February 11, 2005

A Two for.... If I can remember.

Ok.. I'm going to join up Thursday and Friday.

I have a feeling I won't remember much of either.

Ok.... I remember a few things. I think I declared my map as being finished on Thursday, I think. I had left overs, left overs? ok.. moving on. Friday was ok. I didn't do the rest of St.J's printing, so I tried again last night before closing from the same computer I was using, and it just locked up on me for like 3 mins. I'm not doing that again.

Oh, there was that DVD-+RW thing that I started to talk to you about the other day. (blog after this one) Well I should have picked make DVD movie or something like that, but instead I picked, make DVD data disk. So now, the anime that I burned on to it, (that took over two hours) can only be played in a DVD drive connected to your computer, and not the one connected to the tv set. I tried the tv one before going home, it didn't work. It couldn't read it.

Bummer. I wanted to give them to the anime club. We don't have any DVDs in the computers here yet.

So far, as you can see, I'm only mostly remember Friday.

About 30 mins to go until the end of my shift and my sister calls up to ask how much money I have to see if can buy some chicken to go with the fries that she is now putting in the oven. I didn't get to leave on time. She was expecting me to be home at 7:30 at the latest. I got home just after 8pm. I was at work until 7:30 helping someone resize some pics, then I tried to play the DVD that I just made in the DVD player connected to the tv in one of the rooms. It didn't work. Then I found out that the codex for the sound was on a time limit and it ran out. So they played, but no sound.

AM was the girl that I helped with the picture thing that night and she hung out and walked up with me. She got a ride before I did. A student was going her way, and stopped to give her a lift while we were talking. I was left to wait for 30 mins before a bus came by for me. Then I had to squeeze into the front seat because it was full bus. The bus had a DVD moving play too.

I haven't told you about this yet have I?

Well a few of the buses out there have DVD players installed in them for the passengers can watch something during the ride. You would think that we would be looking out to the sea or at the island. We have seen the sea, and most of the time, we are moving too fast to really see the island, and it not like we have a scenic routine.

So anyway, there was the DVD player, playing a Kong Fu movie, and I think it was an old one. :) The stuff I grew on watching every Friday night with the bubbling over. These days I rather hear their language and read English. I just hope the driver wasn't taking peaks at the movie. I wasn't ready to die that night.

I then got off at the street were my sister told me to get the chicken from. She wanted wings and I was getting drumsticks. As I walked it was 8pm. If I leave in the next 5 mins Jhodie may not be too mad at me. That possibility went down the drain quickly. 2 minutes into the guy just standing there, and talking every 40 seconds or so, I realized that he was trying to make up his mind if he wanted to lend out something to someone or not. When he finally started to move to the door to get the chicken, and stopped, I told him to got the food then decide about giving the guy the thing afterwards. He still stopped for 30 seconds to just bug me. I know it.

Well 5 more mins later he came back out with a palter of fried fish, a what I had asked for wrapped in foil. What was it? 5 or 6 wing and 4 drumsticks. It was for me, Jhodie, Nika and Verey. After paying him more than I expected I made my way home to see my sister standing on the porch looking out for me.

She didn't talk to me for like 30 mins. I thought that she was mad at me. I told her that there were no buses and such. When she did talk to me, she said that she was just hungry. I'll take that.

The spicy fries were hotter than I thought they would be, but they were good.

By the time Star Gate came on, everyone was in bed but me.

It was nice set of shows, but as always with Battle Star Galactica, it felt like I missed part. Then sometime around 2am. I don't know what I was doing up that late, but I was.

I made a little voice recording for an online friend of mine. I had to do it 5 times. One of the problems, that I now realize, I talk to quietly. The other thing was that the recorder that came with windows was adding pops and clicks and stuff to the recording, so I had to go and download a new voice recorder. This one goes a bit further than the one that came with MS. This one records right to MP3. That saves me a step.

I think I wrote up something about the rest of my night.

I've just spent, off and on, almost 6 hours writing this blog. A few things came up that I had to do. I am at work after all. :)

See ya. I think I'll get tonight's blog done tonight. :)

Sorry no time to check for grammer, but I did spell check. :) closing time.

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