LG Electronics announced Thursday that it is ready to debut 410 Series Mobile phones whose design reminds people of sports cars.
410 Series is a sequel to LG-M4300 that LG showcased at CEBIT 2005 held in Germany last month. The design of the handset is just like that of sports cars in detail, the handset maker said. 410 Series will be supplied to domestic mobile carriers such as SKT(SD410), KTF(KP4100) and LGT(LP4100) within the first six months of this year and then shipped to North America and Europe.
The phones sport 1.3megapixel camera, ergonomic compact folder, 260,000 color TFT-LCD, video recording, MMS, MP3 and mobile banking functions.
If users want more sports car like feeling from the phones, they can set car starting sound played when opening or closing the folder or put images of luxury sports cars on front screen thanks to “Fun” menu.
By TelecomsKorea.com
Now this sounds and looks intresing.
Granted this is coming from a girl who doesn't have a cell or realy wants one, but these things look cool.
My day is going ok so far. It didn't seem like it was going to be when I tried to stay in bed today. If wasn't for a meeting that I had to be at today, I think I would have called in sick.
I hate how expensive doctors and meds are.

I was starting to think that I would have to ask my sister for money to go see the doctor next week. Now I'm feeling better. Now I think I just have a chest cold. The bad part is smelling like mucus.

Well I have to man the front desk. E, just walked in and said lunch. So that mean's that she's not there anymore.
Today will be slow for me. Other than the meeting, I can do just about anything I want, which means I'll be doing stuff to keep awake. The meeting wasn't as bad I thought it was going to be. I've set up some dates for when I'm going to help the main person incharge of keeping the inventory in check and a few other things.
Ok.. got to go. I think there isn't anything here that I need to spell check. *crossing fingers*
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