January 31, 2006
Sweet and Sour
It's the end of my two days off.
Tomorrow I have to get up early to wash my hair for work.
Let's see. My day was filled with staying in bed late because I stayed up late. Then I came out to eat breakfast and saw that Jhodie had turned the house almost completely upside down looking for her pliers. “A mess” doesn't really come close to what I saw.
They came by yesterday, the gas people, and you know they said that the gas tank had gas in it. But come breakfast time today, she couldn't boil water with the flame she had. So she tried herself to see what was wrong. Hence the "mess".
She once again found nothing wrong, and once again thinking that something is wrong with the tank, but this time she is going to have someone come look at the stove to rule it out.
She also wants to put up some shelves tomorrow to move some of the stuff that is now blocking most of the flow in this part of the house. I folded up the clean cloths that were in the love seat and put up most of them. I cleared out the couch and the love seat so there would be space for us to sit when Nika came home, and for when Jhodie got home from work.
I also finally sat down and watched the two anime movies from the last Thursday of January. The first one was like hours long. Nothing really "exciting" happened until the end, but it was a very nice movie. The second one I'm downloading now. It didn't fit onto what was left of the tape after the first movie and like 10 ads. It cut in less then half way though the movie.
I had to get the chicken wings ready for dinner. I hurt my hand cutting them up at the joints. Jhodie made sweet and sour chicken, to go with the rice from yesterday that I heated up.
Nika fell asleep like 15 mins after she got home from school. I asked her to change her clothes after she did her homework. She slid down the couch for some reason, and by the time I turned around again to tell her change her clothes again, she was asleep on the floor. I picked her up and put her on the couch and took off her sock and shoes.
Since the stove and or gas wasn’t currently working, we were going to use all the electric cooking things we got. At least that was the impression that Jhodie gave me this morning before she went to work. But when she came back she scaled back on what she was going to cook and just did the chicken. Yesterday we learned that if you turn off he gas then turn it back on a while later it comes on at full/normal strength and you can cook. So I went out side and turned it off, then went back out there like 30 or 40 mins later to turn it back on again for the end part of making the sweet and sour chicken.
Dinner was good. Everyone is still awake. I'm not sure why Jhodie is up, but Nika took a while to wake up from her nap so I know that isn't tried yet. I've been fighting sleep off and on for a while. I want to be asleep at 1am, but that would mean going to bed at 12, but I'm not sure. I want to, but want to watch tv and maybe catch Inyuasha, but that doesn't come on until 1:30am our time, which I can't do if I want to wake up to wash my hair.
Oh, the good news of the day.
The dean's wife finally wrote me about building her site for her. She wrote a book about this pig that lives at turtle beach. It's a children's book so it has to be at least slightly fun looking. I have an idea for the site already. She has all the information for the site, so I don't think this will take very long unless I run into some unseen things. I really hope I do this right.
I also have to get in contact with the teacher that I made the site for to do it all back over again. Now that I think of it, I should have gotten her to change the password. Now that makes me feel odd and make think about changing the passwords for my two yahoo accounts.
Well it's 11:59 and Jhodie and Nika have now fallen asleep. I just put Nika in her bed and Jhodie is walking off to hers.
Ok... time to spell check this thing and turn back on BitSpirit. The bandwidth down here bites so much that I run that program and surf at the same time.
See ya.
January 30, 2006
Bed Books, the revolutionary way to print books for comfortable reading in bed."
Hi ya.....
I got home late last night so I didn't finish blogging. I had started one last night at work, but I didn't have time to finish it.
Last night and today had a bad sleep, so I still feel like a slug even three hours after "really" waking up.
I'll get back to it tonight, but I'll fill you in on Sunday first.
I walked in to see M back at work. She is now back, but then she had to leave over 2 hours early because of a baby sitting issue. The guy who was suppose to be working the day shift was there also, but he was also bailing since she was there. I told him to call someone and ask them what his hours were going to be now that she was back. He didn't bother with me.
Within 40 mins I was the only there.
I didn't make any wallpaper, I bearly worked. I was just tired from being board and lonley.
I so wanted to talk to someone else that I turned on my IM. Lucky me someone came on 30 secionds later. We talked for bit, if you could call it talking, then I sliently vented on him for not really talking to me, and he asked me where this was all coming from. I told him I was lonely, and he said everyone was and loged off.
I was trying not to sound needy. Did great didn't I?
I only had one problem. There was water in BR 1. It came though the window and got unto the desk with the compter and some other things.
I also had dinner an hour after my sister called to let me know that the gas had gone out on her. That left us in a spot. We got that tank a month ago, and already it was out. It's suppose to last at least 6 months. Jhodie said that the was going to stop off over at the shell station to tell them about it, and then pick up something to eat. I called back later that night thinking that I missed a called from her to find out that I didn't. I asked what they said about the gas, but she said that she didn't make it that far and she couldn't leave now. So I had to go by after work.
I found out that I still had some of my anime shows at work. I watched two eps of Chobits, and two trailers from quicktime.com. Then I started the blog covering Friday and Saturday. I didn't get to finish it, and I just took Sunday off the days to be recaped.
The cleaners showed up and I ended up forgetting to do a few things when they were handing me cds that they found on the tables. I took the switch home with me, and I braved human moving cold winds to be told when I got to the top by the guard house that I forgot to close a door. I told the guard that the cleaners were there and the doors were suppose to be opened, then I remembered that I didn't lock the other door to the 24 hour room. So I turned around and went back to the LRC to close the door. As I got there I saw a student walk into the LRC. I wondered what she was doing. Then I realized that I didn't flip the sign on the doors. I just walked out. I wasn't thinking right that night.
I turned around the signs and showed the key that closed that door to the cleaners incase they ever needed to open the door or I left it opened another night.
I then got a bus in the blistering wind and missed my stop at the shell station. I got off to buy myself something to eat. I was waiting to long and had to leave to go to the station to tell them about the gas. They gave me a nuber to call the next day. I then went back and got some pizza. I also tried to get some bread because Jhodie didn't get any when she went shopping.
I got home to find out that Jhodie had made some bread. It's a good think I didn't spend the whole $5 like I wanted on bread. I wanted to, but he didn't have that much bread to sell to me.
Jhodie told that gas was very low like it was going to go out. It didn't go out like she told me, or it came back but very week. Uncle Ray cam over before I got home and he tried to clear the pipes to make sure that they weren't blocked. He also said that the tank was almost empity.
Today, they, the gas people, came by while Jhodie was in town paying one of our bills. I was trying to sleep since I had such a hard time sleeping that I didn't want to get up, but they were banging on the door and I had to see them so they could fix our gas.
As far as they were concered after I tested all the burners on the stove, everything was working fine and the tank had alot of gas left in it. About 15 mins after they left Jhodie came back home. Now it seems to be working fine and Jhodie made dinner before she left to do some fishing for the rest of the day.
I have to go because Nika wants to take me outside to show me the tank of gas and to go see her Mommy.
Forgive the grammer mistakes and spelling mistakes since I have to leave now. Take care.
Enjoy the link. Another intresting one.
January 29, 2006
Just A Little Late
*Linkin Park - In The End*
I was looking forward to writing up about Friday and it's just now that I'm now getting around to writing a blog for the past 3 days.
Let's just start from Friday shall we?
Let's see?
*Robbie Willams - Millenium*
I kinda went to sleep a little early Thursday night despite finding out that it was the last night for Anime Night on TCM. I asked my sister to tape it for me as I tried to go to sleep. I still haven't watched it. Either way, I got up in good time, and everyone went with me. Nika didn't have school that day for some reason.
We got to Courts ok, and I got my check, then I asked about the one that they sent yesterday. They said that they didn't get it yet. Later at work when they us our pay slips I asked about it, and she said that it was deducted in software, but it wasn't sent yet, so I was getting a check for the money next week. That is going to end up being my bus and lunch money for 2 weeks.
*Barenaked Ladies - One Week*
After getting my little check I went to cash it since I needed money to get to work. Lucky me it was raining. The rain rendered the bank empty, so when I went in I was next in line.
$150. Now to go pay off Nika for coming to town with us. Jhodie said that she told her she would get KFC is she came, but first we went to Rams. I still don't know why. I picked up two biscuits for 95 cents each. Oh, and Jhodie got the expensive twits. $15 a box.
*Lou Bega - Tricky, Tricky*
I think Nika got a snack or two for later. That broke my $100, then we walked over to KFC. There Jhodie and Nika got something. Then we walked over to the store that I got my birthday shirt from. The shirt that she wanted to show me was sitting in a plastic bag that the lady who was looking at something else was going to buy. I just got another head scarf. A whitish one with things on it. It's kind of 70ish.
I went to work, and I left them for them to the rest of their day. I walked into work at 11am on the dot. This could be a good day.
*N'sync - It's Gonna Be Me*
I had breakfast, I've been up from 8:30am, and I'm ok still. My e-mail was empty. I found stuff to do, and I had stuff to do. .... something just hit me. Did I type up Thursday??... ya I think I did.. ok.. back to Friday.
I did something to keep me going, then my music picked me up. They were doing the e-mail exchanger server upgrade and move. The moved mine or so they said. I'm in both places. They seemed to have copied mine over as a little test. I can get to the new one from inside school, but I have to use the old one when I'm at home which doesn't do me any good since I don't use the web e-mail when I'm work, just at home.
*Etta James - At Last*
Well I then asked one of the many new guys, Gary, if he had tried out this cd that I burned for him of a modified XP install that I found. He said that he hadn't gotten around to doing it again, and that he was thinking of doing a test here. He would put a hard drive into one of the gateways that we were stripping and ditching and I can install it and let him know what happens since he was leaving in like 2 hours.
He was stayed long enough to see me start it, then everyone else that came in, beside the bosses of course, asked about the install.
*Rusted Root - Lost In A Crowd*
The install looked different, and it said Service Pack 3 which got their attention. Before I knew it, everyone was in here waiting to see how it would turn out. In the end everyone was trying to get a copy of my disk. :) It came out quite well. When everyone left, I was left to do the last test. To see if it could update. It could. I left the note on the screen and went home. For a while I didn't think it could, but it turned out that we just lost internet for a while.
Dinner was very good. Greens, in red peas and rice and baked chicken covered in bread crumbs with a side of some pumpkin.
*Les Miserables - Master Of The House*
There was the night of StarGate since it was Friday. Jhodie stayed in her room until StarGate Started, then left after Atlantis. She doesn't get BattleStar.
I went in to bed late. Don't quite remember what time now. I think it was 2am, but I could be wrong. I know that everything ended at 1am I think now that I think of it. So 2am isn't that far fetched. I might have gone to bed later than that. Any which way. Wait I did go in late, I couldn't wake up the next day. Jhodie wanted to go shopping since she knew the money would be on the bank come Saturday. I had said that I would go, but I just couldn't get up, and they left at like 11:30, so I couldn't go even though I was now awake. I had work at 2pm.
*Janet Jackson - Runaway*
I got something to eat, tried on my new head scarf and hated how I first put it on, then I tried something new with it, and it worked. And as I walked out the door at 10 past 2, Jhodie opened the front door, so I helped bring in the groceries. Then I went off to work. I saw that the guy working the day shift messed a bit with the computer to just see a few things and changed the wallpaper.
I had a few e-mails to work with today. That helped me to correct a formatting thing I did with two teacher's profile on the website. The other was sign posting for exam dates for the students. This time Ron wanted a copy to send out as and e-mail. After that I fell back into my wallpaper world. A place that hasn't seen me in semesters. I was quite happy. The day moved along quite nicely.
*Sophie B. Hawkins - Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover*
I also worked on the computer for my uncle's friend, but there is a problem. No video. I tried everything I could and I just couldn't get any video out of the computer. All this after I installed the DVD+ - RW drive. Finding screws since it didn't come with any, and stuff. What a let down. I called Rick to tell him. He said that he might come by that night. I left the drive in hoping that he found something that I missed and went home.
*Fifth Element - The Full Diva's Opera*.....
I have to go home now. I'll finish this up later.
Ok, I'm back. Like two days later, and I don't have that much left to write, no I have Sunday to write about. Hope I remember Sunday to write about it. ... what have I written. Hold on while I back check.
Ok.. it's 1am. I shouldn't be blogging.. but I read over what I have written and I fixed a few things, but I have to check something else before I can finish this.
See ya in another day or so. *grin*
Ok, it’s now Wednesday, and this blog is finished. I typed up Sunday’s blog that night. I just did spell check and I’m finished. Grief.
January 26, 2006
Hi ya,
Nothing happened yesterday to really talk about other than maybe three things.
One, I went computer hunting for the lady. As much as I didn't want to be in this, I'm stuck here. For the amount of money she has, I had to almost build her a computer. I got parts, and I'm going to install the OS, along with the software that came with the burner, and a program to teacher you how to type.
Two, I called my sister up to ask her about courts. The night before she was looking over my pay slips and she believed that I should have already paid everything I owed and they were still getting money from the school. So she went there today to pay off her bill with them, and check and see how much I had left to pay them if any. Turns out my bill was settled back at the end of November. They took my money in December, and just haven't gotten around to notifying anyone that the bill had been paid off. So thanks to my sister, they will have a check for me for the money they got last month.
I then called up accounting to let them know not to send them any more money, and was told that I was like 6 hours too late. So they are going to work out something.
Good thing I'm getting money back tomorrow. I just about spent my last $15 on lunch. I got back $1.25. It's a good thing I had $2 in my purse so I can get home. I slightly miss read how much things cost. I only went in for 2 scrambled eggs which were going to come to $4, but that line was too long, so I went for some of the pre-made hot lunch instead.
So now I have garlic breath, and I'm broke. I can't stay up late tonight. I did that last night and it almost hurt me. Not tonight. Right after CSI I'm in my bed.
Third, I got a lift home from school, and got dropped off at my uncle's house. I went to get the first check from him for the computer for the lady. She had given him the money for the computer already, but he is making sure that he spends her money right, and will wait until it shows up before he pays the rest of it. It should be here tomorrow I'm told. I guess that means that over the weekend I'll be working on it. I just have to go find those cds. I didn't remember last night or I would have looked for them instead of scanning pictures.
Well that was yesterday... most of it anyway.
Did some exercise before bed, then I was up today in time to see Jhodie go fishing. She should be home soon. She has to be home for Nika at 3:30. She may come home early because sometimes Nika comes home at 3.
Officially her class is free to go at 3, but the whole school doesn't let out until 3:30. She normally comes home with the rest of the kids.
Dinner won't be a surprise tonight. It's the same thing we had last night. She made enough so that she wouldn't have to cook after fishing today. It's just cook up with coconut milk.
Today was ok.
As you already read I had lunch. I did web stuff mostly, and then I had a meeting at 1:30 about more web stuff. Then I helped
Jerrold came by and now he's getting a copy of the wallpapers that I have here. I tried using our outlook, but it's coughing, so I used yousendit.com to send the file to him. It is a bit big, but I expected outlook to just tell me that it couldn't send something that size, not freeze and crash on me.
Now I'm here sharing this link with you.
It's an interesting concept.
Take care.
January 24, 2006
Bills, Inyuasha and ...

I know, it's a work night, what am I doing up. I found out what day and time the new Inyuasha's will be coming one.
Wednesday at 12:30am which is 1:30am for me.
Above you will a very nice bill. That is more or less, more like less, then how much my living room set is costing me. I've just paid off my washing machine.
I have to get you a flyer for this place so you have a clue of what we pay for stuff you don't really think twice about buy sometimes.
And how did I scan this lovely little bill for you to see?? I have a scanner. Well it's my uncle's scanner, but it now lives here. He has a scanner, printer, copier at home now, so I get this until he needs for some reason. Like be broke the other one. *grin*
I so wish I could lay in my bed and wait until my show comes on, so I could promptly fall asleep afterwards. But I might in a few weeks. I showed uncle ray my tv hoping he could help. He might be able to fix it, but most likely knew who could come and fix it for us. He said he would talk to someone about coming to have a look at it for us. Great. In the mean time, I'm looking at bedding down out here on the couch, but my bed is a bit better for sleeping on for me.
As for the rest of my day. The pain of trying to get out of bed didn't meet me today when I got up. I even got up sooner than I wanted because I didn't feel so bad when I had to get up to use the bathroom.
I wasted 2 hours trying to fix, repair, and re-time a .srt file. A .srt file is the files that contains the subtitle or close capturing for a movie. The one that came with the movie appeared not to work, so I went out and got another set for the movie. I didn't really think I would find them the way I did. I thought I did good until I realized that it was in two parts. So that brought a slew of problems that I tried to fix. Did I say I wasted 2 hours? I meant I wasted 2 hours today at least. I've been working on this since last night.
So I tinkered with that this morning, then an hour or so later I went back to lay back down since Jhodie was using the washing machine.
I had a nice afternoon extended nap, and got up around 3. I came back to the computer to check on something, tinkered again with the .srt file, after I had set up the computer to play an audio book I had. I had turned it up really high so I could hear it in the shower. At 15 past 3 I went to wash my hair so my sister could comb it, or at lease grease it for me. It wasn't loud enough. I heard bits and pieces, but I got the just of it.
I came out, dried up, and got dressed to hang out what was in the washing machine, so I could wash my own cloths. I then got stuck back with .srt file and just lost time that my sister showed up at 5 and I hadn't taken out the turkey to clean it like she asked me. Turns out it wouldn't have helped. I thought she said that it was in the fridge, not the freezer. My load of cloths needed softer, and she put that in for me.
Nika was being stubborn today and fell asleep when I asker her to do her homework before the tv could go on. But I did think that she really was tired. I'm not use to seeing her taking a nap anymore.
We ended up having home made fries with chicken and fish that Nika and I went to the store for. Nika got the fish, Jhodie and I had drum sticks.
At bed time we got to see the start of Lion King 2 &1/2 but didn’t get to see all of it. We then watched the new Dirty Jobs. Jhodie then bailed on me, and I'm trying to stay up to watch Inyuasha, after I've found out that the .srt file that first came with the file now works. Great.
Now just to make all that time worth something, I see parts in the this .srt file that have less or a different wording than the first one I saw and the other version I have on the computer. So I'm going add in a few words here and there, change a few here and there to match up what I saw before on tv and to have it be closer to what is being said. There is one part in the movie where Mei says "... a cat, a cat bus." and this version just has her saying cat bus, and hear her saying cat twice. So that is one thing that I'm going to fix.
Now it's 1:30 in like 2 mins, and I get to watch my show. Then put the turkey back up before I go to bed. Then I get up at 9 something so my sister can do my hair, and I have time to iron my clothes for work.
See ya.
--- no time for grammer checking tonight.

January 23, 2006
Eos Airlines - About Us
I haven't a clue how much this cost, but it might be worth it. Only people who live on planes would know if the price is right.
Well yesterday I got to work to find nothing connected.
So I ended up doing what I expected to be doing. Playing games. I wasn't all that happy about it when I saw them walking back and forth trying to get stuff to work and finding out if worked or not, but then I didn't feel all that guilty either. I was cut off from everything and I didn't have a clue of what they were doing and I couldn't help.
I did end up helping by the time I was set to eat my popcorn. I just helped them trouble shot the connections, and notified them of missing connections. That lasted all of 20 mins maybe.
Then I downloaded a game to try. At first I wasn't going to keep it. It just seemed like a copy of a few games that I already had, but they added a nice twist to it. I think I'm going to keep this one.
I then got caught up in helping a staff member from the Library to get some pictures from his phone cam to his e-mail. I went past closing time helping him with this, but it worked.
I then stopped off at OJ's to buy some bread. Jhodie called when she got home because she was slight miffed that we were out of bread. She gets very irritated from seasickness, and when she takes the pill for her seasickness she's even more so.
Nika was asleep within 10 mins of me coming home. Jhodie stayed in her room for most of the night, but I was able to get her to come out here and see parts of the movie that I got.
I then spent the rest of my time out here on the couch watching tv until I fell asleep and woke up around 5 or so and went to bed.
Today, I just didn't want to get up. I just felt wiped, but the brain was dumping all these dreams on me when I tried to get up. I would find myself sitting on my bed falling back asleep when I'm trying to get up. At one point I had bought land out somewhere on this planet and I was calling myself a queen. At another point I was waking up from a party for my birthday in some open cave like place with hundreds of people who just showed up at the same place and my birthday party guess were stoned. Someone thought that they had gotten some mushrooms to eat that weren’t meant to be eaten. I had thrown up what I was given. Then there were other things that had me falling back asleep too.
I finally got myself out of bed around 3pm. I turned on the tv, got internet from my sister who was now in her bed, and I checked my mail. Nothing today. No big surprise there.
Found this link, sharing it, now I'm going to let Nika watch the movie.
See ya.
January 21, 2006
I'm not going home early.

They changed their minds about what time they were going to shut down the servers, so I'm not going home early tonight.
It's a good thing I decided to ask. *grin*
Well what do you think of the pic?
I got a list of our SGA members and the paper looked so plan that I wanted to make it look good, and I decided to see what other schools did. Some had some rather nice ones, but I couldn't stray to far from our school's logo since I was asked to make anything.
It's going to be a late night for me now. I already expected to have a late night for the mere fact that I was going by my uncle's house, but now I'll be getting there around 10:30pm.
I didn't do any computer tips after I ate. I ended up doing the sga thing instead.
Now one of two things will happen
1a. They will tell me to take down the logo so they can officially get permission to keep and use it.
1b. They will tell me to take down the logo so they can find one that they find better
2. They will just tell me to take it down.
I don't care if they don't keep it, but decide to get a logo anyway, as long as they make me fell like my attempt was below dirt.
While I was out there looking around for sga logos I came across the old sga site that the password wasn't handed down for and saw that they had something there that I could use. I bookmarked it for later. I'll see how I can add that into the site.
Since I got the job of making and updating the SGA site, I've tested some stuff on it, and it looks like I'm going to have a good reason for doing it again.
Ok, the last student just left the LRC. He didn't go too far. The 24hour room I'm sure. He walked out of here with his laptop open and using it as an MP3 player. *grin*
After my uncle I'm going to watch what I downloaded if nothing good is on. I found this neat program that keeps the movie in step with the audio with out maxing out my cpu. So now I'm watching videos on my desktop.
Ok, I'm going to go wash my bowl and get ready for closing up. If Rick, who came back, decides to leave the same time as me, I might get a ride to my uncle's house.

Fantasy Board Games at Swords Online . com
Do you know how to play chest? I don't, not really. I know bits and pieces, but I never really sat down and tried to play a real full game with the rules.
I found this following a link from my comic place.
So it has been two days of me not saying much. Let's pick back up where we left off shall we?
Thursday night I fell asleep watching that last anime movie with Nika who thought it was funny. I woke back up around 4:30am and went into my bed. I think everyone was asleep by then and I placed the laptop on the floor off of the bed.
Oh, a note on the anime even if there is only one day left of it. The first time the movie is shown it is in English. The next time it’s showed it’s subtitled. If you watch both you will see that at times it’s a completely different conversation from the first one you heard between two people.
I then woke up at 10am to show Jhodie how to install a game for Lynn. Jhodie and Nika are in Nevis this weekend. They will be back Sunday night.
I was so late getting to work Friday that I bought breakfast at work. Bagel, cream cheese and two scrambled eggs. The eggs didn't have anything in it, and no extra butter was used when cooking it. At first I wasn't sure how much I would like it. Wait, they could have put some salt in it, I just didn't see it before it was fried.
Anyway, break fast cost me $11, and there more or less went my $20 that I just got from Jhodie that I got from her this morning. At least it was good.
The rest of the day was good. I ran up and down the place returning things. Mostly it was mostly tapes. It was better then Thursday which was just a yawn for me. Ya, I just about yawned my day away Thursday. I did a few things for a few teachers, and used the restart program for the computers on the floor after the exam was over. But I did manage to slightly hurt my back when helping to put up the screens after the exam. I didn't really want to pack any, since that is when my back gets hurt. I've put them up and or unpacked these things like 4 time or so already. Granted not that much, but more then I would like.
I asked the guy who I was helping out if he would mind if I just took down the screens and brought them in and he would pack them up. He didn't say anything against it, so I started to take them down.
Then later he started to complain that I wasn't packing any up. I told him what I said, and he said that he was stopping at 30. We had at least 50 to put up. So to keep my back from killing me, I packed about 15 or so with them being on a box to bring them about chest high. But my back was already hurting me from collecting most of the screens from the floor, so I just did all that I had taken down and even went out for the other two that I didn't bring in when stopped to rest my back, and left the last 16 or so for him to take down and pack.
As for Friday’s work load besides running around, I had to redo a tape I had done before I went on vacation. For some reason it didn’t come out that well. So I had to get back the tapes from the teacher I lent, and redo the thing. At which time a student showed up wanting to see the tape. She got one off the tapes while I fixed the other one. I started a download that I’m continuing today, and will be doing tomorrow. It’s in parts and you have to wait an hour before you get another part. If I joined the site this wouldn’t be and issue, and I’m starting to feel like I will. It’s too much of a pain. But I won’t use my bank card. I think that I’ll get this card that the post office is selling where you put money on it and use it for what you want. With a only $1US for each time you buy something using it. It’s a lot better then the $10 EC I have to spend if I use my bank card. But get this. It’s $20 for putting money on it. If I could put $100 on it, and use that for like 10 things I get to save money. For all those small things on line I could buy or places to join. In another month or so.
Friday night when I got home I ate cereal. I found the living room light on along with my bedroom light. Nika forgot to take the toy spider back over to Nevis. It was a cold night, and I was happy that it decided to rain after I got home.
I got home at 7:30, and at 8pm I saw the start of a new rerun show that SciFi was starting to show on Fridays. It's called John Doe. You might remember it. It's about this guy who looks like a cocoon just melted off of him, leaving him naked and in the middle of an island somewhere on the planet. He also has this nice bran on his chest. A big C with two notches off to the side and something like a rising moon at the top. Oh, he knows everything but who he is, and he’s colour blind. Do you remember now??
That was another good show that just disappeared. We were so close to finding out about him when it went away.
Well after that there was my Friday night line up. The two stargates, then battlestar. I loved the song that was sung in Atlantis. I wonder if I'll find it somewhere to download.
I then went on line at what?... Midnight? I stayed on line until 3am when I went to bed because I should, not because I was feeling tired. I felt like I was waiting for something, and that was why I was still up. There was nothing for me to wait up for. I set to download a few things then went in to bed.
Oh, almost forgot. We had a slight black out while I was on the computer. I think I was typing something when the computer re-booted on me. I scrambled, in a clam way, to find matches and a few candles, incase it really went out next time. I may like the dark, but not pitch black.
There was rain and wind that night. A lot of wind. I went to bed with a candle lit in case I woke up and the lights where out. Burned out what was left of my sister's scented candle. It was the only one in a glass.
I woke up around 11 this morning. Used the bathroom, checked my download, and then tried to surf. The net was dropped a number of times, then I just went back into bed until I had to get ready. It was still windy, and I was cold.
Also, the water was a bit low today, so since I couldn't have sweated, I got dressed, and sprayed everything down along with me with my new perfume. I even got my coat with me today.
Then get this. As soon as I got to work it hit me that I may not have locked my front door. Great. I did leave on a light for tonight when I got home. I got snacks to tide me over until I had a soup at work at 7 (which is in 40mins). I remembered to take my drive with me, but I don't know if I locked my front door. I feel like I did, but I can't remember doing it.
So first I sent and e-mail to Jhodie asking for uncle ray's phone number so I call and ask him to check for me. At first I thought that it was something odd to ask him. But then I didn't want to come home to a ransacked house. Besides I've done little things for him.
I called him up and he said sure, he just wanted me to help him get a laptop for a friend thought Rick. Which I did. Within 3 phone calls, I got it set up for him to get the laptop this week coming once we get the number of the item to Rick by tonight along with the first part of the payment. The other part will be paid once it was delivered. Which is fine by everyone. So I have to go to my uncle's house after work. It's a good thing I get off an hour early tonight.
They are doing some upgrades to a few of the servers, so everything will be down from tonight at 9 till 9am the next day. I think. Nope. I was wrong. It's from 9pm until 9pm.
Ron said that we will have normal hours tomorrow, but who will be here without internet?? I'll be playing my games for most of my shift. I will only have internet access, but the students can't even log on since they use a roaming profile, and they won't be able to access it with the servers being upgraded.
I wonder if I'm going to have music tomorrow? I hope so, or I'm living on the computer with the music tomorrow. It just occurred to me to post that the LRC, for all important ways, will be down for most of tomorrow. I've been told that I can leave at 9 tonight, but I'll see when the time comes.
Ok, just about everyone just left. I didn't even know that Ron was here. He left with Rick and a few other guys. They will all be back at 8:30 I'm sure to start the upgrade.
I did a few classes today. They are being very picky. Even though I did the test and came out with 90percent, they are still staying that not done. They want to me go to everything to past. So I have go though them telling me how to print, how to bold a word and such things. Gref!
The second one I did logged me out before recording that I did some of the parts that they insist that I do. I didn't want to go back in to see that it wasn't saved, so I just left the site to do something else.
I'm going to go eat soon. It's now about 25 till 7. When I come back I think that I'll come up with some tips for the computer help part of the site. I haven't done much lately, and I think I saw real mail in my hotmail account. I had to check on something for a staff member just now and saw it. I like never user that account. It's just to help me trouble shoot stuff for other hotmail users.
On my parting note I'll let you know what song is currently playing between my ears... "4 Non Blondes - What's Going On (Dance Mix)"
I remembered about writing down the names of the songs too late. Sorry.
--It’s now after 7 and I’m going to make my soup.
January 19, 2006
Naturemill: Compost made easy!
I didn't get to blog last night because my sister was living it up on line with a new friend she found. She was talking over the computer for hours on end. I think she found him again this morning by the time I woke up to get ready for work. She was up last night until 2am at least. That is when I called it quits and went in.
I got to see Author and the new Law and Order ep on channel 4. I almost hated going to bed since my tv didn’t work and just having it on to keep me company until I fell asleep would hurt my eyes if I looked at it.
Today is a bore. I know I most likely can walk over to Collins office and have work handed to me, but I feel more like just napping on my desk.
Yesterday I was busy up until the last hour of my shift and hurt my back too. Today I cleaned up something from yesterday that I didn't know was wrong, but other than that nothing.
I'm here nicely yawning away my life as it pours out side. We are having a PAVE exam in the LRC today so it’s closed for everything else until 4 this afternoon.
I'll go see Collin at when the exam is over. I don't like walking out there when they have exams.
Well I got the link up top for you from "My Yahoo" page. That is where I get most of them from unless its software or a computer deal.
The music is hardly keeping me awake.
Due to the exam outside of my door, most of the IT department has relocated to the FDC because I'm guessing they couldn't keep it down. Loud boys. So I'm here all by myself, with nothing to do.
Well the link is a good one. For me, down here the price is a bit steep, but state side I think it would be worth it.
See ya.
January 17, 2006
Nothing Much
We had bills to pay and our bi-weekly shopping to do.
I paid for the taxi ride home out of my extra money. I did tell you that the price went up from $10 to $15 to get to my house from town right?
We got home like 5 mins before Nika did. I took a nap and woke up to find that Jhodie didn't bother cooking for her own reasons and cracked open a soup can. I think it was only one can. I haven't looked to make sure. They were on sale for $3.
I ended up staying up until 2am. Nika woke up at 1 and stayed with me until I went to bed. Jhodie fell asleep since 11 something. I had to wake her up a number of times before she went to her bed.
I have a problem. Actually a teacher and I have a problem. You remember that teacher that I told you I made a website for? Well the website is gone. We can't get into the account or the website. I asked the teacher to see if she could get the password changed just to see if the account is still there. I'll check my e-mail in a bit to see if she has already checked. But some how I already know that I'm going to end up re-building the web site. I already forgot how I did it the first time around.
I tried to stay in bed again today, but her very loud playing of VH1 didn't let me get back to sleep, but I wasn't going to go out there to subject myself to her loud music that I didn't want to hear. I came out later and got something to eat after she had finished cleaning and was in the shower. She had a job at 1pm. I thought that she was mad cleaning so late when she had a job at 12, but I was wrong.
She left almost an hour ago now.
My mom called like 15 mins ago as belated birthday gift. Her card just ran out so I came back to finishing this up. I wish that I could have told her that I lost some weight, but the gym isn't finished yet, and I'm not willing to do stuff without good back support. We didn't have much to talk about, but it was nice to hear her voice. She sounds happy.
Now I have to go spray the stove top to clean it and wash up the rest of the dishes and clean some chicken for Jhodie to cook. I don't think it's for tonight, but I don't really care.
Ok.. off to check my work mail.
See ya.
January 15, 2006
The Guzzlers - Official Site of the Most Butt Kickin' Texas Outlaws
I'm back again.
Friday I didn't write anything because I was swamped with work then came home and after looking for the remote in the couch and ended up with Nika's very sharp pencil stuck in my finger, I just didn't bother.
Saturday I took it easy. I had to get up earlier than I wanted, because Jhodie had a job. It was a decent time to wake up non the less. I did the first half of the last job from the scan job. (yes it was still with me), then I just tried to stay awake, and played my new game. Magic Match.
Around 7:30 I tried to call Jhodie to find out if she cooked or now so I could pick between popcorn or a soup to eat. The phone was busy, so I ended up choosing the popcorn for a slightly unknown reason right now. I got home to her tell me that she doesn't cook on Saturdays. That's the only thing she doesn't do on Saturday. We shop. Pay bills some times. She fishes. She takes Nika out. Work. Cleans our own house, but she will not cook. :/
I went to sleep alittle after 1:30am this morning in the couch. I just lost track of the remaining bit of night I had, and didn't realize it was that late. I actually tracked down M.I.A.s' Galang song. I feel sorry for the girl when I see the video. I don't think she can dance, but the song grew on me, so I tracked down the torrent of her album, and just got that one song. I did the same for Will Smith's Switch. The one I had before is slightly off. I ended up getting another song from that album when I read the list. "If you can't dance slide" I think that is the name of the song. I like it. Now I'm tempted to get the rest of it to see if there is anything else there that I might like. I don't like whole albums that much. Very few people have made albums that I like all the songs on.
Speaking of songs. I was looking to get better copies of Trent Summar and the New Row Mob, but I found "The Guzzlers" the first shot out, after trying Trent for like 10 times in a number of places.
That is what the link is for. I like "Key Lime Boogie" and I don't mind "Let's Slug One Done". I've had those two song for a while now. I got them back when Mp3.com was alive. *sob* That was just wrong what the new owners of mp3.com did. The maker of the site sold it, and he was told that the new owners were going to keep all that he had and just add to it. The guys then turned around and wiped 4 years of collecting every kind of music off the net, and made it a pay for music site. If I get my hands on any of them... That place had music that you couldn't find anywhere else.
Well, it seems that The Guzzlers didn't depend on that site for getting their music out like some other bands, and here are their download links.
I should include a review I just read. Hold on.
Rockzilla's Review of The Guzzlers album All Alone In Texas
I finished up the scan job like an hour ago. And would you know it, he called me up around 3 asking about it. It seems that he might not have cared to have the .pdf version. Great. He should be happy that I decided to make the .doc versions since he didn't say he wanted them that way. Or I would have to rescan everything and start back over.
Oh, I got a ride in to work today. Ayo saw me waiting for a bus and he was going home from church with his two girls and I got a lift to work. He was also going to see the teacher that called me so it wasn't out of his way.
I changed my wallpaper today. I thought that it was about time. It's such a big deal that I had to say something about it. :)
I didn't wake up to find any breakfast today, so I munched on last night's popcorn, finally finish watching that movie that I just about fell asleep twice trying to watch. Parts of the ending battle were too dark for me to see on the laptop. That is one of the few things I don't like about flat panels. Some just don't have enough light to see dark things.
I don't see myself doing much now. I'm looking for an mp3 editor so I can fix two songs that I have that have on more then they should, and I mostly will end up playing my games. I may test out some software. Then there is my lunch in an hour.
The LRC is still on the empty side. Yesterday I knew why. It was the start of semester party. I expect it to pick up next weekend. After all this is the first weekend of the semester after all. Mass studying hasn't kicked in yet.
Back...I went to see out mp3.com just to make sure I wasn't spreading lies. I'm not. The free music that they have are streams. Nothing to download.
See ya.
January 13, 2006
Hi ya.
You remember last week when I said I was up until 4am watching anime? Well I'm doing it again. Watching anime that is, not the 4am part. I have work tomorrow at 11, and I've been doing well so far.
Well I went to see if this was a new thing of the channel, or what? Turns out it's just for a month. You can read about it on the link at the top.
I'm happy to say that in my own lucky way, I haven't really missed. Granted I didn't get to see the first one because it came on so early, but I had seen that one before. I would have liked to have seen the first one, but Nika was awake and she could have gotten bad dreams from watching it.
If you get to read this a few mins after I post this, then you will get to see the two for tonight. They are re-running them back to back.
Guess what? Today is my birthday. I know you knew it was coming, well today was the day. I told one person today and he picked up a walkie-talkie and told the whole department. Yep, double crossing.... Oh, it was Ron.
Well my day was ok. Before I left the house I realized what I did wrong was having abbyy export the wrong kind of picture files. So that was the first thing I did when I got to work. I called down from the Media Center (MC) to let someone down there know that I was up there. I took longer then I wanted because the computer froze up on me. Old thing.
I then went down stairs to do a few things, but before I got to sit down I saw something on my desk waiting for me. It looked like a gift with my name on it. Ha?? I asked twice to the room around me what it was, but no one was bothering with me. So I sat down and slowly opened it. It was a leather purse. Not bad, even it was light pink in colour.
I got stuff done. I even got to finish the form for the hills girl. I felt bad yesterday when she came to see me and I hadn't really done anything with the form she sent me. I saw her today, and she helped me with something and ended up clearing up something for me. I got a letter from her later, she heard the announcement of my birthday and wished me well. If this was a 5 years ago, I would have gone to Mango's and danced my little heart out.
I should go check my mail, but I won't be able to do anything about that until I get tomorrow.
I like my new shirt. I like the feel of it, and I think it kept my warmish, and I think it helped me to flag down a bus. I though that the sparkles might come in handy.
I had $50 to get myself a good lunch at work. But with the price raise, it was going to cost me more that I thought I was going to spend. I got a chicken Caesar salad, a side of fries and a coconut tart. That came up to $25. I didn't push it with a drink. The only thing that they had that I would have gotten was some fresh juice. I think it was fresh. They were in jugs.
I got my lunch just abit before 4. I was cutting it close since they closed at 4pm. I ate like 20 mins later. It was good. The salad that cost me $15 wasn't bad. I even ate it with out any dressing.
My day ended on a good note. I installed that new game at work and played in challenge mode. I almost beat the computer. Missed it by just one object. Then I got up and left for home at 20 past 7.
I came home to a nice dinner, but I had to eat a little later then normal since I had such a late lunch, but it could be helped. I felt sick for most of my shift. When I felt better at 3:30 I decided to go get something to eat.
All in all it was nice day. Nika gave came and told me happy birthday this morning when she woke up, and tonight she gave me a hung and told me happy birthday again.
I was just checking my jhoyelba mail to see if AM had gotten back to me, but I found that someone else had sent me a happy birthday wish. I forgot that she knew it was my birthday. Last year we signed up for this thing to let us know about each other's birthday.
Well that's it. Now that I've made this so long my anime is almost over, and I have to spell check. It's almost 1am.
January 11, 2006
I Got Mail.
AM sent it. She sent it last month before Christmas. It was a card and the instructions on how to use the ice-cream maker that she gave to Jhodie or what Jhodie bought from her. I don't know which one.
I got to work in very good time. Only 5 past. I was up way early for me, and if I wasn’t slow in eating my breakfast I would have gotten to work early even, if not on time.
Collin was surprised to see me. It seems he thought that I was going to still be on vacation. I'm sorry, but not everyone can have off three weeks at one time.
I stayed down in the department doing the other work that came in by mail. Most were in response to the e-mail I sent out to the teaching faculty asking for updates and information on themselves and their classes. I was surprised to see something from the SGA already, but there it was. There was one announcement for PAWS. They are already trying to get students to adopt a pet.
I was going to go up to the Media Center to at 2pm to get as much of that job out of the way, but I didn't make it there until 3pm, and then I was still pulled away by two teachers and a student that showed up later. I wasn't really able to get down to work until 4pm. I did get to finish scanning the last set of pages for the second set, but I couldn't convert it into a pdf file like I did on Sunday. I don't know why. I'm just getting green bands on all the pages. I'm hoping that the computer just needs to be restarted. I'll find out tomorrow. I really hope it works... the editable ones won't be ready until Sunday.
I had to fix the display for that computer again. It was partly my fault I should have made sure that it was trying to install the drivers or look for the drivers in a temp folder. That is what I did today. Along with retyping a lot of tables, and I'm only on page 19 of a 30 something stack. Then I have stack two to work on afterwards.
I got lunch, if you can call it that. Cream cheese and a bagel. I couldn't really afford anything else. They upped the prices. One of the cheapest things that I normally got went up two dollars along with the rest of the menu. Everything on the menu had new prices stuck next to them. A tuna sandwich is now $10, along with every other sandwich they have.
I left work at 7:40? I was trying so hard to get the second set into a .pdf that I didn't notice that it was almost 7:30. I don't know what time I walked off campus because the big clock in the guard house needs a battery. It stopped just before 6:30 that night I'm guessing.
I had to wait a while for a bus and I almost didn't see me, and it wasn't going that fast. I came home to Nika running to greet me and Max on the laptop and a kid trying to talk my sister into making him baked goods.
Dinner was a bit late considering what time I got home, but it was good. She asked me if the turned corn was good before telling me that she called mommy three times to get it right. A..ha.
Nika went to bed a bit later that she should have, but then fell right asleep. I'm getting tried so I started to type this up 30ish mins ago. I'm ready for bed. Not to sure about when I'm going to fall asleep, but I want to go to bed. I also want a lot of other things.
Speaking of things, Rick reminded me in a very nice way that I still owed him over $200 for the hard drive he got me from Tigerdirect.com. Darn. I was so into the planning of getting the other parts for the computer, then other things came up, that I completely forgot about paying him for the hard drive. So I just have to put off getting the shoes until I've paid him off. I'm planning on giving him $100 this pay check and a next one next paycheck. I hope I can stick to that.
Ok... that's the end of my day, just sprinkle in some tv and that's it. Oh, alot of rain. Side note. Last night it was so windy while it was raining that Jhodie had to put back up one of the posts for the drying line out back.
One more thing, Jhodie did get my shirt for me from the store today. She is insisting that I wear my brown skirt with it. I was going to wear my black skirt with it, but she want's to bring out the little bit of brown that was in my shirt that is mostly black with sparkles.
Now I have go hang out my newly cleaned brown skirt so I can wear it tomorrow, after I wake up early to iron it before I take a bath, after I have breakfast. If I can make it to work the same time I did today, I will be surprised.
January 10, 2006
Football Against Racism in Europe • Home
I saw this last night before I went to bed. Well I think it was last night. I didn't really think this would happen, but it is happening.
Europe hasn't been pure in like 2000 years. The idea of the nazi has no bases. Don't even start about those idiots of the KKK. The whole country is made up of other people that landed there. Pure my foot.
Anyway, before I go on a rant, I had an ok day so far. I have socks watched, I put a down payment on my shirt. I almost paid the whole thing off. My sister is paying the rest of it tomorrow. I had two things going on in my head at the same time. One, I was going to put it on lay-a-way, then on the other hand I was going to wear it on my birthday to work.
I also got a new head scarf thing. It's black with flowers on it. I was a missing a black one.
We also got to stop by the gym place. It's not open until Friday. But even then it's not fully there. They are still missing some equipment. You can pay $150 a month until they are fully completed and then you can join for $50. Why the big difference in price I don't know, but we are waiting until it's fully completed to join for the $50 a month thing. Then I can start getting skinny, I'm already thinking of the pic I'll take to show off how much I’ve lost when I’m down to a nice size.
Well Jhodie got comfy in my bad and is putting off washing Nika's hair now. Not that Nika is in any way disappointed by this.
It's getting cold now, I think that it might rain for how cold it is and the sun is just setting.
Well see ya.
See ya?.. I haven't finished telling you about the rest of my day.
Let's see... we walked into town to see about the gym, told you about that. Then we went back to the shoes place to see about some shoes for Lynn's kid. I waited out side thinking she would walk in and just make sure about the price. I waited forever! Then we got some books for Nika to practice her writing in. Went to two stores for that. In the second store I stopped and read the story, “The Iron Eating Mice”. Stopped by that new bakery next to Dotcom. Got an onion and cheese bread and a meatloaf patty. Which I wish wasn't so hot. Went into Dotcom and asked about a web cam and a router. They didn't have a normal non-wireless router, but the web cam seemed ok and was $139. I'm thinking of going back for it. I have to pay that off one time.
We went by Rams to look up a few things for Lynn. They didn't have anymore left. Then we went over to the place to get my shirt. I also got the scarf from there also. On our way there we saw that the arcade was gone. In fact we were just in time to see them pulling out the last set of nails out of the wood laying on the ground.
Jhodie had heard over a moving loud speaker that they were closing, but when she went there the next day, there was nothing to say that they were closing down, and she didn't ask. She will have to tell Nika that it's now gone again.
I came home and combed out my hair for it to get washed, and Nika came home early. Officially her class lets out at 3 while the rest of the school isn't over until 3:30. Normally she come home with the 3:30 kinds, but today she came home a little after 3.
Well that's it.
See ya. Really.
January 09, 2006
I almost got some shoes
I stayed in bed abit, the little bit of rain helped. I got up about 11am. I had my porridge, watch some tv for a bit. I was about to get dressed and wake up my sister who went for a nap when the phone rang.
I told her that I was going to wake her if the Lynn hadn't called. She gets ready faster than I do most of the time. I did get dressed in very decent time today. I already know what I had, and what I was going to wear.
We had a bit of money and my sister wanted to me to get some shoes. I finally gave in and said that I was going to get some sneakers. I need real shoes. I've told you that, and I know that, so I was going to put a down payment on a pair. Yes, I said down payment. I'm looking at getting one of the cheaper one, and it's going to cost me $199. I'm sleeping on it. After not being able to fit into the pair that I wanted. I settled for some shoes that I didn't like. They have a short nose. It makes me think of junior high girls. But they fit and I need shoes and they aren't white. The girl at the store said that white was a popular colour. White shoes?? But then this is a sneaker/work boot shoe shore.
Well we spent so much time there that she didn't to take me to this cloths store to get this shirt that she said I might like, but would fit me for sure. We did perfume and a few other little things. Jhodie put a down payment on some shoes of her own, and her's cost more than mine. Her's cost $247.
We got home like 20 or so mins before Nika. We may stop by the store tomorrow to check the shirt. We have to walk into town to check out that gym we have been scoping for a while. We think that it's now open. If it is, we pray we can afford to go there. I'm slightly hoping that they have a kick boxing class for later down the road.
Jhodie helped Nika with her homework and some writing practice. I played the new game that I told you about, and helped cook dinner again since Jhodie was helping Nika with school work.
It's been raining here like every 4 hours since we got home. I guess it's a scattered showers day.
Dinner was ok. Corned Beef in red gravy with coconut dumplings and a piece of sweet potato.
We watched a few shows. Saw the start of StarGate SG1 again. Every Monday night SciFi channel shows three eps of SG1, and today they started all back over again. Nika was sent to bed at 9:20 since she has school now.
No I have gotten around to washing my hair, and it's too late now. I will have to try and to it tomorrow at a good time. What is a good time and when I get it down I know won't be the same time.
I rinsed out some things that I left in the washer, and I'm go hang them out so I can get some socks and other things washed while we are out. Speaking of socks. I found out why I stopped buying socks in this country and why I keep asking for people to send me socks. I forgot why until today when I asked about some black socks at this one store. For two pairs of black socks it will cost me $16.
Ok, time to get off, my eyes are starting to hurt.
January 08, 2006
Very, odd dream.
Ya, I don't understand either.
I had another dream before that one, but I don't remember what it was by the time I woke up, but I do remember parts of the last one beyond what I told you. When I woke up, I don't know why I had the dream. I don't remember feeling like I hated the woman. Just that I had to kill her. I didn't feel bad about it. I was just upset that the first part didn't go like I expected it. The timer was off a bit so it went off too soon. So I had to shot her because she was in pain. Then a parent showed up who was there earlier and started to help me when the cops came by looking because her daughter had called saying she was missing. We hid her bag somewhere, and gave answers for a few things, then as he was leaving my sister woke me up I think. I woke up. Let's leave it at that.
As for my normal day after waking up it was ok if a bit lonely. I got up at a good time, but I stopped to watch some tv and that made a bit late. Not that it mattered much. I wasn't helping with registration today. I was stuck in the Media Center the whole day scanning those files. I got one done. At least a mostly useable .pdf version. I didn't get to finish the second one. I have like 12 or so more pages of that one to scan, and for how the teacher put these things together, it will take as long to make the word format decent. I won't fix every single little thing, but I will get it to the point where this teacher who does as little as possible on his computer, not beating out St.Jean a year ago, can fix the stuff that I don't have a degree for.
When I'm done I'm asking for a camera from this teacher. Playfully asking for something I earned, but never going to get of course. At least not from him.
Any which way. I showed up at work at about 15 past and the first semester students where already going thought with registering. It was the first time I wasn't in some way involved down there with all of this. I talked with one of the new guys and with Ron before I locked myself away. It was kinda hard since I didn't have a key for the room. I had to come back down because no one had opened the room yet.
Beside my break for lunch at almost 1:30, I was between playing my music on computer, finishing up one set of papers on computer, scanning the other set on another computer which was like about 3 times slower, and for a small moment I was fixing the video for another computer I noticed was displaying wrong. And for odd bits of dismaying moments, I was dusting flakes off my black shirt. I'm going to wash my hair tomorrow. I don't have a week to put it off for. Just two days and one of those days is for the platting of my hair.
I sent an e-mail off to Ron sending him the one .pdf that I finished and saying that there was no way around getting the other one finished before Wednesday. I will have to continue working on it for the rest of the week myself.
I got e-mails from teachers that finally got around to sending me information for the site. For what? 2 years I've been asking for something, and just now two of them are getting back to me. Another one only waited 2 semesters. She's new.
We'll when I made it back down stairs, at 10 till 6, just three others where there along with other staff members who where there for registration, and two students. I sat in front of my computer and couldn't think of anything to do, then Jhodie called. I told her that I was coming home now. I walked back, turned off my computer and locked up the LRC and opened the door for the students to walk out. These two students really waited until the last min to do something for FinAid.
I forgot about lunch. The cafeteria made thanksgiving dinner for lunch. Along with some kind of blacken fish which I didn't like. In fact, I forgot it back in the media center on a chair. I hope no one sits on it before it they see it.
I came home to end up prepping dinner for Jhodie to cook. She had a 6am job today and had to take Nika with her. They got back around 2:30. She thought that they would have been finished since 11, I told it wasn't going to happen. That is what she called to tell me. I boiled the pasta, and set up the stuff for the baked, breaded chicken. Then I played a new game with Nika.
Something else for me to tell you about. There is new game that I got last night. It's quite good. I thought that my friend AM would love it. It makes matches on the diagonal.

Ok.. it's mins till 2am. I'm going to spell check this and think about going to bed. I miss having a tv in my room. The tv is so bad now, that I hardly every put it on.
Oh, closing note. The channel that use to be called ZDTV, then TechTV, then G4TechTV, now just G4, has started this session to show StarTrek Next Generation. I'm watching it now.
See ya.
-end time... 2:17am... another ep of StarTrek came on. :)
January 07, 2006
Hum?..1?!... My Blog This! looks different. Hum?!?
Anyway, I came by to let you know a few things.
1. I don't like working as much as I use to. I would rather work than do nothing, but parts of my job aren't as fun as they use to be. Heck my job isn't what it use it be.
2. The link above is for a drink that only adults should drink. It was in my yahoo listing of odd stuff. If you drink at all, you can at least be intrigued by the site.
3. I uninstalled that other office suite that I was using. Open Office and installed just MS Word. Not the whole office, just Word. So now I can spell check the other blogs that I haven't posted yet and let you find out what I did for part of my vacation. You know I couldn't remember everything to write it down.
As for the end of yesterday, they left me. I was stuck upstairs doing the scans, and in the mean time I cleaned, fixed up and installed the scanning program on the other computer that had a scanner. I updated my music archive then 3 hours and about 15 mins after I started I went back to my department to find everyone gone. Well almost everyone. Cleaning was there, and wondering why my bag was there.
Spent another 45 or so mins there, I had a few things to finish up, then I came home, and in about an hour I think, I was out cold for about 2 hours. Then I was up, and then I was up until 12am. Then I got tired, then I thought that I was awake, so I got the laptop from my sleeping sister to watch a nice anime/CG movie to seeing cross ways with sleep with in 15 mins of watching it.
Today, I was tired. I was bugged by things, a lot of things. Even a power outage to take away my fan. I even got up for a while to keep Nika company. Then I was falling asleep again in about an hour and a half. That was back around 1:30 or so, I had a nice nap that I felt better after. Jhodie took Nika to the arcade, a little while ago I heated up what is suppose to be tonight’s dinner. Leftovers from about two days ago. Last night we had takeout, but the day before we had cookup and half of it is left.
Currently, I'm taping a movie for Jhodie, even though I didn't want to watch it. You can't tape one thing and watch something else with the cable boxes we have here. But it should finish in time for me to watch something else. Then before bed, which won't be later then midnight hopefully, I will have to wash out my black skirt to have it ready for tomorrow along with ironing my black and purple shirt to go along with it. I'm almost wondering why I'm getting this dressed up for since I'm going to be stuck up in the media center scanning those darn papers.
My boss sent me an e-mail way to late yesterday. I laughed as I typed a reply. I can't help the outcome of this one.
Ok. They are back, and I have a few other things to do now.
See ya.
January 06, 2006
Hi again.... you will under stand.

You now see where I will be spending my time tonight. :) I'm also living though the return of the StarGates too. :) I still love them. Currently Atlantis a bit more then SG1. I miss Jack too much, but who knows what this year will have for me? *grin*
I haven't given up blogging, I have drafts waiting to be spelled checked. I did take some time off, but I recapped in the first draft.
Today I woke up five mins til 8. I kinda stayed up way to late. Spirited Away came on and I had to watch it. Granted it was at 2am, but I had a two hour late afternoon nap. So I thought I could have pulled it off, but the movie didn't finish until 4:15am. Ya, and I had to be up at 7am. That didn't happen as you read. I barely had time to drink some water.
I even stopped by the cafeteria to see if I could snag some breakfast, but they were closed. They were cleaning, but closed. I forgot that they students had a special buffet for their breakfast, and staff wasn't invited. I was trying to see how I can get an early lunch, but that won't happen since everyone won't go looking for lunch until after 12:30.
Well see ya.

January 05, 2006
Second Day
I didn't get in as early as I did yesterday. I took a bath, had breakfast and did a little foot care. So I was 15 mins late to work today.
I didn't have that much to do, and I was suppose to talk to Ron about some stuff that he wanted done with our department website, but he ended up being on the phone for a long time.
I only did one ID for the day and it was for a spouse. I worked a bit on the website, and made a new calendar for the year. I found that I completely missed posting something around the end of last semester on the portal page, but it could be found on the main site, so it wasn't a whole goof.
I answered some more postings from the forum. Some I just refuse to help. I can't help everyone's, and I'm not suppose too.
I was asked to make some signs for some of the offices in the department so students knew what door to use when they were looking for help. I was only told to make two, so I asked the other guy if he wanted one just to be nice. He said no. He didn't want anyone to know where he was he said.
I got the same guy to get me a roti again today. I was hoping to get a real meal today, but he said that he wasn't going to eat today. Ok. He still came back with something to eat.
I found a missing part for a program I had, and I installed a few more programs on the front desk computer. The wireless dropped a lot for the last hour of work, so at one point I was hoping that it would last long enough for me to hear this last song. Then it died on me when I was trying to restart the floor computers.
I had a ride home, but he seemed to have left me. I walked around the whole school looking for him and he was nowhere to be seen. Ron ran into me as I was walking up the driveway on the other side of campus and gave me ride home. We ran into a teacher and he gave him a ride too.
Tomorrow I'll have to see what he wants done with the site before the days goes on too far.
I came home and had a nice nap, and I saw the new CSI:Vagas show. Now I'm blogging and trying to load my online comic which seems to be down again. Christmas and New Years have not been a good time for their servers.
Well night. Once again, I’m delaying posting until it’s been spell checked, but since I was asleep for two-ish hours I might install MS Office this morning before going to sleep.
Ya!! Tomorrow is my last full day shift day. *grin*
Spell and grammer checked. :)
January 04, 2006
I Hate Full Day Shift!!!! AAAHH!!!
I just took a vacation from my blog for a few days that's all.
Here is a nice list of stuff that happened while I wasn't blogging.
1. We, Nika and I, found the new arcade, and looked around. Very small. A shack really. Waiting to see it expand.
2. "Nika then took Jhodie" down there the next day to play one of the video games and to ride on their new track on their shrunken cars for kids. Nika said that the arcade came back because she waited. Nice thing to believe.
3. This past Thursday they had the funeral for the guy and his wife as I were leaving for the beach for Nika to play in the sand and water and Jhodie to fish, and me to find a shaded spot somewhere close by to take Nika back home.
We didn't even know that it was today. We walked up the street into the funeral march to the cemetery. They had the service in the pasture up the street, and we didn't hear anything.

We walked past them and went down to the beach. I hated it of course. I'm not a sun and beach and water girl. The closest to this that I would like would be me, in a heated pool, inside, with a depth of no more than 5 feet in the whole pool. I don't want to hear sea gulls or any other birds. I want to hear We Will Rock You by Queen coming over my system as I do a number of leg lifts in the pool.
As for the beach, after looking like body guard just standing around I walked across the street and sat on a very short wall for a while. Our uncle came by twice. He saw me, I don't know if he saw Jhodie or Nika. Around 5:45pm we dried up Nika and Jhodie said that she was going to stay until 6:30 fishing off the rock peir

It turns out that she didn't hear me, and she was just coming back because she wasn't catching anything and it was time. I thought she had the keys for the house. Turns out I had them in the bag with the towel. *grin*
4. Two days later we got my uncle to take us to the Marriott to see the fire works at midnight. They let us in, but we were so under dressed. I should have expected it. Everyone thought Nika was a boy again. We couldn't go on to the beach. After a certain point only clients and guests of the hotel could go that far. So we stayed in something of a court yard and waited until midnight to see the fire works. I was sorry I couldn't hide my feet better. I expected to be standing on a beach and watching the fire works. When it was over, I asked the person at the front desk how much it would cost for a day pass to the hotel. Right now it's $175, for the rest of the year it like $75 a day. That's in US by the way. My uncle stayed and saw the fire works from outside. I think he taped it on his cam that he had with him. We found him by the fish tank near the front door taping the fish and Nika and I think he put me in there somewhere.
5. I went out to see the new years parade on Monday. It started at 2pm they were making noise up there since 1pm, but I didn't go see anything until 3pm. Rick had called me that morning saying that he just remembered that he was suppose to come by last week with my Christmas bonus. I told him that we were going out at 2pm so he had to come before that. He called early. I just went back to sleep. I called him up at school around 12 and told him that plans had changed and if he came by and didn't find anyone at home, leave it with one of my next door neighbors. I got dressed and tried to get as far ahead of the set that I stood at the top of my street and watched march off. I thought that it was stupid that I didn't watch the parade. I loved it when I was a kid. I walked all the way into town in good time up to the side of independence square.

I don't have that great a pic of the street. But this is part of it, and that part of the square. I didn't take any more pics of that side that day because they needed to cut the grass, and only part of it was finished.
Anyway, just before I got to the street were I stood for like 2 and half hours I ran into Rick. He was sitting in his car in a temp parking lot feeding his son. He had my check with him. I opened up the envelope to see what my letter said, but there was no letter. We had gotten letters at the past two telling us how much our raise was going to be for the next year. This year we didn't get any.
The parade was ok. I got a better view near the end. Next year I'll have a drink while I watch.
6. Some time before last night I went to town with Nika to get some money to get some bbq. I take that back. I was last night. Anyway, my sister wasn't cooking for some reason. So Nika and I went down town in the middle of Last Lap to get money and get something to eat, and for Nika to go to the arcade again. She got to ride in a black and red jeep, and didn't bump into anything. She's a great driver. I got a slice of veggie pizza, and I got bbq chicken for Nika and Jhodie.
Then this morning I woke up to go to work for 8am. I would have been the first to touch the door and get in if I wasn't called back by Paintfield to have a look at a computer. It was fine. I had something to do on the computer anyway, and I did find something wrong with how they had set it back up.
I spent most of my day making ID's, fixing up the front desk computer that no one looked at over break. Started the upgrade of Quicktime on the floor computers, burned some CDs for Rick, copied some files for Ron, helped someone with Photoshop, disconnect 6 flat panels and move them over to the 24 hour room, disconnected 4 out of 5 computers to go over there also, and eat lunch. I stayed 20 mins longer than I wanted to so try and make a new sign, but I should have left. It didn't come out that well, and it was cold in there.
All day people were saying my name. I guess they missed me. *grin* Personally I think I was having a bad hair day.
I'm now going to bed. Its 1:16am and I once again have 8am shift tomorrow. I will not post it now. I will do it at work where I have MS office installed to get all my mistakes.
There, spell checked, and little grammer checked.. too much for me to read back over right now.