika came in my room and we played for a bit.... 30 mins or so then Jhodie came home. About an hour and half later we were leaving for Subway.

We got to town in time see that they were going to have some kind of Christmas show by the green clock. They had just plugged in some of the lights when we walked past the first time. On our second past on the way home they were playing some very old, country Christmas story song. I had expected live entertainment, not that, but as we were turning off the block we heard them play the national anthem. So I guess they were really getting started now and that was just to fill time.

We got home and Nika now says that she's hungry. She had two bites of her sandwich back at subway so she had something to eat on her. She got that, ate her chips, but still didn't eat that much of her sandwich again. I'm starting to wonder if she has something against eating bread.

Speaking of Nika eating, her bottom teeth are coming in. I think it's odd. None of her other teeth have come out yet, but her bottom two teeth are coming back in. I don't remember how it’s suppose to go. It has been 20 years since I was around anyone that age. I do have a hint in my head that you loose your milk teeth over a number of years.

Well right now it's 9:53pm. Nika has been put to bed since she will be going to school tomorrow. Jhodie has next to me asleep on my bed, and I'm watching Antiques Roadshow on PBS. I like that show. I also have the American Cash In the Attic on HGTV to watch tonight. I don't like it that much, but I'm more or less making myself watch it. Or I'll just be and English snob about some things. Then I have to wake up Jhodie for CSI 11pm our time if it's a new one.

Oh, how I found this little MP3 player. My sister found it really. She went looking for stuff. We were looking for a camera really. I was talking about how I so wish I had a digital camera now. I had gotten too use to having Uncle Ray's and the teacher's camera. Then we saw that, and my sister just gasped at the size. I told her that I had to blog this. She agreed.

And that's it.


I have been trying blog this for over 24 hours.

Internet died on my last night, and I waited for it to come back for 3 hours. Fininaly went to bed at 3am. Then it worked for my sister this morning, then when I went to use it at 2pm it was out again... kinda. My stuff was downloading but I couldn't get to a webpage to save my life.

Well see ya tomorrow.

As for today.. nothing much. Stayed in bed as much as possable... cleaned up the kitchen, did prep work for dinner which was great by the way... had Nika go by herself to a store to buy some baked chicken all by her self after we walked the route twice together. Jhodie was impressed when we told her.

Ok.. got to go. Posted by Picasa

December 10, 2005

Just when I was getting board.

.. some brakes a pipe in the boys bathroom.

Ya, my toes are cold and wet again, but I took my socks off this time. *grin*

I know that I never finished that blog for that day... the day that it rained and some decided to sneak in.

Here's a pic, (or 3) by the way. I found a why to get some snap shots off the tape yesterday. I'm suppose to be submitting them to the staff newspaper today, I just have to come up with back story to go with them, and pick a few choice shots.

, ,

I had just finished posting this link - PowerPuff Girl Doujinshi - a pdf of the link I posted earlier with all the pics in a nice little zip. You can get your mits on it too if you like it that much. I'm trying to think of a way to make some into decent wallpaper.

Anyway, like I said, I had just finished doing that and I didn't really have anything else that demanded my attention and I was wondering what to do, when I heard heels running towards my door. The boys bathroom was flooding again. Great. Where is the screw driver? The last time it broke I fixed it with a screw driver. I just turned it off so it so it could be really fixed later, but that wouldn't work this time. The whole thing came off. It was just a pipe with water shooting out at you. So I had to call paintfield. ....

Ok.. I'm starting to hear sounds like I might loose power. So I'm posting this now.... I'll come back later with the pics of the last flood we had like 2 months back.

Back ....

It just hit me that I should have sent the story in to the Ross Newspaper so I could thank the students that helped. Three of them helped. I only got two of them on film however. I know the other one. He's the guy that gave me that lift home the other week when I was sick and got me the green tea.

Well that's just about it.

As for the rest of my work day.. I forgot to call a teacher and let him know to being in his laptop so we could work at getting this program he has on there fixed. I helped another teacher put some software on his laptop so he could do some work. One student brought a laptop to me that just didn't want to boot. (yes laptops, laptops)...and I'm currently working on that laptop again. So now I'm trying to find out why it freezes up and won't let her install software or surf. I'm tempted to believe that it's a messed up driver, but the device manager says everything is fine, and it did catch a virus after the second reboot.

Now, besides it taking forever to launch Norton, it seems better. Now watch it eat my words. :(

Well back to the current flood. The water has been turned off, but the water is just about at the door to come into the lab. That's a good 20 foot hallway that leads to the bathroom. He has to call the cleaners (house keeping) now to mop up the mess and see if the ceiling downstairs has caved in or not. I think it did the last two times.

Ok.. it's after ten. I have pictures that I'm converting for a teacher while I wait for the virus scan to finish, and then maybe defrag it, a scan disk, then reconnect it to the net so it can download and install MSN messenger for her, then try to install the software she wanted on there in the first place. WordPerfect.

Take care. Stay dry.

not in the mood

I would feel like blogging, know what I'm going to say then I get the chance, and I didn't want to.

I would then try to blog a link like this one. "Updated PowerPuff Girls Online Comics" then it wouldn't blog and after trying for like 15mins I would just give up and go do something else.

I'm not even sure when last I talked about something.

I know that I haven't blogged for at least 2 days. Make that 3. My almost day off today doesn't count. I call this my almost day off because I don't go into to work until 4pm.

Let's see. Thurseday was, forgetable. Wednesday I remember something of. I met the newest guy. He started that Monday. We had a meeting that at 11:30. We had and exam to set up for. Three of the guys were impressed with my restart program for the floor. Oh, did I talk at all about Wednesday when I came in and found out that E had reckecd the computer she uses? I came in on Wednesday to find that it had somehow obtained the virus that recked that labtop that I told you about a month or so back. The one where I started to rewrite parts of the registry.Well that is the one that took out the computer. We have pulled it back like 2 or so time from near death, and that week she killed it. I say it's her because she spends the most time on it, and as far as I know, has done nothing to keep her profile clean. I haven't even been able to use the computer in weeks since I don't night shift anymore really. In fact, I think the first and last time I used it for the semester was last week Sunday or so for a 2 hours.

Well for what ever reason, it won't be really worked on until today because the person who was given the project had thrusday and friday off, and is working this weekend. Don't know what happened Tueday, but on Wednesday he thought that he could clean it or something. He found out that he to do clean install. All the programs that I have to reinstall. Do you know how many programs I have to reinstall?

As for thursday I almost finished a project that Collin had given me, but he gave me more on Friday. Today I should finish it. On Friday I stopped in on a teacher before I came down to the office. I thought that thursday was going to be a good day since two of the guys were off island, but E just added to my todo list since she didn't want to do something. I had movies to split for a teacher, I had a match converting going on of some pictures for the teacher that I saw at the start of my shift, and don't forgot the expansion of the project that Collin had given me.

And what was it that she couldn't do? Make two copies if a disk for Ms Cummberbatch, The head of the library. She said that burner in M's computer, which she has to use now, was too slow, and as far as I can tell, she just didn't want to use the one of the 8 on the floor, but guess what burner I had to use since I was spilting the video on my computer? One on the floor.

I was in the middle of all the students during one of the busy times of the day, and at first I felt odd. I haven't really been on the floor in a while. I was just about ready to put in the first blank to make one of the two copies, when E calls me over. She wanted me to go up to an office because one of the girls from fin aid said that she had a sign up on her desktop saying she had be infected with spyware. Ha? I looked back at my off where three things have gone wrong I'm sure. I expect 2, but I will get three. I have something going on on the floor that student's can't get their hands on, and now this because two guys have left, one was on lunch, and E was sitting at the front desk waiting for the guy who was lunch to come back so she could leave. I just walked back over to the cds, put the blank in the drive, went to check on the project, fixed a few things there, checked on the movie, then checked on the batch converting, then I went to fin aid.

I'll have to finish this later, it's time for me to go wash my hair and start to get ready for work. I'll do the seciond half tonight.

Yes, I know that some of my days aren't capped.

December 07, 2005

Fwd: Recipe for Black Cake

Black cake is a cake that all West Indians enjoy. Usually this cake is made in the Christmas season and given as a present to relatives and friends. How could you possibly have Christmas festivities without it?! However, this cake can be enjoyed anytime during the year so go ahead and try making it. I'm sure you'll like it.

* 3 oz dried fruit, mango, papaya (pawpaw), pineapple, red cherries
* 2 oz raisins, currants, chopped dates
* 3 eggs
* 2 teaspoons (tsp) vanilla (optional)
* 2 tsp browning sauce
* 1-1½ cups dark rum
* 1¼ cups flour
* 1 tsp baking powder
* 1 tsp ground cinnamon
* ¾ cup firmly packed dark brown sugar
* ½ cup (1 stick) softened butter
* ½ cup chopped pecans
* ½ tsp almond extract (optional)
* ½ tsp ground nutmeg
* ¼ tsp ground cloves
* ¼ tsp salt
* Confectioners sugar icing


1. Finely chop dried mango, papaya (pawpaw), pineapple and red cherries.
2. Place in a large bowl with the remaining fruits.
3. Pour enough rum over to cover; Then cover and allow to stand overnight or in a refrigerator for about one week or longer.
4. Line bottom of 9x5x3 loaf pan with wax paper.
5. Grease paper and sides of pan; Then dust with flour.
6. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
7. In a bowl, beat butter and brown sugar until fluffy.
8. Add eggs one at a time, beating in vanilla, almond extract, and browning sauce if desired.
9. Drain fruits, reserving the rum. Measure ¼ cup rum and reserve remainder (if necessary, add additional rum to make a ¼ cup.
10. Sift together the dry ingredients.
11. Add ingredients to mixer bowl alternatively with the ¼ cup rum, beating just until there is a combined fold in fruits and nuts.
12. Turn into prepared pan and bake for 55 to 60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
13. Let it cool in the pan for 10 minutes; Then let it cool on a wire rack.
14. If desired, soak cheesecloth in rum and wrap the cloth around the cake.


* Amount of certain ingredients may vary depending on your tastes, such as the amount of rum.


Other West Indian Dishes


I got that today, but I have to add a few things.

When the cake is just about finished or finished ( you stick a tooth pick in and when it comes out it clean it's finished). Well you pour rum over the cake and put it back in the over oven for about 15 mins. Just to burn out the alcohol out of the rum. Now this does not take away much from the punch of the rum that you will get when you bit into it.

I may come back later with way it's done on St. Kitts. but you have to have this for Christmas.

Well I did take Nika to town today, but she asked to go to that place again. Kidz Zone if you remember. Well I waited to go until after 4pm thinking that when we got there she could be playing with other kids. I was wrong. It was just about as empty as always. So she played on one thing, had a drink then I tried to get her to get something good to eat, but she didn't want anything which turned out to be a good thing. We were suppose to get some sour cream for Jhodie and we ended up getting a big box of juice.

We got home at 6 and like 10 mins later Jhodie walks in.

Everyone has gone into their bed. Nika has been out since 7:30 or so. She woke up with issues, and the issues went away the min Jhodie went to her day job. I was still bad this morning. So my day was mostly a wash other than going to town with Nika this afternoon.

Tonight I mostly watched the first and second part of Triangle with Jhodie on the SciFi network tonight. Both parts were 2 hours long. I'm off to bed more or less now.

It's 1:24am, and I didn't wash my hair like I wanted, and I have to set out my cloths for tomorrow.

Take care. I'll catch up with you later.

I can tell you this. I'm starting to look forward to my two weeks off.



- There I share my life.

- There I have links to what use to be my life.

- There you can find out what I might want out of life.

December 05, 2005

The Wallpapers Are Up

Yea, I got around to posting my wallpapers for the month, and I even posted the well over due set for November.

Ya, that was short of me.

I'm back to add more. I almost went to sleep a few mins ago. Almost an hour ago, but I had to get up and read Nika her bed time story. It was Little Red Ridding Hood tonight.

As I'm plugging up the laptop I started to remember that I hadn’t told you about my other two days off from last week. I went out three times each day. I was out alot last week, and did a lot of walking. The first time the first day was to use the camera, and to tire out Nika. I still have to get that gallery going along with making a few of them in wallpapers. Today I just had to contend with posting my wallpapers and picking up Nika from school and helping my uncle with a few things, then come back home to water the plants before Jhodie got back from her afternoon job. We all got back like 40 mins before sunset if that much. I had just gotten home with Nika from Uncle Ray's house and I was walking back out with some water for the plants when Jhodie walks up the steps. She then proceeds to tell me why her shirt was wet. I thought that she had walked it from where she was cleaning, but no. It was from all the scrubbing she had to do.

Last week I went out two more times, once might have been for food. I just don't remember now. The next day I gone to town again to pay some bills, but I took the camera with me to take some more pics since that was my last day to have the cam off campus. It seemed I had a good day to be taking pics. I got a lot of pics, I just have to share.

Jhodie has work again tomorrow. I think she has the same afternoon job. She didn't get to finish today even though she was there for 4 hours. So I'm picking up Nika from school again tomorrow. I may take her to town and just walk around and get a bus back.

Nika is up and walking around now. She was no where near tired, so I let her come out of her room. It will be midnight by the time she goes to bed. Jhodie will not be happy. It's really hard to wake her up in the mornings. It's like she's just dead at times. One time I had to hit her really hard on her hand to get her to wake up. Jhodie thinks that she isn't getting enough sleep. She's been going to sleep at 9pm and wakes up around 7 or 8 in the morning. I hope it won't be too bad tomorrow.

I think that, that is about it. My cold is just about gone. I still have mucus clogging my nose and a scratchy throat. I'll have the last Theraflu thing tomorrow then that's it. I think I'll go have a green tea tonight before putting Nika to bed at midnight. A very nice russian gypsy at school who gave me a ride Saturday night said that I should take some green tea for me cold. I don't know how green tea could help a cold, I kind of think that it can help with keeping you from getting cancer, but helping to fight a cold seemed to have been a stretch for me.

Ok.. goodnight.

December 03, 2005


Miss. Jhoy E. Meade
IT Department
Ross University - St. Kitts Campus

Hi All:
Just want to update you with the new penalties that were passed in the St. Kitts-Nevis Parliament on Thursday December 1, 2005.
The Vehicle and Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill, 2005 went before the National Parliament with the following changes:  All quotes are in $EC.
The fine for driving an unlicensed vehicle increases from $400.00 to $1000.00; driving without a license from $400.00 to $1000.00 and if the offender was previously refused a driver's license the fine goes from $500.00 to $2000.00; fine for speeding is being increased from $500.00 to $2000.00.
Offenders found guilty of driving under the influence of drugs or liquor will have the fine increased from $2000.00 to $4000.00 and the term of imprisonment also increased from six months to one year.
The proposed fine for reckless or dangerous driving increases from $2000.00 to $4000.00 on summary conviction and from $4000.00 to $8000.00 on indictment and the term of imprisonment is also increased from "a term not exceeding four months" to "a term not exceeding one year."
The proposed fine for careless driving is also increased from $1000.00 to $2000.00; for racing or trial of speed from $1000.00 to $2000.00 and the term of imprisonment is also increased from "a term not exceeding four months" to "a term not exceeding one year."
A driver found guilty of refusing to stop and give his or her name and address when required to do so by a police officer, will now have to pay a fine of $1000.00.  The present penalty is three hundred dollars.
The proposed fine for various offences, such as throwing an object at a motor vehicle or driving a motor vehicle in a defective condition will be increased from $200.00 to $1000.00.
The fine for repairing a motor vehicle on the street, except in case of accident is to be increased from $500.00 to $2000.00; for taking a vehicle without the consent of the owner from $1000.00 to $2000.00 and for fraudulent application for a drivers license from $1000.00 to $2000.00.
The bill was piloted through all three stages and also increases from $250.00 to $1000.00, the penalty for non-compliance with the provisions related to endorsement and compliance with an order.
The time for the service of Summons is also increased from 14 days to 21 days.
Additional Information/Tips:
I am asking those persons who like to take their jogs or walks, it is important that you walk or jog on the side of the road where you are facing the traffic, rather than having your back to the traffic.  If there is a need for evasive action you will be in a better position to see what is happening and do so. 
When driving around roundabouts, the driver should always give the right of way to the vehicle that is approaching on his or her right.
How expensive are your fines?   


- There I share my life.

- There I have links to what use to be my life.

- There you can find out what I might want out of life.

Yahoo! Personals
Skip the bars and set-ups and start using Yahoo! Personals for free

December 02, 2005


HACE - Mmm Free - for XP only :(

Ya!... I got back my "blog this" extension for Firefox.

The link is for some software that I picked up today.

I think that I was looking for software like this last year, but that was last year so I'm not sure. Me and my memory.

I'm using it now, and so far it's good.

Oh, I forgot to say what it is.

It shortens your right click menu. You know that every time you install something that thinks it belongs there you get one or up to 3 new things added right? Three things for your zip program, one for each picture program. View folder in or something like that. Then everything else that MS has or you didn't know you asked for.

This lets you cut it down to what you want and put what you sometimes uses into another subfolder.

Well enjoy.

I have a real cold today. So I'm using E's coat. My poor hands. I'm thinking of wearing it home, but it would so clash with my outfit, but then my outfit is so thin.

Sunday I start midnight shift.

I got my two weeks off after all.

I had my evaluation today. There wasn't much which is always good. A few things I didn't expect. One I knew was coming but I didn't expect it to be "fixed" in such a way. As the whole world knows I'm a bad speller. I feel that I'm getting better, but I keep forgetting to use the spell checker in Dreamweaver, so a few spelling mistakes have come up on the website. Since that is just all around bad, I have to have my work looked over before I can post it. Which is fine. It will make me use the spell checker more, and in time I mostly likely will be let loose again.

There was no talk of how late I was, I was just told to take better care of myself so I was sick less. I thought I did good this year. What? 2 weeks of sick leave for the year, maybe three? So I was asked to take more vitamins. My last sick leave as you was cold based.

The only thing that has really gotten me is that they want me to be more upbeat with the staff. I thought I was, but not enough it seems. They want that "Hi I'm Daisy" thing I do for students and teachers to be use on them too. I don't have that much will power. At heart I'm a very negative person. I do that at such times because it's part of my job, and at one point I was very happy here.

Now I remember I have something to type up and send to Collin. He was the one who had the evaluation with me. I have to spell out what I wanted to get certified in and I was given a little notice that I would become the manager of the Media Center. Great, so now I have to have management training. Oh well.

Take care.

I have to go type up something, finish the pics thing for one more cd for the teacher, and maybe get some wallpaper for my club on Sunday night, and my shift ends in 40 mins.

See ya.

December 01, 2005

Dr. K was nice to me today.

Not that he is ever not nice to me, but he reimbursed me for my lunch today. Lunch I almost wish I hadn't gotten for how it made me feel afterwards, but it was ok.

I had asked for a tuna sub as always, but at 1pm they were out of tuna so I got an egg salad instead with some fries. I kinda woke up late, ran into to work, got there like 15 past, and then went to get something to eat like I said around 1. I got the cam back to the teacher. I had brought it in yesterday but he wasn't there when I got time to take it up to him. I was way busy yesterday. I had forgotten to do something, and that something took almost my whole shift to do.

Well today I took it to him nice and early and returned his tapes so he could use them, since I couldn't. But before I gave it up I got a request from one of the guys on that e-mail I sent out with the gallery. I don't even think that I have gotten and e-mail from this one ever. Well he asked for pics of the LRC. He left before it was finished so he wanted to see what I looked like now.

Since we did the "expansion", the adding of about 12 new computers it looked a bit different then the pics I had of the place from before. So to the dismay of most of the students I took two pics. One when I was answering him back. I don't think it was that great, but taking more then one would be pushing my luck with a full lab. I tried one last time just before taking the cam back to him. In fact, I was half way out the door when noticed that the lab was just about empty, so it was safe to take another pic of flat panel computers, and maybe something to show that they tables where pushed together now.

I'll post those tomorrow. I may make another gallery of what it use to look and what it looks like now and the 24 hour room. Which by the way changed after I gave back the cam. They took some reading cubes from the library and put them there for extra study space.

Well I made it up, gave the cam and the tapes to the teacher. Told him that I was sad to give it up. It's a great cam. Gave him the pics that were on there before that he took, said thank you and left to get lunch.

That's when I ran into Dr. K. He's one the older teachers on campus. I think he got an XP computer with MS Office 2003 and isn't liking it very well. Just about everything changed for him and he was still learning how the other versions worked. I told him one day and I'll come over and he can just ask me Q's. He paid me back my lunch money because he said that he was going to take me out to dinner once. I completely forgot, so he said this was kinda the same thing. He said something funny that I don't remember, and I'm smiling while two other students where just laughing. He's sweet and I don't think he knew what he said. I don't remember what he said.

So I got my lunch, said good bye to him and went back down to eat before I had to go help someone at 2. I ate, thought something was up, did something on the computer and then he showed up. I was 2 already. Time moves.

We went to his office to install camera software. He didn't have the rights to do so. I then realized/ found out, that he also needed admin. rights to not only install the software, but to run it as well. He had to leave somewhere around 2:45 while stayed and finished up and such. I left his computer defraging.

The rest of my shift was left doing some resizing work, and wouldn't you know it, the teacher that this was for came by to say he likes how it was going. He had gotten a set on Monday, but I forgot to send him the e-mail telling him some where done until Tuesday.

We finally got around to running an XP repair on the laptop for the girl that couldn't get an IP from anywhere to get on line, yet her parts were in working order. I started it, but I couldn't stick around to finish it. I hope that it's not there when I get in tomorrow, but I'm sure I'm going to see it. One odd thing, a girl who was looking for her computer power cord took the other girl's instead. I told them to just use her's until they got the other one back, but they said that it wasn't fixed because Ron told them not to fix it. Yet, tonight I saw it plugged into her laptop.

I left the lrc to walk out into a cold Caribbean night. Right now it's telling me that it's 72 degrees out. I was chilly with the wind blowing in. Lucky me I didn't have to stand out there and wait for a bus. One came along just as I got there. Luckily me. Now I have a sore and scratchy throat, and my nose is running. Great. Just when I found out that my evaluation meeting is tomorrow at 11am. Yes, I'm going to be early for this.

My sister will be here to wake me up unlike today when she went to work. As far as I can tell she is booked for all of next week. We may beat the lights bill before it beats us.

I missed CSI:Vegas tonight. I was watching Tremors instead. I like all of the Tremors movies and the tv show. I did find out much to my dismay that I didn't post any wallpapers for this past month, and I have this month to post for now. I think that I'll post 8 this month to make up for it. Larry would have reminded me if he wasn't sick. I hope he's feeling a bit better now.

Well I should go now. At least I have some Hall's waiting at work for me. *grin* I think Nika had the cold first, then I got it, then Nika got it back again, now Jhodie has it, now it seems like I'm getting it again. *not grinning*

I'm going into my bed.
See ya...