February 08, 2005

I Have The Power Of Pictures Again...

... As you can see. :)

I'll check back with hello after they have fixed their problems, I like their's a bit better, and it lets you chat with others, (when it works)... but it's just not working for me right now. I almost though that it got fixed tonight, but it just didn't actually post anything. It said it was trying, but that was as far as it got.

As for the rest of my day, lets see.

I woke up with a start at 11am or so when I heard a noise, and knew that no one was in the house but me and Nika. Ran out to see what happened, and Nika was asleep in the couch. Guess the noise didn't come from the house. Ok, I'm awake now.

Checked my mail, no wrote me as usual. Then Nika woke up with a fever. I put one of those cold gel things on her head in a towel. I got her something to eat and drink and more or less talked her into going town with me since we were out of TP and her meds.

We were getting ready to leave when Jhoide showed up. Today is work day for her. Last night or so she got a call from a student at school who was told that she was a house keeper/cleaner, and wanted her to come and clean her place today at 2pm, and that morning she had her normal job. She got home, said hi, I told her that Nika had a fever when I found her this morning. She wasn't happy to hear that. But she said it was good idea to get her out of the house for a bit.

I dressed her in light clothes so she wouldn't get to hot and may have the air cool her down.

Got a bus, got to town. Went to Rams, got the TP, my lactose reduced milk, got her her Aramol (liquid paracetamol for kids) and orange flavor multi-vitamins. I got some spicy fries with plans of baking them this after noon. Got Nika two or so little things. Then we went to do something for Jhoide. She got paid for a job she did last week, and she got money from her regular job, and she wanted me to put them on the back for her. One was a check and the other was a cash. She's really cheep. $10 EC an hour. But before we went to do that, I went to get us something to eat, but Nika didn't want to eat in town so we took it to go. It was a saltfish and johnny cake.

We slowly made our way up to Jhoide's bank, Nika was sick and walking slowly, and I was carrying heavy boxes times 6 of milk. My poor hand. The other stuff was light, the milk taxed me.

We got there and I let Nika sit in one of the chairs while I tried to write up a deposit slip for Jhodie's stuff. Went thought 2 slips, and scratched a bit on the second one.

By the time we were ready to leave, Nika wasn't feeling that great, but a block later she seemed to have perked up, but then her shoe started to hurt her foot. So we stopped for a bit, and she had some of the OJ that I got her at the store. After a bit, we went and got a bus home. When we got home, she went down for a nap,I had my saltfish and johnny cake, did most of the dishes while I played music from the computer. I tested out Itunes today on this computer. It crashed the first two times when I tried to drag and drop about 4 gigs of songs into it.

Then I tried to do something on line.. can't remember what that is right now. But then I started to fall asleep when I had to use the bathroom, then Nika woke up, and I had to wake to take care of her until my sister got home, at which time she would also be tired and I would have to stay up more until she finished her nap in 2 or so hours.

Anyway, Nika woke up, I took her to my room propped her up in my bed, got her her saltfish and johnny cake and the rest of her OJ. After she ate, I had to hold her down and fight with her to get her to take her meds, for her fever. It brought her fever down nicely in about an hour I think. We laid in the bed for a while, then we Nika started to feel cramped on my small twin bed she said that she wanted to go out and lay down on the couch. So we were out there when Jhodie came home in another hour.

Oh Verey. I almost forgot about him. Pearl left around 3, with out telling me anything about Verey, and 30 mins later her boyfriend showed up with him to drop off his back because he wast taking him walking he said. Fine. He asked me if Pearl told. I just just said no, with the sound of "you expected her" sound behind it.

He showed up like 30 mins, if that much, before Jhodie got back. I was doing some hash browns in the oven. I let Nika pick between that and the fries. She chose the hash browns. Jhodie then went to get some chicken to go with it, and to get some bread for tomorrow. She also had to find a carpenter friend of her for a job somewhere that she was told about. I take that back, Verey came when Jhodie was out getting the chicken. Maybe. Ok, I give up, I don't care to remember when he came. I just know that he hung around Nika like a fly, and she wasn't paying him any attention. She was to busy watching the things on WWW.FLOWGO.COM . She went to the clicked on the babies page, and I showed her where the back button was when she had clicked on one, so she could get back to the list, and I left her alone. She was there for about an hour.

Oh, I've been on this computer longer than I should have. I looked for things, installed stalled things, uninstalled things, looked up things, fixed a few things and now blogging. I'm here a bit longer than I should be because one, my sister let me fall asleep in the couch and I woke up about 2 hours later at 11pm. Then when I was blogging I had to stop and help Jhodie give Nika her meds. Yes thing fighting thing.

Now I'm about ready to crash if not sit in a better chair, and my sister is now awake.

See ya. (time stamp - 4:31am).. oh note....

Rosters crow from 3am until sunrise. I say that because there are a lot around me an they are causing a racket now, and I remember someone saying that they only thought that they crowed at sunrise. Ya right.


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