![]() Say "tomato" however you want there are plenty of 'em right now! Make the most of them in these tasty recipes from the latest issues of Bon Appétit and Gourmet. GRILLED PANZANELLA SALAD WITH BELL PEPPERS, SUMMER SQUASH, AND TOMATOES, Bon Appétit ![]() Oven-Dried Tomato Tart with Goat Cheese and Black Olives |
Hello again.
I'm taking time out of my shift to say hi and share.
I hate working day shift. One more then a 10 o'clock one on Saturday for regastraion, then the same on Sunday I think, then I nag my boss about what time I start work that week. I would love to just not show up until Wednesday, but I haven't a clue what he's thinking up.
Let's see if I can recap anything for you.
On Monday I came back to work. I got to there about 8:35 or so. I slowly got out of bed, and sliped into some clothes, then caught a bus to come to work. Nothing was waiting for me, but everyone said hi, then 10 or so mins later Ron came in. He didn't so much talked about vacation, then he talked about losing his suitcase coming back. He was, as always, happy to be back to work. He then asked me how things were going after he talked to the other guys who had a bit more on their plate to do over the break. I told him I don't know, I just got back. Then he remembered that I was on vacation too. I told him that I got as far as Nevis. (something else for me to you tell you about)
Well I didn't do that much work wise that I can remember that day. Infact I had to go looking for stuff to do. I decieded to update the video list with the 6 or so new or brought back tapes that we had. I just have to look most of them over first and see what they were and such, and lable them.
I had two granola bars for brakefast. I grabed them on my way out of the house and drank water, for lunch. I don't remember what time I left and got home, but the next day I was late getting home, but let's continue with Monday.
When I walked in E was doing ID's. I knew that job was mine now. She didn't come back to doing any until I had to leave to help a teacher upstairs. But that was the next day I think. Anyway. I did like 15 or so IDs that day.
Then there was Tuesday, I got to work a little earlyer, and I still took the granola bars with me, but right after I ate them I was called upstairs to get a lunch. I kinda ate late because we had orentaion that morning, and I helped out. I wasn't told too. I just did. It was kinda expected. Rick wasn't finished making all the profiles so some of them didn't work when they tried to log in. A few students had been in the system since last semester even though they started this semester, so they had like 5 pages of mail aready in their inbox. I may already made some friends, which is good, but I still have to wait and see.
Oh, lunch was after orentaion, and when I went up to get a plant of something that was left from the lunch they had gotten for the stuents I ran into a teacher that needed me help with something. It seems she wants to rent out her house during summber when she's off island, and maybe another site more geared towards school work.Well, she wanted me to help her make it. At first I thought she wanted me to make them for her, so I was talking about after school started to do it, but she wanted to start that afternoon. Ok. I told her after 4 I can come up and see. So after work I went up a little after 4, I had to do something. I'm not sure what it was now, but I called her up to let her know what I was going to be a little late.
Ah, now I remember. I was told to help some staff members back up their computer data because they were moving or/and getting a new computer. So I was in admin for like an hour and 10 mins before I went up by her. Then after it rained for the third time and it was after 6pm I called down to see if anyone was still in the LRC. I had called down before I went up stairs to help her to make sure someone knew not to lock me out, but it was after 6 now. They may not be there anymore. So I called down, and no one picked up. I left all my stuff down there. So I left to see I was really locked out and I found Tishon down here. He didn't want to pick up the phone because he didn't want any more work for the day, and he thought that the teacher was calling for help, when it was me calling to make sure he was still here.
Well I got my stuff along with some food that I got that was left over. Noodles with tofu and some veggies. Then I went back up to her office. Then we called break, and she then again asked for my price. Normally she would have asked for it befor hand, but we just got right into making the site. I quoted $10 and hour. I just didn't say if that was US or EC. I'll decide later.
That night we watched Dirtist Jobs, but one wasn't that bad, but then we thought that not every ep he has to be waist deep in something who's fumes could peel paint. He needed a break every once in a while. We had the food that I brought home, along with some stove top. I like stuffing.
Then I tried to watch some anime off the laptop before going to bed. It was kinda early for me. 11pm maybe. It could have been 12:30. But that didn't happen. I didn't even bother to open the laptop once I got it to my bedroom. I just rolled over and went to bed.
The next day it started all back over again. Slid out of bed and into my clothes. (bty, I'm taking baths at nights) I wore a new outfit that day. I dropped something from the lunch on my last shirt.
I got in today like a min earlyer than the day before. Then Ron come by as I was setting down my bag to say that we were having a meetting that morning in like an hour. .....
Sorry, I have to go. It's almost 15 past 4 and I have to go help the teacher with her website.
See ya.
- There I share my life.
- There I have links to what use to be my life.
- There you can find out what I might want out of life.
Katrina Relief
ReplyDeleteFrom one shore to another. I urge you to contribute to the Katrina hurricane relief.
Nice to see some decent content for a change. FYI, I log on today and see that we've got a new feature, the 'Flag blog' button, which is inconveniently located between the 'Get Your Own Blog' and 'Next Blog' buttons so that we would presumably be getting some flags on error alone (although if one happens to notice it, you can unflag a blog) But that's a trivial matter. What concerns me is this: When a person visiting a blog clicks the "Flag?" button in the Blogger Navbar, it means they believe the content of the blog may be potentially offensive or illegal. We track the number of times a blog has been flagged as objectionable and use this information to determine what action is needed. This feature allows the blogging community as a whole to identify content they deem objectionable. Ok, see the problem with this? What's "objectionable." I'm guessing there are a good deal of people that would likely deem my blog to be objectionable; and there lies the problem: what is objectionable and what is subjective. Just my 2 cents, Iron On Patches
For some reason I thought you said that your name was David some where here.
ReplyDeleteWell your two cents is welcomed just the same. Just wished that more then a hey penny was about my site.
See ya on the flip slide.