Granted, I haven't washed any dishes, but I did wash out the trash can.

I kinda got caught up in a movie. It's an odd European movie. I'm at the end of it now, and I'm not even sure what happened. I had to change the channel for a one part. The name of the movie is called Swimming Pool. I'm going to look it up and see if they give anything away that would help me. Well I found it. As you see. The words are now a link. This has just about everything. Cover picture, link to the trailer, and almost the whole movie in condensed form. Now, do not take what it says word for word. A few things are wrong. I just jumped to a particular part, and I noticed a few things were wrong. So you can still go watch the movie later without thinking that you know every part of it already.
Let's start at the start of my day... with a prelude from the night before.
Last night I had my uncle's laptop. I think I mentioned it. Anyway. I tracked down and installed about 5 different dvd viewing software on his laptop, after making five burns to one cd over the course of 3, almost 4 hours. The only one that didn't all out crash on me and said so, is a time limited one. All the others clearly crashed and made a point of telling me so. Or, or, they wouldn't install at all and told me that my computer didn't have what it needed to be installed, aka, the OS was up-to-date enough, aka it was too old. So after making sure that the screen saver that I installed mostly worked, I went to bed. Now I'm thinking that I should get rid of it. I think it's slightly taxing the system. It's nothing really fancy. It's a few fishes from Blue Mountain. A card site. The link takes you to their wallpaper and screen saver's page.
Anyway, I called it quits and went to bed since I had to be at work for noon. I had asked Ron last week if it was ok for me to come in late since I was coming off midnight shift. He said sure. Oh.. before I crawled into my room to clean off my bed of the stuff my sister dumped there, I installed the scanner on this laptop to get something done that he asked for.
Well my sister came in and asked me what time to come and wake me up. I told her that I had to be at work for 12, and I went back to sleep. Then she came back a little after 11 to ask me about something for Uncle Ray who was here. I looked at the cook, and got dressed and walked out behind her. I have a few things to tell him about that laptop of his.
Well I went out there, and the first words out of my mouth were "That laptop of yours".. as I pointed at it. I told him how I didn't really believe that the computer was capable of running any dvd's. I think they just used it as a substitute for a normal cd drive for what ever reason they had. I had brought home the software that I thought would work with his system on a dvd data disk. I'm going to take the disk back to work to make sure I didn't goof up that part, but the laptop treated it as if it was a gigabite music cd that was broken. Which kinda gives me hope that it can read dvd data disks.
Well I started to say that I installed the scanner but not the printer because I was working on the dvd thing, and Jhodie said that she installed it. Considering last night when I asked her too, she looked at me as if I was beyond kidding. Then I told them that I did get to install the scanner. They asked why wasn't it working then? I said it was because it wasn't plugged. I then told Jhodie that she was late in waking me up. She said that I told her I didn't have to be woken until 12. No, I had to be at work for 12.
I got my towel, and headed for the shower. I came out, looked for a clean shirt, and so forth, and left the house after my uncle, about 10 mins after 12. I got to work about 20 past. The bus stopped at just about every stop between my house and school. For one part of the trip, it stopped every 50-100 feet. 5 times.
Anyway. I was getting lunch today. I went to guard house, and called down to let them know that I was on campus and getting lunch and that I was going to be down soon. For some reason Roosevelt thought that I had the day off. I don't know why. I then walked along the back or front of campus depending on how you see it, to the cafeteria. I was about to turn off and walk down when Ron drove up behind of me. He asked me if I was lost. Cute. He was going off campus for a bit, and he wanted me to wipe the exam page clean. He also said that were closing at 4. There was just about no one in the LRC never mind on campus.
Well I ordered a grill chicken breast with small fries. She then came back and asked if wanted it in a burger. After thinking I said sure. I then got a fanta from the thing... you push it with a cup and drink comes out.... and the total was $15 and change I think or just $15. After I paid I wondered if I should have said that I asked for small fries. Then I thought, it wasn't worth fighting over a few dollars. So I left it, thought about it again, then left it for good.
Got down stairs, E wasn't there, and like Ron said, it was empty. Just AM was there. I then went inside to eat. And when I was almost done I saw the line... going down my shirt and onto my skirt. Great. After making sure I wore a clean shirt to work today. Well I wiped the page that Ron wanted cleaned, then I went out to talk to AM. She said hi, I said, this use to be clean. I told her how I made sure my shirt was clean for work and look at what happens to it and I haven't been at work for an hour yet. I hung out with her until she left. Found out that our printer was having issues and after a few tries, the sever was rebooted. I typed up a sign for students telling them that we will be opened tomorrow for about 3 hours so they could check their grades. I made AM laugh alot. It helped that the guys didn't know where they were placing the tables. Oh.. They started to move the tables around today. I knew that they were doing it this break, but I didn't think that they were going to start today. So they started to "uproot" tables and move them around. I made a joke about how it was human tetris.

Then AM had to leave to come back and I went inside to print out the signs in colour. Then I started the work on some tapes that Rick gave me the day before. I had a feeling that I may have to redo the first one. I didn't remember hearing any sound coming from the tape when I was recording it. And I was right. I had the sound wire plugged into the wrong hole. I may come back Saturday and do the first one back over again.
Lucky me I didn't have to deal with E today. She showed up when I was talking with AM earlier, then left at noon. I don't care why. I posted up the signs, and just waited for something to do. Lucky me AM came back to give me something to do. I copied a few cds for her, she got a copy of all my games that I'm putting together for M. I showed her and a girl who is leaving for clinics Mah Jong, and one of the Animatrix movies that I had. Then when I'm saying I should be leaving, about 4:30 I stopped to play a game that I installed yesterday but didn't get to play or knew how to play but it sounded really interesting. AM and I were stuck there for like 20 mins trying to find a way to win 2 boards.
Oh.. I jumped over this point. About 3 hours earlier, Collin went on a lunch run, and he came and asked if I wanted a Roti. Oh. That came out of the blue, and if I wasn't still tasting my lunch, I would have said sure and saved it for later. But I was full from my lunch and didn't want to be near food for a while. But I said thank you. He said that I could call him on his cell if I changed my mind. Ok. I went back to sorting my downloaded files.
Oh, also while AM was out of life that day, stuff for my sister slid in. A whole set of white towels and hand towels and a white bath rug. Oh.. note to anyone I may see later in life, I don't like white towels. I don't even wear anything white other than my shocks.

Well lucky me, AM had a car until she leaves on Sunday. So she was giving me a lift home along with my sister's stuff. Which now also consists of two lamps, two candle, and a box of pens, pencils, makers, high lighters, and small post its? Well Nika has stuff to play with.
I didn't realize that the girl that I showed how to play Mah Jong, "American" Mah Jong, along with AM was a seventh semester. I'm going to miss her. I think that she and her husband have the a pic of me, of the last time I was out at a student function like a year ago.
Well it's time to leave and AM helped in carrying out the things. She then asked if there was anything she could bring back for me. I told her that thanks to her mom, I have socks. For years, that was just about the only thing I would ask for. Socks. And just about no one sent me any. AM's mom sent me like 12 pairs. :)
So the only thing I could think of, was a "go between" for a tv and a dvd player. My tvs have just one connection to the outside world other than it's power cord. That is just for the cable line, and that's it. So we have this dvd player, and we can't set it up.
All we had to do, was ask Jhodie if she was willing to wait about 2 weeks for the part, since we were going to cough up about $100 for the part down here.
We got home, with AM once again forgetting what street I lived on, and we asked Jhodie, and she said ya she'll wait. So she is brining that down for us, and maybe some batteries, and I'm thinking of a spindle of cds that I can keep of work and out of T's hands. So I don't have to feel bad when I have to make cd for myself at work.
Then Nika started. She wanted to go to the arcade. She went with Jhodie yesterday, but she wanted to go with me tonight. So after I took off my shoes and tried to make her forget about going, she got on her shoes and said that she was ready to leave. So we went to get some money from the ATM so my sister can pay for a vcr so we can tape the shows that I miss when I'm on night shift, and Nika to play at the arcade.
So Nika and I caught a bus to town. Walked over to the arcade, and we played the driving game. I've never touched one of these things before, and I was even wondering if I could fit in one, since they were so close together and they looked like they were were meant for kids or really skinny people, but I fit fine. The seat slid back.
The first one we just tried to stay on the road, but it was alot harder, and it had (bad) odd rules for how the game was played. The next game a kid showed up and took over the game. At first I thought he was showing us how to play the game, but he just played the whole thing, then tried to play the next one. I told him the game was for Nika to play. Then someone came over to move him and he threw a fit, and cried. We didn't do any better on the next two games. You turn the wheel a little and it moved all the way over to the other side. When we were out of tokens I told Nika it was time to leave. I couldn't see her mastering the game, and it was currently a waste of money.
So we went to the ATM to get the $60. I checked how much I had left on the bank. Only $101.58 or so. I'm happy I'm getting paid in a few days. I may have to nag the Hills people about getting paid if no one calls me about in a few days. I'm getting a fan and the water heater with that money. The days are starting to get really hot now for us down here.
It's starting to be normal for us to have our two fans from the bed rooms out here, since none of them move and it's that's hot out.
We weren't gone for long, and we had left overs, mac and cheese with back-a-neck in gravy when we got back. I watched one of the movies that I spent the last two weeks getting. Then I tried to occupy Nika while Jhodie flit the bedroom. She saw ants again. Then they went to bed.
I think you know what happens after that.
Well I'm sorry. I'm not posting this Friday night/Saturday early morning. I'm going to spell check it first this time. It's 4:14 now and I don't want to read what I just wrote and I want to get out of this bad chair and into my bed.
It's raining outside now, and my weather thing in FireFox went from cloudy, to thunder storms, to light showers for the past 2 hours as it's been raining. I think I saw far off lighting 30 mins ago.
Well I'm off. I'll be out here around 10am at the earliest. Jhodie has a job from 9am, and I don't know when Nika is going to wake up, but I'll have to be awake for her.
See ya in 7 or so hours.
I'm back, I'm spell checking.
Finished spell checking. It's now 12:11am. See ya.
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