I did like 4 things for the whole time I was at work on Sunday.
I came in, did a few things, then at about 20 till 5 I sat down with AM, and only got up to help like 3 people until it was closing time.
I mostly just helped her pick parts for her new computer. She wanted to put one together, so we were picking parts from
TigerDirect . We got a case, a mother board combo with Intel chip and memory. She is keeping her current hard drive, and she got glowing and UV cables since one side of her case is see through. She already has a monitor (flat panel). We also picked out a DVD player and a DVD-+RW burner. Today when I woke up I remembered that we did forgot something. A fan and gel for her Intel chip.
I came home to a good dinner and I needed it. Didn't really anything all day again, didn't drink that much water since I left it back at my desk, and I just got caught up in helping AM. Then there was the cold and rain. What did I have for dinner?...I remembered the stewed chicken. There was a lot of chicken. Oh ya.. mash potatoes with chives and something. It was green. That was good. I even went sleep early, and that was due to a project that I tried out.
A few weeks ago, Collin had asked me if it was possible to change the video over to .rm (real media) format so they could be streamed. At the time I told him that I couldn't since I thought that you had to pay for it and it was too much. Every time I heard about it, there was this discount for educational use, but it was always high. But guess what? I found out that basic software for converting movie to .rm is free. Yep! Free. So I tested it out last night. The thing is, due to my old PII chip, I took almost 24 hours to encode it. It started last night at 12:45 am, it ended at 12:10 am . Just now. But it worked. I know have an .rm copy of a movie file that was an hour and 20 mins long.
No one touched the computer for the whole time. It may have finished this morning if I hadn't told it to do two streams. The software wasn't really meant for just converting any movie to .rm, but for making .rm streams for Internet use. I picked two streams, but I was wondering why I only had one file at the end of it all, when it did two passes.
Monday 21st, February 2005As for today, I stayed in bed because I could. I was fine at waking up at 9am, but I stayed in for a bit longer. Got up at 11 or so. Got something to eat, tuna and crackers. Then I got ready to meet my sister up where she worked. I left the house at 12:30 with about 4 bags, my keys and a digging fork. We were suppose to get some plants on our way back from some place my sister saw. I got there in good time. Don't know what time, but my sister came out like 15 or so mins after I got there to see if I was coming up the street. She said that it was like 10 past 1 I think. She said that she was waiting for me to come so she could finish up. I thought that it wouldn't be right for me to call for her since she was working and I would just wait out side for her, and when she was done, she would come out side to look or wait for me and we would go.
She bought out some stuff to hang up to dry and first joked by asking me to hang them out for her, then said don't bother and went back in to do something else for the lady. I waited, and waited, then thought I should just hang them out so we could leave sooner. So I did. Two sheets, four pillow cases, a dress and a wash cloth. And once again she had to make fuss with how I hung out stuff. But when she went back in, I put them back the way I had them. We then left like 10 mins later. We stopped every now and again looking at different pants, and looked around at things that had changed for me. I hadn't really been in that part of town for like 4 or so years. So something looked new to me.
Then we got to the abandoned house that had the plant that she wanted to take home. She asked what I thought about it,and after looking at it for a while, it didn't seem that bad. I have never seen that pant before, and it didn't really have flowers, but it had an odd set of leaves that kind came out in a fan pattern in levels. I'm going to have to see if I can somehow find a pic of it for you. I so need to get a cam.
Then we walked down into town, and went to see the BET thing. I said BET Sound Stage. Interesting. Someone was coming out and I looked in after looking up and seeing a sign that said under 18 not allowed. Inside I could have sworn that I saw slot machines. Maybe BET was the owner of the new casino. It's passable.
Then we went looking at shoes. I actually saw a boot that I could ware to work, but they didn't have it in my size, ok. They had the same kind of boot in a lighter colour. Ok, I'll have a look. While she was gone I saw the shoe that I had bought before and it was a very good price. Guess they didn't sell that well I thought. She came back. Not in my size. Ok, starting to feel like someone didn't want me to get any shoes. Then I asked about the one I already had, did they have my size in that? She went to look, then came back with a no and a maybe. Maybe being that she was going to check upstairs in stock. 7 mins or so later, she didn't even have to say it. No. Just great. I can't wear my shoes in heavy rain anymore. You can't tell by just looking down at them, but there is a hole in the side of my shoe. :(
But get this, the lighter version of the boots I want, can fit Jhodie, so she is getting them. I have to go some where else and hope that they have better boots in my side to make up for today. :) Ya right.
I wear size 10 guys and size 11 & 1/2 wide width girls. The first place we went to, didn't really have anything I really liked, and then they didn't have my size.
Then we checked the front of Rams and I got some cereal and picked up some multi-grain crackers and two bananas. We may have gotten more, but my sister forgot my card at home. We were also suppose to be paying bills today, but that couldn't happen now, so we are doing it tomorrow before her afternoon job, and before I go the nurse's house since I will have to go and pick up Nika. I just hope that the nurse used a program that I sent her last week to help fix her computer, and hopefully her thumbnail problem.
On our way home, we stopped off at Courts. It's a store for living room sets and other big house hold things. Well, they had sent me a letter last week about this special sale that they were having on Thursday night. I couldn't be there since I was working, so we asked if we could come in Thursday morning. They said sure. So on Thursday I'll be buying a rug and maybe my CD-mp3 player for the bathroom yah!
We then went home, and caught a bus home, but stopped at Nika's school to pick her up since it was like 3:50pm already. My sister took forever, so just left after waking around in the dust school yard with 20+ kids running around and making a racket. Oh, as we got there for Nika, Pearl was leaving with Verey. As I was leaving, Pearl came back because she didn't here keys. She left the house without her keys. As I reached the top of the hill that the school was on, Jhodie called me. I stopped for a sec, then started walking again. Then she called me again, this time I stopped and waited for her. We then went home and I used my keys to let everyone in.
Other than that, nothing much. I stayed in my room for the rest of the day since I couldn't use the computer, and Verey was running around making noise. Jhodie made cookup, and I added some beets to my plate. I kinda fell asleep around 10pm but the mosquitoes woke me up. I had like hot bumps on my arms that got me up. I brought out my plate and a cup and then went in for a bit, I think. I then came back out to see the end of my encoding thing. Then I checked my mail.
One of my friends send me his address and phone number. So I thought about it, and I called him. He lives in Ohio. Ya, long distance. Real long distance. It was after I called him I realized how late it was, but since it already rang, I let it go. It was really hard to hear the person on the other end. Either my phone is really bad, or it was just the distance thing. Or it could have been both. He sounded nothing like what I remember. Now that think of it, do I really remember what he sounded like. I haven't heard his voice in like 2 years or so, if not longer. I talked to him for about 5 mins. I couldn't let it go too long. I haven't called anyone off island from my phone ever.
I have to pay bills. :( :( I need money or one less other person to pay for, at least I'll be getting the $300 from pearl for this month. I have to have a talk with her father. Were is this place he was getting for her????????
Well that's about it. I have to set out some socks for Nika, and put up what is left of the cookup then head in to bed. Now I feel like playing a game and it's 2:47am. :)
Oh, still working on getting my sister to write up the stuff she cooks that is "local". I'm going to first post them at
Recipezaar I have a membership there and it's time I added something.
Ok, time for me to go.
That was a long one.
See ya tomorrow.