It's 7:47pm and I'm still amoung the living.
A bit less today then yesterday... which just reminded me of something I have to go do.
Be Right Back 5 hours later. It's now 12:25am.
What I remembered to do was make up a sign posting our closed times for exams for the last two weeks of the semester. Then I remembered to do a movie thing. I had to join 5 little movies together to make one bigger one for a teacher. I did it yesterday, but somehow something went wrong and you couldn't play the last part. Then I sat in the dark after 10 updating the exam dates page on the portal site.
Then as I'm leaving I remember that there was a room left to turn off equiptment in, but it was 10:30. :( I went anyway. I looked in the door and saw that the tv lights were off. Ok, the turned them off for me. I started walking up the hill to the street.
I got a bus right as I got there. Ha Ray!, it saw me and stopped.
I got home to a chained door and a sister sleeping on the couch. It took another 30 mins before she was awake enough to drag herself to bed.
Dinner turned out to be chicken balls and stuffed pasta with sauce. Yum!
Now I have to go, it's time for R.O.D. for tv. :)
Oh, sharing a link that I just saw on "The Attach Of The Show".. so odd spin off of the new 'Screen Savers' . Currently they are down, but that always happen after they announce a site on techtv. They crash the site. :) It was on on going gag on the old screen savers' which I liked more then this one, but hey.
See ya.
Oh, Oh... almost forgot, my place, well one of my places, was also featured on "The Attack Of The Show". They are having a intresting convension, and I'm one of the past artists. You can still find my stuff there. I'm going to pull myself to gether and make something new to post.
Speaking of post, I did a search on myself today, and I saw that someone actually linked to my site on their site, and said I was cool. I'm honored, but now I feel like I should start writing again.
While I'm at it, I'll call up G and ask him if he will ever marry me.
Got to really go now. I'll post this before bed. See ya.
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