I went to this site, and it and it said that this car (pic up top) is the kind of car I should get from them, and I like it and the price they gave me. Granted I'm sure I would end up tacking on a few more things to raise the price. But since this is a car and not a computer, I won't be able to a tack on much more since these add on are expensive add ons. *grin*
Well today was the last day of the semester and last day for me for 2 weeks. Ron quickly forgot that I wasn't going to be here for most of break. Oh speaking of which. In stead of working a week when I get back, I will only be working 2 days during break. We will be closed for the 2 and 3 of January.
The lunch had one ok, two hitches. One Collin didn't pick anything and I missed it when I ordered twice. One of meals that was picked by two people had to be changed. But since all the meals came in parts, and Rick ordered two things, he was able to have a meal after all. The second hitch being, that after we had all eaten, they would have liked normal food. There was a lack of seasioning that most of them agreed on with the food. And to a point I agreed. Next time I'm sure everyone is going to go for local food. Ron loved his meal.
He told us of some changes and of all the holidays that we were getting this brake and that we were getting more interns. More?? Collin also got the whole brake off. How did that happen?
I kinda of wish that I was there for the christmas lunch now that I think I'm getting along with other staff members better and the teachers, but I'm not so willing to eat in public.
Work was low today. We closed at 4 so I closed up, and I got in at 11. Nice ha? *grin* I showed up. Restarted the computers from the last exam. Took down the shades, and opened up the doors. Which turned out to be not locked after all.
I finished up the input of the rooms assignments for the classes. I cleaned up the annoucement page and folder. I hadn't cleaned out that folder in about a year I think. It looks so empity now. I came up with our brake hours a bit to soon. I had it all done up before we had lunch and that was at 1:15 or so. I ended up having to change part of it. It's a good thing I hadn't printed out two copies to post on the doors. Wait, I did. :(
At 4:10 when I was the only one there, I called my siser to let her know that the girl hadn't come by for the money yet. Last week Lyn had asked if I could lend her $50 so she could buy a computer desk for a computer she just got. She isn't geting paid until later this week so I said sure. We tried calling the girl last night, but she never picked up, so my sister tried to leave her a voice mail. Her voice mail was full. So we sent her and e-mail from my ross account incase she had internet at home. I told her that she could call here until midnight. I think she called the house sometime this morning, and she was going to drop off the desk then come to school to get the money from me, and that is where the phone call comes in. I called at 4:15 or so to let Jhoide know that the girl wasn't here yet, and we were closed. Turns out the girl was going to come by later in the afternoon with out letting us the time. So Jhodie thought that she was late and called her again and found that she was coming soon. So I decided to stay a bit longer and wait for her and see how the repair of the front desk computer went. Gary, one of the new guys, said that it seems to be find now. Ya, until I start to use it. And there were issues. Issues I didn't want to see, but tried to work around them until the girl came. At 15 to 5 she hadn't shown yet, and I called home and she hadn't come by there yet either. Ok, I'm going home. I told Jhodie and packed up to come home.
I didn't have to wait long, I got one as I got up there, and as I'm leaving in one of the new nice buses, I looked at the line of new palm trees that they just planted that week. I saw them Thursday night when I was waiting forever for a bus. Right now they look a little skinny, but once they perk up and fill in, it's going to look great. They also placed some of those plams in a spot on campus that I just took a picture of. A week after I took the pic I saw holes, then two days later there were 3 or 4 plams, then they put in the last one a few days ago.
I came home to see Jhodie and Nika going out to let Nika play on her new scotter. Then a little bit after they got back we went by a friend of Jhodie's to help with her computer. Then we had chicken and chips for dinner. Nika only waned two johnny cakes, and right after she ate, she fell asleep in the couch.
Internet has been out for the past 6 hours. That is why I'm just now blogging. I number of people along wth me are starting to really get ticked of at the cable for how offten and long they drop internet acess for us. I might be able to afford DSL after Jhodie leaves.
Well I made myself clean up alot of dishes, Jhodie was suppose to was some also, but ending up not doing any tonight. Which is fine. She has work Sat and Sunday I think. She had to ask the girl that we went to see tonight to take another job for her this weekend.
I think that's it. I'll just let this download tenchi while I go to bed. I's realy late now. It's 2:40am.

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