They changed their minds about what time they were going to shut down the servers, so I'm not going home early tonight.
It's a good thing I decided to ask. *grin*
Well what do you think of the pic?
I got a list of our SGA members and the paper looked so plan that I wanted to make it look good, and I decided to see what other schools did. Some had some rather nice ones, but I couldn't stray to far from our school's logo since I was asked to make anything.
It's going to be a late night for me now. I already expected to have a late night for the mere fact that I was going by my uncle's house, but now I'll be getting there around 10:30pm.
I didn't do any computer tips after I ate. I ended up doing the sga thing instead.
Now one of two things will happen
1a. They will tell me to take down the logo so they can officially get permission to keep and use it.
1b. They will tell me to take down the logo so they can find one that they find better
2. They will just tell me to take it down.
I don't care if they don't keep it, but decide to get a logo anyway, as long as they make me fell like my attempt was below dirt.
While I was out there looking around for sga logos I came across the old sga site that the password wasn't handed down for and saw that they had something there that I could use. I bookmarked it for later. I'll see how I can add that into the site.
Since I got the job of making and updating the SGA site, I've tested some stuff on it, and it looks like I'm going to have a good reason for doing it again.
Ok, the last student just left the LRC. He didn't go too far. The 24hour room I'm sure. He walked out of here with his laptop open and using it as an MP3 player. *grin*
After my uncle I'm going to watch what I downloaded if nothing good is on. I found this neat program that keeps the movie in step with the audio with out maxing out my cpu. So now I'm watching videos on my desktop.
Ok, I'm going to go wash my bowl and get ready for closing up. If Rick, who came back, decides to leave the same time as me, I might get a ride to my uncle's house.

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