It's 2:19 am and I just finished typing up that thing for my uncle.
I made a few small changes because it looked like it had formatting errors, but if it turns out that they wanted it the other way, it's easy enough to change.
My day was was smooth for most of the day. I even cleaned out my desk and moved a few things around, and found like 15 pens and pencils in a box that was in one of draws. :)
I didn't even get pressed with anything until about and hour before closing. Ron wants a symantic ticker on the IT department front page. Fine. I found it, modified the code, and copied it. Then I ran into a nice tug of war with the CSS. The code from symantic would like to live on a nice clean html page without css. but mine had css, and since I'm not a wiz at css I fought, and fought, and gave up 2 hours later. An hour after I should have closed up and gone home.
My sister called me to tell me that I didn't call to say that I was going to be late. I normally call, but I was so intent on trying to beat the code that I didn't get to call home.
But get this, about 30 mins before my sister called me a student came in got me, because she needed help with something. So what if there were three students still in the LRC when it officially closed 30 mins ago. I helped her out, waved to the guy that was in there and hoped that the girl in the back of the room got the hint that it was time to leave when I turned off one half of the lights in the room after helping the the girl. But no, at 8 when I came out to get the keys to lock up she was still there. After closing up the FDC, using the bathroom and turning off the lights for the restrooms and the hall going to rest rooms and locking that door, checking 5 rooms to make sure that the windows were closed, and walking to the end of the room to turn off the lights for the other half of the room, 15 mins later, she asks "Is the printer still on?"
ARE YOU JOKING!! Is what went thought my head, but the word that came out was "yes."
I went behind the desk and turned off the two front desk computers and the apc attached to them. We won't have any power tomorrow from 8am until 3pm they said. The day shift girl gets the day off and I get to officially come in 30 mins after 2pm. :)
I was going to take home some papers that I found when cleaning out my desk, but I decided to leave them, so I got the key for were my desk was and opened it back up and place them in their new place. Came back out, and locked it. Then as I was walking past Jason's Office I checked the door. It was left open yesterday and again today. He isn't use to locking that door. Collin normally does it. So I did that, and picked up my stuff and the key to the last door that I have left to lock because she was still there. She had printed two things. Gotten up and walked across the room twice, then sat back down as I waited next to the door to wait for her to leave.
Getting home was ok, the same as always, this time I just had cold winds to keep me company for my short wait. but there was no dinner. Between taking Nika to the hospital and getting x-rays of her lungs and coming home to a nap, because a good night sleep hasn't been had by either one of them for a while, then going down to the clinic to get the meds for Nika, then picking up Verey and looking after the two of them, she just didn't get around to making anything to eat. So I just took a bit of everything I saw until I ended with a bowl of trail mix cereal in my lactose milk. That is what I get for not eating anything since 10am.
At 9 my sister put them to bed, and hung out with me for like two hours until Nika started to cough again. We think it's because she was laying flat, when she came out here and was sleeping sitting up, she didn't cough. The doctor said that she had some kind of drip going on in the back of her throat, and that was what was making her cough. I don't know about the x-ray yet. I'll ask Jhodie tomorrow.
Now everyone is in bed but me, I've seen my Star Gates, and Battle Star show, and they were all good. I've finished my job for my uncle. I just have to have my sister clean out the printer before we can print it, and I've blogged my day.
Mission completed.
Oh, side note. You know the other day when I talked about maybe changing somethings on my blog page or lay out? Well I added something, just not as big as I first had in mind. Allllll.... the way down at the end of this page you will see three links. Check out the one that goes to flickr.
:) Night.
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