Ya, my toes are cold and wet again, but I took my socks off this time. *grin*
I know that I never finished that blog for that day... the day that it rained and some decided to sneak in.
Here's a pic, (or 3) by the way. I found a why to get some snap shots off the tape yesterday. I'm suppose to be submitting them to the staff newspaper today, I just have to come up with back story to go with them, and pick a few choice shots.

I had just finished posting this link - PowerPuff Girl Doujinshi - a pdf of the link I posted earlier with all the pics in a nice little zip. You can get your mits on it too if you like it that much. I'm trying to think of a way to make some into decent wallpaper.
Anyway, like I said, I had just finished doing that and I didn't really have anything else that demanded my attention and I was wondering what to do, when I heard heels running towards my door. The boys bathroom was flooding again. Great. Where is the screw driver? The last time it broke I fixed it with a screw driver. I just turned it off so it so it could be really fixed later, but that wouldn't work this time. The whole thing came off. It was just a pipe with water shooting out at you. So I had to call paintfield. ....
Ok.. I'm starting to hear sounds like I might loose power. So I'm posting this now.... I'll come back later with the pics of the last flood we had like 2 months back.
Back ....
It just hit me that I should have sent the story in to the Ross Newspaper so I could thank the students that helped. Three of them helped. I only got two of them on film however. I know the other one. He's the guy that gave me that lift home the other week when I was sick and got me the green tea.
Well that's just about it.
As for the rest of my work day.. I forgot to call a teacher and let him know to being in his laptop so we could work at getting this program he has on there fixed. I helped another teacher put some software on his laptop so he could do some work. One student brought a laptop to me that just didn't want to boot. (yes laptops, laptops)...and I'm currently working on that laptop again. So now I'm trying to find out why it freezes up and won't let her install software or surf. I'm tempted to believe that it's a messed up driver, but the device manager says everything is fine, and it did catch a virus after the second reboot.
Now, besides it taking forever to launch Norton, it seems better. Now watch it eat my words. :(
Well back to the current flood. The water has been turned off, but the water is just about at the door to come into the lab. That's a good 20 foot hallway that leads to the bathroom. He has to call the cleaners (house keeping) now to mop up the mess and see if the ceiling downstairs has caved in or not. I think it did the last two times.
Ok.. it's after ten. I have pictures that I'm converting for a teacher while I wait for the virus scan to finish, and then maybe defrag it, a scan disk, then reconnect it to the net so it can download and install MSN messenger for her, then try to install the software she wanted on there in the first place. WordPerfect.
Take care. Stay dry.
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