May 01, 2005



I'm currently taking some time out of updating my wallpaper pages on my two websites to say ya. :)

Hopefully by the time my sister and Nika get back from the beachnik I'll be done with my updates. They left at noon. I have no clue when they will be back.

I was planning on going to school to sneak in some work, but I think I'll just stay here and clean instead.

Yesterday was shopping day for us. Jhodie woke me up at 9 am. I was up until midnight, then I just crashed. I wanted to take a nap when I was in town, but when I got home I just started on my wallpaper things. We did rather well with the shopping yesterday. The part that went wrong was when Nika fell asleep around 6pm or so, and stayed asleep until 11pm or so. And we tried to get a movie to watch since we now had a vcr, but the first place my sister went to only had dvds to rent, so she went to the other only place that we knew about, and got something, but she should have saved her/my money. The one of the two that we looked at was a bad bootleg, :(, the other one I haven't even looked at yet.

Today, I kinda helped Jhodie get ready for the beachnik after I woke up at 11am. :) I had tried out a cereal that we got yesterday and I don't like it. I tried to fix it, but it just ended up being too sweet for me to eat. :P I then went to the very odd mix that I made the night before of some kind of Indian snack thing, some Frito's twists and some crispy chow main noodles. The Indian thing on it's own, wasn't that great, so I tried to add something to it to make it worth eating. The twists work. But I had more of the Indian stuff then the twists. :) Oh, Indian as in from India. :)

Now I'm just drinking water. I want to eat, but I have no will to. Which I consider odd, and slightly greatful for, but to keep reaching for something to eat, then just turning away or dropping it. Did I say odd?

Oh, before my sister left for the beach with Nika, she called me to say that she forgot to carry a blanket or sheet for them to sit on, so I could I bring one? Great. Nappy uncombed hair, in my night shirt, and I have to get dressed and get it there before they leave. In what?.. 2, 3 mins? I would need 5 to just comb out my hair!

So without a bra I put on an off the shoulder blouse, my long jean shirt so you couldn't see my legs, didn't touch my hair, and grabbed a sheet off the line, and I left the house open. One, because I didn't have my keys, and two, to remember to water the plants on the kitchen step.

As I said before, I'm now working on my wallpapers. You should stop by and see where I'm up to, if I'm not done yet when you get there. Go to my first website, and go the end and there you will see the link to my wallpapers.

Ok, I have to go upload the wallpapers that I had to change. ImageShack is proving to be a very nice thing for me. I just don't know how I'm going to use it with my wallpaper club. It's the perfect place to use it since I have no place over at msn groups, but how to really use it, I'm not sure.

Well, see ya.

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