February 24, 2005

$100, $200. . .

$537 or so is what it comes up to.

I went and got my new phone and mp3 cd mini boom box.

Walked into town and took off $60 off the bank. My sister thought that it was too much. Considering we got new shoes for Nika and two popcorns and some mini hot pockets before we even got to Courts, I was surprised that we had enough for my down payment which turned out to be $60. It looks like my sister was using mostly her money to buy the other stuff. She had all the money today.

I was almost given an extended warranty without asking if I wanted it first. Maybe if what I was buying was costing me a grand I would get it, but the phone was $126 and the mp3 player was $299. Since I'm not paying out right I get higher purchase cost tacked on.

And as if taking my information all back over again wasn't time consuming enough, Jhodie applied to see if she can also get her own phone and rug from downstairs. I was there for most of it, but I had to leave to come home and get ready for work. But not long after I was out of the shower and about to get dressed and such, she shows up. She said that one good thing was that if her credit didn't check out, she would get back her $40. Then she told me that I have to go back tomorrow. I have to sign the same paper all back over again about having Ross do the payments for me. Why do they keep my file in the first place for? At this point they can just work off of my name, where I live and how much I have left to pay them. :(

So I'm not going to be up that late, but then I don't have Inyuaisha to keep me out here. It's not on Thursday, Friday and Sunday nights.

Well work was ok. I even spent part of my last $20 on a $8 tuna sandwich. I ate at 3pm. Tried to get all that work that I put off done, and I thought that I was going a long rather well too. Until I checked on my first digitizing job that I took a nap during. It wasn't finished. Humm. Ok, on the scanning. I won't get all of it done, I have an hour left at work at this point. But I got the part that I took with me done. I came back and it hadn't moved. Great. I have re-do it tomorrow. I don't know why, but every so often, it just doesn't want to when I make handle a lot of data. It was an hour long, and at high rese. I may have to ask for a 512 stick of ram.

What else?... finished up a few loose ends from last week. The updating stuff. I even started the install of cleanup and the install of the last version of aim.

CleanUp isn't the best software as far as the team at Snapfiles are conserned, so here is their list sorted by ratings. Look around and see if you find one that works for you. For me Cleanup works fine. I just wish that it went a bit faster. :) Maybe if I didn't tell it wipe and just erase. :)

Stood outside in the cold again waiting for a bus. I'm starting to not remember being this cold before waiting for a bus ever outside of NY, but as it started to rain down on me a bus came by, and stopped for me.

As I got out of the bus a block before my stop, it started to rain again. Great. Great. I then proceeded to walk home in the some what of a light rain. I got the house to find out that Jhoide was asleep with Nika and had put the chain on the door. I had to knock on her door to wake up and let me in. Dinner was chicken and gravy with bread. Half way though I stopped eating the bread and just had the chicken. Carb thing. It felt funny not having anything to really eat with it.

I came on line about an hour and half ago, but I wanted to watch something on tv since I checked what was on before I left work, and saw that the second Tomb Raider movie was on Showtime. I was suppose to be able to see the last 20 or so mins of it, but I never found it so I was left trying to find something that I don't normally see on tv to watch. After surfing for like an hour or so, I settled on "OverHauled".

Now I've blogged, checked my mail. Got two, maybe three good mails, one from someone I actually know. I've even changed my wallpaper. :) Should I share?? It's actually rated like NC17 or something like that. :) It's a drawing of topless, almost nude girl on big red bike with some ties to an old anime movie. :)

Ok, since I have to be up at 9am tomorrow I'm not going to drag this out.

Tomorrow night after work before I can come home, I'm stopping off at Dr. S's house to help with his storage problem in his computer. Personally, I think they should get a new computer. It's win98, 20gigs maybe, and the wife likes making copies and ripping cds. :)


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