I know, it's a work night, what am I doing up. I found out what day and time the new Inyuasha's will be coming one.
Wednesday at 12:30am which is 1:30am for me.
Above you will a very nice bill. That is more or less, more like less, then how much my living room set is costing me. I've just paid off my washing machine.
I have to get you a flyer for this place so you have a clue of what we pay for stuff you don't really think twice about buy sometimes.
And how did I scan this lovely little bill for you to see?? I have a scanner. Well it's my uncle's scanner, but it now lives here. He has a scanner, printer, copier at home now, so I get this until he needs for some reason. Like be broke the other one. *grin*
I so wish I could lay in my bed and wait until my show comes on, so I could promptly fall asleep afterwards. But I might in a few weeks. I showed uncle ray my tv hoping he could help. He might be able to fix it, but most likely knew who could come and fix it for us. He said he would talk to someone about coming to have a look at it for us. Great. In the mean time, I'm looking at bedding down out here on the couch, but my bed is a bit better for sleeping on for me.
As for the rest of my day. The pain of trying to get out of bed didn't meet me today when I got up. I even got up sooner than I wanted because I didn't feel so bad when I had to get up to use the bathroom.
I wasted 2 hours trying to fix, repair, and re-time a .srt file. A .srt file is the files that contains the subtitle or close capturing for a movie. The one that came with the movie appeared not to work, so I went out and got another set for the movie. I didn't really think I would find them the way I did. I thought I did good until I realized that it was in two parts. So that brought a slew of problems that I tried to fix. Did I say I wasted 2 hours? I meant I wasted 2 hours today at least. I've been working on this since last night.
So I tinkered with that this morning, then an hour or so later I went back to lay back down since Jhodie was using the washing machine.
I had a nice afternoon extended nap, and got up around 3. I came back to the computer to check on something, tinkered again with the .srt file, after I had set up the computer to play an audio book I had. I had turned it up really high so I could hear it in the shower. At 15 past 3 I went to wash my hair so my sister could comb it, or at lease grease it for me. It wasn't loud enough. I heard bits and pieces, but I got the just of it.
I came out, dried up, and got dressed to hang out what was in the washing machine, so I could wash my own cloths. I then got stuck back with .srt file and just lost time that my sister showed up at 5 and I hadn't taken out the turkey to clean it like she asked me. Turns out it wouldn't have helped. I thought she said that it was in the fridge, not the freezer. My load of cloths needed softer, and she put that in for me.
Nika was being stubborn today and fell asleep when I asker her to do her homework before the tv could go on. But I did think that she really was tired. I'm not use to seeing her taking a nap anymore.
We ended up having home made fries with chicken and fish that Nika and I went to the store for. Nika got the fish, Jhodie and I had drum sticks.
At bed time we got to see the start of Lion King 2 &1/2 but didn’t get to see all of it. We then watched the new Dirty Jobs. Jhodie then bailed on me, and I'm trying to stay up to watch Inyuasha, after I've found out that the .srt file that first came with the file now works. Great.
Now just to make all that time worth something, I see parts in the this .srt file that have less or a different wording than the first one I saw and the other version I have on the computer. So I'm going add in a few words here and there, change a few here and there to match up what I saw before on tv and to have it be closer to what is being said. There is one part in the movie where Mei says "... a cat, a cat bus." and this version just has her saying cat bus, and hear her saying cat twice. So that is one thing that I'm going to fix.
Now it's 1:30 in like 2 mins, and I get to watch my show. Then put the turkey back up before I go to bed. Then I get up at 9 something so my sister can do my hair, and I have time to iron my clothes for work.
See ya.
--- no time for grammer checking tonight.

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