I didn't make it into work yesterday. I just stayed in bed for most of the day.
I started to feel better when I ate. I then thought that not really eating the past two days when I was coming down with the cold didn't help me. It may have even made it worst.
So today on my way in, 30 mins later, I gave my money to the cafeteria. Yes gave. Tofu is expensive here, but that meal that I "payed for" wasn't worth $17. The tofu cost $12, the side of rice cost $5. I give them points for adding the umbrella mushrooms to the tofu, but not that much. $7, $8, even $9, I would have paid without saying a thing, but $12 was just too much.
Now that my memory has been jogged as to the serving size along with how much they charge, it will be another 3 months at least before I buy a meal from them. Also, I should show up around 1:30 so I can get the last bit. When you show up that late I think you get a bit more.
Well like I said I got to work late, but I called 30 mins before to let them know that I was running late. Then when I got there, I called down to let them know that I was on campus but going to get something to eat, he told me to take my time. So I did.
I got down to work when I got there at the same time trying eating, and I was under a mess of left overs. Laptop help left and right. Helping E with a computer. First she said it was her's, then she starting stressing about how long she had it for this person. For some reason she is telling people that she knows how to fix computers. I don't know why. She had to help her for at least 2 hours with connecting and trouble shooting a cd rewriter install, and I had to clear out some spy and add addware stuff, and explain to her what I was doing. This is a lady that less then a year ago, who wanted to have xp on the front desk computer, and said that XP was easy. Ya, right.
I also ran into a burn job that she started. She said she knew nothing about, tried to say that it was a job that M was doing. I told the girl when she came back that would try and finish it for her, but I didn't get to. I felt so bad about it. That is the first things I'm going to do, or let M do for me in the morning tomorrow. I may write her an e-mail before I go to bed. Maybe. It's 2am now.
Around 4pm I went over with Collin to the auditorium. I thought he was just going to show me how to turn everything off. I was wrong. I also helped him open up the building for an event that they were having tomorrow. They are having a world dessert tasting event at the school tomorrow. The International Vet club is having it. It's a very good idea. I can't make it. I'll be working, but the girl who is putting this together was in today and needed help putting the music together for the event, and I helped in seting up their website for them, so she was happy with the help I had given her, so she'll save me something from the event she said. That'll be nice. I'm not, and shouldn't be expecting much.
Our network today didn't like some people and was going down all over the place. One of the student's laptop that I was working on today would loose and gain it's connection to the wireless network every min.
Ron left work early, but he can do what he wants since he's the boss, and since he's normally here until 5 during the rest of the week.
Anyway, one computer was too full which was making it slow, which was starting to make to the OS buckle. The other computer, for the most part was working fine until it upgraded to sp2. Now it can barely get on line to go most places, and it won't let any IM get out along with stopping the updating ability of any software other then Microsoft's. So after spending like 2 and half hours trying my little heart out and finding the .dlls that needed to be registered, and registering twice and that not working, I found her a good price for windows xp with SP2 so she can order herself a copy.
I don't really think that I failed anything or anyone with not fixing it. Somethings can't be patched fixed. As for the girl who's hard drive was too big, I found out why after trying for 30 mins to keep it from crashing and making space and having it crash / blue screen on me 3 times. She had added about 8 gigs of data to the laptop without looking to see how much space she would have left. She had a little over 1 gig of space left. On a 3 or 5 gig hard drive that wouldn't be so bad. But to have only a gig left when you are using a 20 gig drive, your system can't work like that. It needs at least 3 gigs free to function. Breathing room so to speak.
So I stayed until 7:30pm or so helping the girl who's computer was going down hill, but then we called it quits when it crashed and she was going to run panda's on line anti-virus scan on it when she got home. Something somewhere was blocking somethings from connecting and it wasn't in any of the normal places you would look. Now that I think of it, I'm wondering if installing something that did that would let me open up everything to the net like it's suppose to be. I know of two pieces of software that could do that. One that I don't like that much is Zone Alarm, and Tiny Firewall. I'll try them out. I'm just about sure that I'm going to see the laptop tomorrow when I come in for work.
Well, she gave me ride to town, and even hung out with me. Jhoide had called me about 6:30 saying that she felt like sludge and didn't want to cook and wanted me to get KFC. I was surprised to see that I actually had my bank card on me. So we went for KFC. She parked a block from KFC, but we had to walk 3 blocks to get to the ATM, since they didn't take my debit card. Which on some days is fine, it saved me $10. She admitted to not trying out much local foods since she didn't have someone to tell her try this or that out, or even show her how to cook local stuff. I said mostly you just boil all the veggies. :)
We talked about goat water, it's mutton soup in case you didn't know. It's normally quite hot. After we had gotten stuff from KFC and she was driving me home I brought up black pudding. I can't eat, but it smells great. I told her what it was made with, and she went yuck. Which most people will do when they hear what is in it. Black pudding is rice and blood cooked in a intestine. I think. She was more against the eat of blood part. I told her that she had eaten blood, she just hasn't gone out and ordered it before.
Then I was home. We said good night, and I shared out the food. I was home like 30 or so mins before my Star Gate shows started, and I wish that I had gotten more than just a small wedges. So I had some Ramen soup later.
Jhoide was a mess when I got here, and she got a bit better before she went to bed at 12. She still completely upset that she can't get into her main yahoo account now. We think that someone got into her account and changed the password, or something server side glitched, but either way, she's locked out now, and can't get into contact with her friends on yahoo messenger. She isn't happy at all. I just made a backup of my address book from my main yahoo account since she asked me tonight if I had anyway of reaching my friends if this happened to me. Well I mentioned this lovely place. :) And I had addresses for at least 4 people outside of my main account. But she had far more people on her list.
Tomorrow I want to go to town and and get a few things, but my sister doesn't think that I'll wake up in time to go anywhere other than work. Which may be true, but she can at least wait and see if I wake up or not before saying anything. If I make it to bed and be asleep before 3:30 I might wake up before 11am. :)
Ok... got to go, I have to download something for I go to bed.
Oh, on a very personal note, I was thinking about G. That guy what I met back up with back in October. I haven't stopped thinking about him yet, and since I spent some more time with him this time around I should have expect that. But should I be day dreaming about living with him? About him asking me to maybe marrying him with his off handed kind of way? I have yet to say yes in my head, but I think that is because I don't think that he will actually every ask me. At this point, I'm just hopping that he's still single when I find him again.
Well I'm off. Try and have a better V-day then me in 17 or so days ok?
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