Last night I got a bare 4 hours sleep. Maybe. I was already to go to bed after I blogged, then my sister asked me to clean up, and I cleaned up more than I should.
I had my sister call in and say that I was going to be an hour late for work. I got to work at 9:30am. I feel asleep around 11am, and I didn't have lunch, and from 12:30 until 3:45pm I was upstairs putting together the computers from the FDC. They moved the equipment up to their new place on tier two. It's not quite my media center yet. Ron even said that he isn't ready to let go of me yet, so I'm not moving out just yet.
Well I was up there crawling under tables, plugging thing back in and redesigning the layout of things and for a few moments I had the feeling of being able to do what I wanted. Even if it's not the "media center" yet, it's now mine. I have to remeasure the room for the tables that I want in the new media center.
Well, before I started on the FDC, I first posted some stuff for the students about what classes they had this semester, where they were having them, and the time of their first set of exams. I think it's a bit odd, but I have yet to really be a college student. I kinda want to, but I may be too old by the time, if I get a chance to become one.
Then I went back to making my expanded map of the LRC. I came back down and finished working on it. This is what I ended up with. I think the room sizes are a bit off for about 3 or so of the rooms.

I want to do the rest of the IT department, but it's starting to look like I won't have space, or if I make the space, other parts of the map will be too small to see. Besides, I can't make one yet. The room that use to be the FDC, is said to have some changes coming. So I should just wait.
I left work around 5:15, and I got a lift home from another staff member. Lucky me. I was kinda lucky getting a bus rid to work too. I was able to catch the big nice one.
Well I got home to have the smell of the dark, ash and smoke meet me. My sister burnt the peas, and it smelled like she tried to touch the house. I feel asleep on the couch a little bit after sunset. What?...30 mins? My sister left me there for like an hour, maybe. I'm still tired enough to go to sleep in an hour and half. Which is when, tired or not, I'm heading in. I'm not going to attempt to wake up like the sleeping dead again tomorrow. Even R said I looked like I just woke up when I walked in this morning.
Other than that I had two interesting e-mails today. One was from Ron, he said great job on the layout map of the LRC floor and asked how things were going. Then I got one from a former client of my sister saying thanks for the great job and good luck with her cleaning business. The word business hit me as being a bit odd, but it's true. I have to repost her poster in about a month or so, and this time, I'm putting one up in the student union. Everyone that is calling her is finding out about her by word of mouth, and this will be the 4th or 5th time I'm posting stuff for her. One of the students suggested we post in the student union this time. I will have to add that they have to call two days in advance to make sure that she has a spot for them if it takes off again this time.
Well I'm looking at a shower, with music. Tomorrow I move a few things around, get a few more things connected, and send an e-mail to Hills asking to be paid. I have a hot water heater to get. On one hand I want the cheep one because it's cheep and I can keep some money or get something else we need. But then I want to get the expensive one because it suppose to last longer and they have a longer time between the changing of the "element" in the heater. Then there is the fan. Need a fan. I wanted it here in time for when my sister shows up so she doesn't melt, and maybe a new fan for Nika's room. More likely then not.
I think that's it. Oh, I was happy I wore the shorts again today with all my crawling around today.
See ya.
*spell checked and grammer checked* <- I should make that some kind of stamp.

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