January 05, 2005

I'm back....

Hi ya.

Ya I've been gone for a while. I needed sleep more than I needed to blog. *yawnnnnnnnnn.....*

I feel like heading to bed now, but if I don't blog now, I may not remember what I did.

Let's see. On Monday it was a holiday, and I worked, which reminds me I have to fill out an over time sheet. It was orientation day. New students came in groups, were walked around, but mostly talked about different stuff by different department heads and such. There are only two groups this semester. We had total like 58 or 62 students vet prep and 1st put together. Normally we have like 105. :)

They came in, they sat down, we showed them how to log into the computer, explained the stuff on the screen, told them where to find their school notes and how to get to their e-mail. They had questions we answered them. This is also when we get to see who have problems with their account and e-mail, and we fix them then and there.

The first set got a good run down of everything. The second group ran late. I was then sent upstairs to connect a staff member's computer. Got there, and it was already connect, she was even logged in. The only thing missing I soon found out, after I pulled myself over her moving boxes, is that she didn't have network cable plugged into the computer. After I did that, and making it look a bit nice, since I was pulling it from the ceiling on the other side of the room, I updated her OS , and scanned it. That took me over 30 mins I'm sure, and when I got back he was only half way with the second group. A little after I showed up, their "drivers" showed up asking if they were finished. They were being taken to King's Place for lunch. Lucky them.

Well we were done when they left, so we hung around for like 40 or so more mins then I closed up the LRC at 1:30pm. Nice half day. Since I finished up so early, I was of to the nurse's house. She had sent me an e-mail almost out of the blue asking me to come over and install some stuff. I say out of the blue because her first e-mail to me was as vague as it got. Most of the e-mail was, if you are coming over tomorrow, come before 2pm. That was for Sunday. I just looked at it for a few hours. Off and on of course. Then I thought that she had just sent me someone else’s e-mail. I then sent her an e-mail what was wrong that she needed to see incase she jumped over that little piece of information.

I wrote her back after 2pm on Sunday and let her know that I would call when I could make it over, since I had day shift all this week. Well since I was getting off so early today, I burned the few apps I remembered that I gave her, and looked for the stuff that I didn't have. When I called her and told her that I was coming over and I when I finally made it to the top of the hill to catch a bus, I got a lift from a friend and he actually took me up hill to where she lived, I just thought that he was on his way home, and I was on the way. Great for me :). But after I got out, I saw him turn around and go back down. Guess he wasn't going home after all and was just being nice, or thought that I had to future up the hill than I really had to go.

Well I got there to find another guy there working on her husband's computer. Looks like he was getting an upgrade. Well I installed the stuff, download one or two more that I didn't have on me and forgot about, then I spent most of my time working on a little problem that her new profile had. I'll spear you the details. :) I got it fixed about 30 mins after trying to fix it. I then left with $20, $10 in change, and some golden apples off her tree. I have one piece of software that I left to install for her. It's a mp3 splitter and joiner. It's to help her with her slide show making. :) I was going to go by today, but when I called her house, no one picked u, so it's tomorrow.

I'll see if I can get Tuesday in tonight before I go to bed. :)

See ya.

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