Bed Books, the revolutionary way to print books for comfortable reading in bed."
Hi ya.....
I got home late last night so I didn't finish blogging. I had started one last night at work, but I didn't have time to finish it.
Last night and today had a bad sleep, so I still feel like a slug even three hours after "really" waking up.
I'll get back to it tonight, but I'll fill you in on Sunday first.
I walked in to see M back at work. She is now back, but then she had to leave over 2 hours early because of a baby sitting issue. The guy who was suppose to be working the day shift was there also, but he was also bailing since she was there. I told him to call someone and ask them what his hours were going to be now that she was back. He didn't bother with me.
Within 40 mins I was the only there.
I didn't make any wallpaper, I bearly worked. I was just tired from being board and lonley.
I so wanted to talk to someone else that I turned on my IM. Lucky me someone came on 30 secionds later. We talked for bit, if you could call it talking, then I sliently vented on him for not really talking to me, and he asked me where this was all coming from. I told him I was lonely, and he said everyone was and loged off.
I was trying not to sound needy. Did great didn't I?
I only had one problem. There was water in BR 1. It came though the window and got unto the desk with the compter and some other things.
I also had dinner an hour after my sister called to let me know that the gas had gone out on her. That left us in a spot. We got that tank a month ago, and already it was out. It's suppose to last at least 6 months. Jhodie said that the was going to stop off over at the shell station to tell them about it, and then pick up something to eat. I called back later that night thinking that I missed a called from her to find out that I didn't. I asked what they said about the gas, but she said that she didn't make it that far and she couldn't leave now. So I had to go by after work.
I found out that I still had some of my anime shows at work. I watched two eps of Chobits, and two trailers from Then I started the blog covering Friday and Saturday. I didn't get to finish it, and I just took Sunday off the days to be recaped.
The cleaners showed up and I ended up forgetting to do a few things when they were handing me cds that they found on the tables. I took the switch home with me, and I braved human moving cold winds to be told when I got to the top by the guard house that I forgot to close a door. I told the guard that the cleaners were there and the doors were suppose to be opened, then I remembered that I didn't lock the other door to the 24 hour room. So I turned around and went back to the LRC to close the door. As I got there I saw a student walk into the LRC. I wondered what she was doing. Then I realized that I didn't flip the sign on the doors. I just walked out. I wasn't thinking right that night.
I turned around the signs and showed the key that closed that door to the cleaners incase they ever needed to open the door or I left it opened another night.
I then got a bus in the blistering wind and missed my stop at the shell station. I got off to buy myself something to eat. I was waiting to long and had to leave to go to the station to tell them about the gas. They gave me a nuber to call the next day. I then went back and got some pizza. I also tried to get some bread because Jhodie didn't get any when she went shopping.
I got home to find out that Jhodie had made some bread. It's a good think I didn't spend the whole $5 like I wanted on bread. I wanted to, but he didn't have that much bread to sell to me.
Jhodie told that gas was very low like it was going to go out. It didn't go out like she told me, or it came back but very week. Uncle Ray cam over before I got home and he tried to clear the pipes to make sure that they weren't blocked. He also said that the tank was almost empity.
Today, they, the gas people, came by while Jhodie was in town paying one of our bills. I was trying to sleep since I had such a hard time sleeping that I didn't want to get up, but they were banging on the door and I had to see them so they could fix our gas.
As far as they were concered after I tested all the burners on the stove, everything was working fine and the tank had alot of gas left in it. About 15 mins after they left Jhodie came back home. Now it seems to be working fine and Jhodie made dinner before she left to do some fishing for the rest of the day.
I have to go because Nika wants to take me outside to show me the tank of gas and to go see her Mommy.
Forgive the grammer mistakes and spelling mistakes since I have to leave now. Take care.
Enjoy the link. Another intresting one.
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