The day has given me some free time so I'm blogging now.
Lets see, woke up sometime around 12. You know I was up late typing that thing for my uncle. He was set to come for it today. He had called a few days ago asking when he could come and pick them up. Just as I sat down to print them out, he showed up at my door with Dale non-the-less. He's a half cousin from one of my aunts in NY. I didn't know that he was in St. Kitts. But he sneaks on and off the island.
Anyway, the printer messed up on me. It was keep trying to print in booklet form. I lost like 20 or so pages that way. It ended printing right on my last page. Now I'm out of paper. :(
I had breakfast, then got ready for work. I even put one a set of new socks. I think that I didn't tell you yesterday, but AM's mom sent me socks. :) I was suppose to be at work for 2:30pm I got there like 2:35 or so. Which is good for me. I came to find that the power was back on. The lady in the library said that the power came back since 12 or so. They actually finished early. :)
Well I expected to see Ron here, but he wasn't and everything was locked down and the apc’s were off I found out in 5 mins. After 20 or so mins it was 3pm, and with a slightly aching back after bending over 50 odd times to turn on all the computers and apcs and getting down on the floor 4 times to turn on the apc’s in the middle of the three long rows of computers.
The first girl to come in the LRC needed to use the bathroom. :)
The I went to help a TA that called for help when I showed up, but I couldn't go help her then. I had to make sure that everything was on and we were opened for 3pm. I got up there and she wasn't mad, good thing too, I was there 3 mins before, but I had to go back because I forgot to get the key to open up the cupboard so I could turn on the equipment.
Then I came back down to try and see about this Symantec ticker thing. I can't show you what I came up with, I haven't gotten the go ahead with the posting of it yet. I sent a link out to Ron asking him about it, but I haven't gotten a reply back from him yet. And in the mean time I changed like 20 things. Then posted two announcements on the portal page. One of them I can link you too. It's about the winnings of some students here at the casino. :) The other was just work to get it to be seen. It seems that she had office 2003 or something and it couldn't be seen with out version of word. I told her that she needed to install some converter plug in from Microsoft's office site.
She had been trying to get that file to me for 2 days. Then when she did it here, flash paper couldn't read or give us any words. For some reason she had grouped everything. So I had to ungroup everything and get ride of the pic of a boarder and just put in a normal page boarder. 15 mins later it was posted from when she showed up in the LRC. Even my computer got in on the act and decided to not install her jump drive. :) Then took it's dear time when I told it to re-boot.
**.. rocking out to my mp3 right now *** Bowling for Soup - 1985 ..***
Then I ..
**.. Train - Meet Virginia..**
... I decided to get the tape thing done for Dr. G. I was almost done when I realized that the second tape was 3 mins long like thought or wrote on the tape case. So I had to go find a longer tape to copy it to. I had gotten one that was about 21 mins long. Why wasn't it 30 mins long I don't know. Well I found one, and copied the stuff to it from two tapes. I was putting it away when I realized that I had to also made a digital copy. Oh well.
At 7:30 or so I was called over to the Library to help the guy who was working there something about pictures. He actually came asking for Photoshop. That raised and eyebrow.
**.. Nelly Furtado - Powerless ..**
He said that it showed pictures better. Ok. I had to see what he was up to. On the way over I go the key for our little lunchroom and a bag of popcorn to pop. After seeing what he thought he was up it, it turns out that he didn't know that much about pictures and just knew more less that photo shop showed pictures. It's like you wanted to get from point A to point B, and it's 10 feet away, but you went and bought a motorcycle, went around the block twice and then stopped at where you wanted to be.
I explained a few thing to him about viewing pictures and bitmaps and jpgs. I didn't say a word about Photoshop or paint shop pro. Something else he asked about when he came in to get me.
Ok.. I have to get up and check my computer inside. I set it to defrag before I came out there. That was over 30 mins ago, I know it's done. I just can't vnc into it anymore now that it's been upgraded to sp2. :( I also to pack my blank dvds again.
Well it's after 3 again, and I'm still awake again. But this time it's all my fault. I went hunting for something on line, then I was ready for bed, but I had a huge file downloading, so I cleaned up while it finished.
It finished, I restarted fire fox 3 or so times to change it's skin, now I'm blogging, but not for long. I'm going to post it tomorrow. I'm just adding a few details before I go to bed.
I had popcorn at work, which turned out to help my appetite here, but I was still hungry. I did eat it at 7:30 or so. I got home around 10:45.
I heard that they were canceling Star Trek: Enterprise. I couldn't believe it. I said here I am waiting for the season to start, then when I look up about the canceling, I find out that I'm already missed the start of the semester. It seems that I've been watching StarGate. But I hadn't seen or heard one thing about Star Trek since the year start. I just thought that they were still on vacation or what ever :(. Now I feel bad. But now that I know, I'll just have to watch the first Star Gate when it reruns later that night and watch enterprise. They are going to meet the "other klingon" that we all know from Kirk. I was wondering about that when they had the eps that the guy that played Data guest stared in for a three-parter.
Other than, I had a new paper that I brought to work with me to pick out something nice to copy here for you, but I just didn't get the time. When I got home my sister told me of something that we are going to check out on Monday. It seems that B.E.T. Black Entertainment Television is opening offices on Fort Street. She saw the sign and she says that it looks just like the one from the tv channel. Well, Well.
Well I'm off. Need to sleep. It's 3:30 now. I'll post this tomorrow before I go to bed.
Oh, since today was Saturday, my sister didn't cook, so I ended up eating all my trail mix cereal, all because I couldn't find my canned fruit. We both looked for it. :(
I have to remember to pack my black dvds with me. I want to take off the rest of my anime from the system before it something happens.
See ya.
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