And I'm trying to blog.
I started to fall asleep today at 5pm. I was staying late to try and fix a number of things that I found "wrong". And it turned out to be quite a list.
1, have the computer forget who last logged on.
2, make the lrc staff admin on the computer.
3, install a print manager hack, uninstall printer manager, restart the computer and reinstall print manager.
4, install vnc, with all it's little settings and a restart of the computer to set it's password. ( I was so prepared to do everything on the other 20 computers over vnc until I found out that none of the vnc files on the computers were really installed just copied)
5, add a few missing short cuts to the start menu for all users.
6, fix the icon cache for the computer.
7, upgrade 2 programs already installed on the computer
8, add a game for the students. Normally I had one game on all the computers for the students to play. But I thought that with the new computers I should get a new game. So after thinking of the mob that might find me for not installing the little cult game Snood, I resided to install something else that looked a bit more refined. By the time I got to the last computer I started to think that the game may have been too hard. I can still change it if I think I should come tomorrow.
9, get rid of some spy ware. I blame E ofcourse. Then I was starting to think that it wasn't here when I saw the same things on more than just one computer in a row. Then I started to think it was here when it wasn't on all the computers.
Near the end it hit me that they didn't have the school seal as a default background for before they log on. I'll have to add that to the list, or have the girls do it. But that would require them to 'hack' the registry. Do I want E in the registry???? I guess I can put that off for after I get all the other stuff done. Just as long as they are ready for Monday when we have orientation.
Other than that, it was decent day. I got to work about 8:30. My sister woke me up late. She said that she was going to wake me up so I didn't set my clock. I thought about buying breakfast, but I didn't really buy what I should have. I think I told you about that earlier. After I bought that, I thought that I should have just gotten a can or two of fruit. Oh well. Then I did mail. Then I tried to start the stuff with the computers before I knew how much needed fixing, but I was pulled away a lot to make IDs. Between batches of ID making, I was asked about the FDC. Collin asked if I wanted to go upstairs and help with the organizing of the computers or what. I looked at him. "You didn't miss me at all yesterday afternoon did you?" I asked him.
I explained that everything was already set up and in place but one APC and CPU. The CPU I still had down here because it had my music on it. It was going up after the wires had been dropped. The APC was to replace a line surge protector that was there before. Then a little while later when I was doing and ID they come down and clapped, saying I did a nice job setting up the FCD.

Then around 1 or so tragedy stuck. Our ribbon for the ID printer ran out, and we didn't have any more. Collin ordered the cards, but didn't think that he had to order any ribbion since we had 4 and one was suppose to last about 350 IDs. We looked and looked and looked. We found non. So while he had to run out on an errand or something, I was left to call around to see if anyone had any on island and I was told that I was allowed to call off island to find some.
Great. Ok, first up, TDC. They didn't have any. At least not for that printer. Next, MacPennys. They didn't have any. Then hoping against hope I called Hosford to ask them if they might have a office supple department. She said depending on what I wanted. Great, that's just about a no, but I told her what it was anyway, to see if light was that close to being seen for this problem. Nope. Try TDC or MacPennys she said. I said thanks and then tried to call Poloriad. Great. Well I tried to call the first time and I was reading 1-800-poloriad, but typed 1-800-p0l0riad and there went about $2 or so for just connecting to someone I didn't know. Next I turned everything into numbers and started again. I got transfered like 5 times then she, by accident, hung up on me. So I had to call again. This time I was able to get a number for one of their dealers. The lady was a bit surprised, or at least sounded that way, when she found out that the closest one to us was in FL. I said thanks, and then called them up. I loved the talk we had. I said what I wanted, he said he had it. He quoted a price, and he could FedEx them to us. I told him that I would be calling back in 2 hours to place and order. I don't know why, maybe I thought that when Collin came back he would let me do it, and just give me the information that I would need to order stuff.
Well, since I couldn't do anything else, I went and worked on the computers until Collin came back.
He came back and I told him what I found out, and he tried to see if Rick could find a ribbon in some odd spot on the island. He didn't, but I heard as he put a call though to a photo place that also had an ID printer. I guess he was hoping they used the same kind of ribbon.
Near the end of the day, a welcome commity person came by with at least 5 students. I say that because she had more people with her, but I don't know how many of them were friends, family or other. She wasn't happy. I told her what was up, and that I was hoping to have it by Monday, but it looked like Tuesday. That hope was dashed later when Collin told me that it started to look like Wednesday. They aren't going to be happy.
I then wrote everything down to get in contact with the place that I found in FL for him to call and do what he had to get us some ribbon. But he called me later after everyone had left expect Tishion and asked me to send Tishion over to his house with the information that I had. He lost or didn't or did what ever to the post it I wrote up for him.
Fine. I redid it, then tired to get a working list of all the new computers for the messenger service and for my restart program that I used from the front desk. I also had to look after this girl that Tishion or Rick left in my lap. She is somewhere between 18 and 22. I'm aiming for under 22. She was going to the two year "college" that was in town. She for some reason hung around afterwards to catch a bus ride with me home after I told her that I didn't know when I was leaving. If it wasn't for her I might have stayed longer. I just stayed until 4:30 or so. Not one of my best stay after work to get stuff done days.
Speaking of work. E skipped a few things. She didn't check back up on any of the computers that had a problem when she tried to re-name them. I don't even think she kept track, and she was given a copy of the new map of the computers with what names they were suppose to be given. I had to add 3 computers to the network that she just left. Ofcourse she left at the stroke of 4pm I think. I was working. She just about never hangs around after her shift was up.
I wanted to say and fix or look over the last computer that seemed to not have touched, since most of us had the Monday off and students were going to be in here for Orientation, and the other stunts will now be using the new section. It was suppose to be done this week. Next week we will be working on setting up registration.
Collin talked about up-rooting some of the floor computers like we normally do and use them for registration. But the rest of us said that Ron wouldn't like that. FYI he's off island until Tuesday. So we said that we had to use left over computers that we didn't use for the floor or reregistration. I'll see what happens when we get in Tuesday morning.
See ya.
I'm sorry.. I know this is going to have holes in it with my gammer, but I just got around to spell checking it, and it's 1:26am and I have no time to grammer check it. I have to wake up my sister so she can put Nika in her bed, so I can get my bed back so I can get 5 hours of sleep before work tomorrow.
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