September 12, 2005

I Was Going To wait Until Later....


Today was called in as a sick day for me. It was true at first, but then I got better, but I have already called in sick and I didn't think that it would look good for me to show up later for work after they found someone to give up 5-6 hours of their Sunday off to cover the end of my shift after M had left.

After the guilt and my headachs wore off, I decided to try and start the upgrade to my desktop. First I was going to copy everything to my new hard drive then install the OS all back over again. My only worry was wondering if I had the OS cd to do the reinstall. We did get into the organizing of the mass about of cds we had, but we didn't find it. So I have to get it for when I do. Either which way, I pluged out one of the three drives that I have installed and plugged in the new one, and it said that it was only 178gigs. ?????????? The package said 250gigs. What gives???? Maybe my systems's board can't do better then 128. So my sister said that we were getting a new bother board. Enought with putting it off. So I looked up all the parts that I think we need and the price comes to $155.99 or something like *grin* It just hit me. With the upgrade of my motherboard, I can install xp. :) cool. I'm actually going to buy that peice of software. Since they have that valadation thing I kinda have to. It's just a good thing that it's not so expensive as Win2000 is on I have to go back and see how much it really cost. I think it was sub $100.

I was going to go into work tomorrow out of guilt for not going in to work today when the housing lady was suppose to send me the data today, but she didn't so I'm not going in to work. I have to fill out my over time, and this Friday I get duble pay for working on a holiday. Nice paycheck. :)

It stayed at 90 degrees fo most of the day, it's now 88. Nika was happy when Jhodie told her she could splash me me in the shower before bed. I just talked about taking a cold shower because of the heat, and me melting into it, the next thing I know, it's Nika's water park time.

I changed over to Avast! antivirus software, I'll let you know it goes in a few days. So far I'm happy with it. It does a boot scan. I haven't seen that in years! And I'm glad it does it. It saves me from have to boot into safe mode to do a virus scan.

I'm going to install this new game from BigFish Games, then I'm going to pack up dinner, of not before, then go to bed. I don't think that I'm going to watch any anime tonight on the computer, but I did get a small anime fix tonight from cartoon network. They have a new anime out. I have to go dig up the name for you. But I do know that it was popular within the torrent anime lines a few months back.

I was thinking of looking for the old show from back in the early 90's for my sister as a torrent, but I know that I can't get them if I do find them to download until I get the new hard up and going, and that won't be until I get the new motherboard.

Ok, I'm leaving. I'm melting and I should save the food.

See ya.

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