September 23, 2005

Back Again

Wednesday Night I got soaked going home. My luck. When I walked in the door my sister sent me right to the shower so I drip in there as I got undressed. I left my skirt in there to get dry over the rail.

I left my shoes in there in a little bit, but they went to bedroom before I went to bed. I think my socks are still in there thou.

At least I didn't have to iron them again the next day for work.

Oh, speaking of Wednesday. I worked until 10. I told you that didn't I??

Well for the rest of the week I showed up on time, and left mostly on time too.

Today I got a ride to work from my uncle. Verey was in the car with him. He looked awful. Bumps and cuts all over his face. Jhodie told me last night how he had ring worm all over his face, but this was the first time I saw him in a while. Uncle Ray said that the last time he saw him his cuts where's so wet. I told him it may due to the fact that they still fed him milk products, and it made his skin all calmly. Yuck!....

Either which way. I got him to drop me off by the cafeteria, but I ended up not buying anything after all. I got someone to get me a roti from town for $6. I was going to buy it up there for $10, but I wasn't all that sure it was worth $10 and there was a long line, and I liked showing up before 2o past.

I ran into a teacher up there. He is a teacher that wants this and wants that. Computer and such wise, but will not learn or stop to read the how to's then come to us asking us to do this and that for him. He has a palm, I think, and he use to sink up with his e-mail, but something happened and it doesn't do it anymore. But it seems that he doesn't know how to set it up. So how did it get connected in the first part?? That was the Q going thought my head when he was asking me to have a look. I told him that I don't know much about palms. I've never had one, and never really worked with one. I told him that only one that could really help him was Rick.

Yesterday I was busy, today I'm busy. I left here working on two computers, I came back to work on two computers plus come more. One I got the student to do for me while I watched and worked on another laptop. How can they be so infected, and so under protected?? I'm not even talking about keeping their AV up to date. I'm talking about have AV in the first place, and turning off windows update. Never updated their OS???

I'm thinking of swinging by my uncle's house and seeing what I can do for the computer. I'm thinking that all we may be doing is backing up his data until CD, and I'll come by Monday and do the rest with him when I won't be missing anything on tv.

Tonight is StarGate: Atlantis. :) It's a two hour special. They did the same thing last week with StarGate: SG1.

Well it's 5:35 here. The laptop and computer that I've been working on since yesterday are finally done. I talked to Ron about the laptop, to have him tell me to drop it and have the person come and back up their stuff, because I said something about rewriting the registry. *grin* He doesn't like us spending days on fixing just one laptop, so I understood. But I continued anyway. I was ok doing it, didn't have anything pressing that needed to be done, and I was almost finished. Then it turned out that I had to delete what I wrote up along with the string they were in. I was writing up polices. They weren't suppose to be there anyway. I learned that 1 hour after I wrote them up. I checked another laptop that also had XP home installed on it. Now what I tried to fix is now working. :) I did it!

Now I'm going to give it back to the person telling them that I did the best I could, and the minute it looks like it's starting to go down hill again, start backing up your stuff and get ready for a re-install.

I wiped off tons of spy ware, ad ware, trojans, downloaders, worms, and the one he noticed which was MyDoom. Ya, the big one got his attention. Right now it's defragging. He hadn't updated his OS either. It was pre SP2, and no AV.

I think that I can play a game after I check the exam list for the LRC. A teacher came by and said that he was having an exam in here on Monday. I thought that it was abit early, since the semester just started, so I have to check to see if anyone has booked the LRC for the end of this month and next.

Well, see ya. Oh, I'm looking for something that sets your wallpaper as you sign into your profile.


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