I just took a vacation from my blog for a few days that's all.
Here is a nice list of stuff that happened while I wasn't blogging.
1. We, Nika and I, found the new arcade, and looked around. Very small. A shack really. Waiting to see it expand.
2. "Nika then took Jhodie" down there the next day to play one of the video games and to ride on their new track on their shrunken cars for kids. Nika said that the arcade came back because she waited. Nice thing to believe.
3. This past Thursday they had the funeral for the guy and his wife as I were leaving for the beach for Nika to play in the sand and water and Jhodie to fish, and me to find a shaded spot somewhere close by to take Nika back home.
We didn't even know that it was today. We walked up the street into the funeral march to the cemetery. They had the service in the pasture up the street, and we didn't hear anything.

We walked past them and went down to the beach. I hated it of course. I'm not a sun and beach and water girl. The closest to this that I would like would be me, in a heated pool, inside, with a depth of no more than 5 feet in the whole pool. I don't want to hear sea gulls or any other birds. I want to hear We Will Rock You by Queen coming over my system as I do a number of leg lifts in the pool.
As for the beach, after looking like body guard just standing around I walked across the street and sat on a very short wall for a while. Our uncle came by twice. He saw me, I don't know if he saw Jhodie or Nika. Around 5:45pm we dried up Nika and Jhodie said that she was going to stay until 6:30 fishing off the rock peir

It turns out that she didn't hear me, and she was just coming back because she wasn't catching anything and it was time. I thought she had the keys for the house. Turns out I had them in the bag with the towel. *grin*
4. Two days later we got my uncle to take us to the Marriott to see the fire works at midnight. They let us in, but we were so under dressed. I should have expected it. Everyone thought Nika was a boy again. We couldn't go on to the beach. After a certain point only clients and guests of the hotel could go that far. So we stayed in something of a court yard and waited until midnight to see the fire works. I was sorry I couldn't hide my feet better. I expected to be standing on a beach and watching the fire works. When it was over, I asked the person at the front desk how much it would cost for a day pass to the hotel. Right now it's $175, for the rest of the year it like $75 a day. That's in US by the way. My uncle stayed and saw the fire works from outside. I think he taped it on his cam that he had with him. We found him by the fish tank near the front door taping the fish and Nika and I think he put me in there somewhere.
5. I went out to see the new years parade on Monday. It started at 2pm they were making noise up there since 1pm, but I didn't go see anything until 3pm. Rick had called me that morning saying that he just remembered that he was suppose to come by last week with my Christmas bonus. I told him that we were going out at 2pm so he had to come before that. He called early. I just went back to sleep. I called him up at school around 12 and told him that plans had changed and if he came by and didn't find anyone at home, leave it with one of my next door neighbors. I got dressed and tried to get as far ahead of the set that I stood at the top of my street and watched march off. I thought that it was stupid that I didn't watch the parade. I loved it when I was a kid. I walked all the way into town in good time up to the side of independence square.

I don't have that great a pic of the street. But this is part of it, and that part of the square. I didn't take any more pics of that side that day because they needed to cut the grass, and only part of it was finished.
Anyway, just before I got to the street were I stood for like 2 and half hours I ran into Rick. He was sitting in his car in a temp parking lot feeding his son. He had my check with him. I opened up the envelope to see what my letter said, but there was no letter. We had gotten letters at the past two telling us how much our raise was going to be for the next year. This year we didn't get any.
The parade was ok. I got a better view near the end. Next year I'll have a drink while I watch.
6. Some time before last night I went to town with Nika to get some money to get some bbq. I take that back. I was last night. Anyway, my sister wasn't cooking for some reason. So Nika and I went down town in the middle of Last Lap to get money and get something to eat, and for Nika to go to the arcade again. She got to ride in a black and red jeep, and didn't bump into anything. She's a great driver. I got a slice of veggie pizza, and I got bbq chicken for Nika and Jhodie.
Then this morning I woke up to go to work for 8am. I would have been the first to touch the door and get in if I wasn't called back by Paintfield to have a look at a computer. It was fine. I had something to do on the computer anyway, and I did find something wrong with how they had set it back up.
I spent most of my day making ID's, fixing up the front desk computer that no one looked at over break. Started the upgrade of Quicktime on the floor computers, burned some CDs for Rick, copied some files for Ron, helped someone with Photoshop, disconnect 6 flat panels and move them over to the 24 hour room, disconnected 4 out of 5 computers to go over there also, and eat lunch. I stayed 20 mins longer than I wanted to so try and make a new sign, but I should have left. It didn't come out that well, and it was cold in there.
All day people were saying my name. I guess they missed me. *grin* Personally I think I was having a bad hair day.
I'm now going to bed. Its 1:16am and I once again have 8am shift tomorrow. I will not post it now. I will do it at work where I have MS office installed to get all my mistakes.
There, spell checked, and little grammer checked.. too much for me to read back over right now.
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