I'm just living though some small instant black outs. Blip!, and there goes the computer.
I was just over a one of my forums posting a message, when it went on me. Today when I was working at Hills, it went out on use like 4 times. It's a good thing that we had to save each record before being able to add a next one. At first we thought it was school tripping out, or our part of the campus. Then when it was time for us to leave and the girl that I was working with got me a ride home, we were told that it was happening in other places. So it was an island power thing.
I was suppose to meet the girl at 3pm, and I was on time, thrill of thrills, but there was one catch. So was the inventory. Someone re-ordered. No one was suppose to re-order. That is what we were getting ready for. Great.
Anyway, we couldn't do what we wanted, since they were stacking everything and left us no room, so I went for lunch. I got a garden salad and fries and covered it in Thousand Island Dressing. That cost $10, which I didn't think was that bad. I then thought, that that happens when you have a little more $70-$80 for two weeks of bus fare and a few lunches. Especially when I have to give my sister a few bucks for this and that.
Well, at hills we got 4 pages of the first list into the computer, and sorted the second list. On the second black out blip, I went downstairs and made a mp3 cd to take up some of the quite, and for the guys that were still packing the rest of the stuff. But guess what?
When I got there the program that I left working yesterday, didn't want to work now. So I had to uninstalled them, then installed two new ones to make sure that one worked with the burner after the reboot. That took a while, then I made the CD. I added winamp to the cd to make sure that I would have a player for the files. Good thing too. There wasn't one.
After the hills thing I was suppose to go the supermarket and get three boxes of cereal. But as I was dropped off infornt of the market, they locked the door on me. But poor me, I didn't realize it since I stood for like a full minute on the outside reading what was on the door. Then I tried to pull on the door. I looked at it, it said pull. I looked further down, and say that it was locked. I looked up and the casher was shaking her head at me. They were closed.
So I walked home, and made really good time if I do say so myself.
Ok, I typed and typed, then I was in middle of spell checking and grammar checking when the power went out again, and since I wasn't using MS Office, an I hadn't configured this word processor to auto save, I lost everything new that I did. It's a good thing that I did this save back when I was paranoid.
How much did I lose? Just me on my way home and a few bits about the day that I forgot the first time around. Ok, take two.
Let's see. I walked home from BestBuy. That's the name of the supermarket. I made good time too. I stopped at Ottlies to get some cereal there, but they didn't have anything that I would have spent my money on. So I got some butterless, saltless microwave popcorn, a small can of mixed fruit and what I thought was a bag of 10cents bread. But it wasn't. It ended up costing me $2.50. For that I could have gotten the other bread and have more to go around. Oh well. I won't do that again.
I got home to last nights dinner and everyone eating. I have to go to bed soon. We are going celling fan shopping tomorrow and it has to be early to get a bus to that part of the island. I guess we will be calling Pam to come over and hook everything up for us this weekend. If we get a fan, and there is that light we have for outside by the kitchen steps. I don't really think that I'm getting the heater with the money from the job, but with the money that I'm going to be getting from Hills.
Now what else did I say before? Oh the guy.
Do you remember the guy that I said I think likes me, that I found playing a racing game on his laptop? Well, he saw me when I was leaving the cafeteria. We talked and he walked with me over to the door, and just as I got outside I bent over the railing and hacked up part of my lung. He said how romantic. I said that if I knew we were on a date I would have said excuse me. I told him next time to warn me when we were on a date. He just smiled and looked cute as he ate his tart. I then said that had to go get something from down stairs then head over to Hills. He said he was with a friend and they were heading over to the student union. As I left he went back to his friend.
He left his friend to come walk and talk with me. I'm sorry, but I'm not normally treated that well.
What else, Oh. My uncle and laptop stuff.
One, my uncle came by to see about his laptop and brought a few dvd's to test out the player that I installed yesterday. The player didn't work. It just crashed after it tried to play the dvds that I put in. I tried to show my uncle a few things that I did to it, but he got lost when I said zip file.

Also, when I was at school I got an e-mail from the student that he had gotten the laptop from, and she said that she left the nic card at the front desk with the software. But I completely forgot to pick them up on my way out after making the cd. I was just so set on getting back up there after the time waisted with the uninstall and re-install of cd burning programs.
I think that's it. I'm going to save this, then check for spelling and grammar. I was so close last time. :( I hate reading my stuff. I would ask someone to do that for me, but some people would take the way I write as being wrong, when it's the way I wanted it. Ok.... going.
See when I started? I'm now pushing the publish button and it's 2:23am.
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