What do you think? Here's the link if you want to know more. mobiBLU Cube
Wal-Mart has great pics of this little mp3 player. Ya, it's an mp3 player incase you didn't realize that.
It's so small and cute, and it has a protective case also. I just wish that my ears weren't so small so I could use the ear buds that came with them. I have to use a normal head set if I ever got this, and it would be so fun to have this. Just for what other people would say when they saw it and asked what it was. *grin, grin*
When ever you’re willing to send me a small gift, let me know, I'll send you my address.
*back to the real world*
We got back from dinner an hour ago.
Ya, we actually went out for dinner tonight, and Jhodie flipped for the bill. We went to subway. Total came to $53 I think. One kid's meal at $9.17, two subs at 6" and two drinks.
Nika didn't go to school today. She wasn't sick, she was just tired. She woke up at 4am and didn't go back to sleep until 8am or so, and stayed kinda asleep until 11:30am. Jhodie went to work around 1pm so I had to get up and look after Nika. I did that for about 5 or so hours, then I crawled back in bed. I went to sleep late this morning. I went into bed just as Nika had gotten up. She asked me for a something to eat, and I told it was too late and she had to go back to sleep. It was this morning that that found out that she stayed up. At least she got to see Winnie the Pooh. That show comes on so early, that she never sees it.
I then got a nap for about 30 mins to an hour. Then Nika came in my room and we played for a bit.... 30 mins or so then Jhodie came home. About an hour and half later we were leaving for Subway.
We got to town in time see that they were going to have some kind of Christmas show by the green clock. They had just plugged in some of the lights when we walked past the first time. On our second past on the way home they were playing some very old, country Christmas story song. I had expected live entertainment, not that, but as we were turning off the block we heard them play the national anthem. So I guess they were really getting started now and that was just to fill time.
We got home and Nika now says that she's hungry. She had two bites of her sandwich back at subway so she had something to eat on her. She got that, ate her chips, but still didn't eat that much of her sandwich again. I'm starting to wonder if she has something against eating bread.
Speaking of Nika eating, her bottom teeth are coming in. I think it's odd. None of her other teeth have come out yet, but her bottom two teeth are coming back in. I don't remember how it’s suppose to go. It has been 20 years since I was around anyone that age. I do have a hint in my head that you loose your milk teeth over a number of years.
Well right now it's 9:53pm. Nika has been put to bed since she will be going to school tomorrow. Jhodie has next to me asleep on my bed, and I'm watching Antiques Roadshow on PBS. I like that show. I also have the American Cash In the Attic on HGTV to watch tonight. I don't like it that much, but I'm more or less making myself watch it. Or I'll just be and English snob about some things. Then I have to wake up Jhodie for CSI 11pm our time if it's a new one.
Oh, how I found this little MP3 player. My sister found it really. She went looking for stuff. We were looking for a camera really. I was talking about how I so wish I had a digital camera now. I had gotten too use to having Uncle Ray's and the teacher's camera. Then we saw that, and my sister just gasped at the size. I told her that I had to blog this. She agreed.
And that's it.
I have been trying blog this for over 24 hours.
Internet died on my last night, and I waited for it to come back for 3 hours. Fininaly went to bed at 3am. Then it worked for my sister this morning, then when I went to use it at 2pm it was out again... kinda. My stuff was downloading but I couldn't get to a webpage to save my life.
Well see ya tomorrow.
As for today.. nothing much. Stayed in bed as much as possable... cleaned up the kitchen, did prep work for dinner which was great by the way... had Nika go by herself to a store to buy some baked chicken all by her self after we walked the route twice together. Jhodie was impressed when we told her.
Ok.. got to go.

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