Well the rest of the day was almost as empty as empty can get.
I couldn't even make myself do the updates.
Near the end of the night I tracked down and found some software for Nika. I didn't find the one thing that I would have liked the most, but I found nice set of second place things.
I also found this place that has cds for sale for the price of shipping and handling. I guess they weren't selling that wall, or it's a good way for them to get you to look at what they are selling, or both.
I'm going to try and get a few on Tuesday. I think I'll have them sent my mom's house and she'll mail then down here for me and I pay though the post office, which might happen anyway. I don't get that much mail to really know. Ok, I'll just have it sent straight here if they ship over seas. Ah! The catch. Over seas shipping. Do they, or don't they?
I'll go see, mean while, here's the link. Just leave a few things ok? :)
Don't you like it when I'm wrong. Well I was, about the site having cds that they sold at full price. It seems that all the cds are for sale at s&h price.
Planet CD-Rom
See ya.
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