December 03, 2005


Miss. Jhoy E. Meade
IT Department
Ross University - St. Kitts Campus

Hi All:
Just want to update you with the new penalties that were passed in the St. Kitts-Nevis Parliament on Thursday December 1, 2005.
The Vehicle and Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill, 2005 went before the National Parliament with the following changes:  All quotes are in $EC.
The fine for driving an unlicensed vehicle increases from $400.00 to $1000.00; driving without a license from $400.00 to $1000.00 and if the offender was previously refused a driver's license the fine goes from $500.00 to $2000.00; fine for speeding is being increased from $500.00 to $2000.00.
Offenders found guilty of driving under the influence of drugs or liquor will have the fine increased from $2000.00 to $4000.00 and the term of imprisonment also increased from six months to one year.
The proposed fine for reckless or dangerous driving increases from $2000.00 to $4000.00 on summary conviction and from $4000.00 to $8000.00 on indictment and the term of imprisonment is also increased from "a term not exceeding four months" to "a term not exceeding one year."
The proposed fine for careless driving is also increased from $1000.00 to $2000.00; for racing or trial of speed from $1000.00 to $2000.00 and the term of imprisonment is also increased from "a term not exceeding four months" to "a term not exceeding one year."
A driver found guilty of refusing to stop and give his or her name and address when required to do so by a police officer, will now have to pay a fine of $1000.00.  The present penalty is three hundred dollars.
The proposed fine for various offences, such as throwing an object at a motor vehicle or driving a motor vehicle in a defective condition will be increased from $200.00 to $1000.00.
The fine for repairing a motor vehicle on the street, except in case of accident is to be increased from $500.00 to $2000.00; for taking a vehicle without the consent of the owner from $1000.00 to $2000.00 and for fraudulent application for a drivers license from $1000.00 to $2000.00.
The bill was piloted through all three stages and also increases from $250.00 to $1000.00, the penalty for non-compliance with the provisions related to endorsement and compliance with an order.
The time for the service of Summons is also increased from 14 days to 21 days.
Additional Information/Tips:
I am asking those persons who like to take their jogs or walks, it is important that you walk or jog on the side of the road where you are facing the traffic, rather than having your back to the traffic.  If there is a need for evasive action you will be in a better position to see what is happening and do so. 
When driving around roundabouts, the driver should always give the right of way to the vehicle that is approaching on his or her right.
How expensive are your fines?   


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