I found this nice little site the other day. I was just testing it out.
The site is called ImageShack It's nice. I would like to think that they will last a long time, but since the the .com bubble has long popped, no one will be here now if they couldn't go for a while.
Well here is how the past couple of days has shaped up for me. I think that I told you about my throat. I haven't really said anything all day. I more or less can't talk. When I think I can I do then my voice just goes away. At one point I was like that lady in the Disney movie "How the Emperor Got His Grove Back". The part near the end where she was turned into a cat, and she started to talk, then stopped then asked, "Is this my voice?" Then coughed a few times to make sure.
That was me when I was trying to enplane a few things to my "client".

I finished it up today, and it took me a little over 10 hours. I worked on it for the last 2 or so hours of my Friday shift, then I started it when I got into to work today and I finished it up about and hour before closing, and I got a cool $300 EC. :) I can get lunch tomorrow. :) He was happy with my work.
Now for today,... I think I skipped something. .. no just have to finish it. My voice. What voice. I actually tried to talk on the phone once, don't know how I thought I was going to pull that one off. I had to call T over to tell the person that I couldn't talk because of my throat. The odd thing was, I didn't realize it until he said it. He said that my throat was sick, and I thought, what primitive language. I use to speak like that when I was younger.
Besides my throat, just about everything else went very well today. I left home in good time, got to work in time, for the weekend, and I got my client's computer all set for him, and got paid.

I got to scan some pics that Dr. W brought down for me. Now that he knows that I work weekends, if he has anything for me, he brings it by for me on Friday afternoon, and I have the whole weekend to work on it. It was only three pictures. He could waited for them that afternoon if he wasn't in a rush, and I don't think that he was, either which way. He hug out and talked with a student while I talked with my client that day. Then came back to give me the pics. Go figure.
On Thursday and Friday I tried to blog and it acted as if it went up in smoke twice, and then I would try and try to post it, but I wasn't seeing a post. Then an hour or so later I would see multiple posts of a blog that was suppose to be smoke.
Oh well, I'm back home and my throat is still out of it, I had to hunt for food, didn't even ask my sister this time. Right now I'm snacking on Arrowroot cookies for babies and my milk.

It's 1:54am. I'm heading in soon. I have a meeting with a girl from hills tomorrow at noon. The only thing is, it hit me today, I didn't get the key from admin, did she? If not, we will just have to put this off until Monday. Fine by me. I don't really think that I will be able to talk all that much tomorrow either which way.
I was just over my wallpaper group before coming here. I think I mentioned that. You can stop by there see what I said in the latest post.
Now how do I spend my money?? A new mother board? A hot water heater? or do I pay off a bill? Or do I use it on "rent to own" phone and boom box? I'll ask my sister on the 15. I won't have all of it by then, I will be getting lunch this Sunday.
Ok, time to go. It's 2am. And if this is going to keep waking me up, I should get as much rest as I can.
See ya.
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