May 09, 2005

My Sleep Day


I had the whole house to myself for most of the day.

They left just before 9am to drop Nika off at school, and didn't come back until after 2. Then around 4:30 they went to the beach for a few hours.

During the time that they were gone I got 3 phone calls in the morning. One from work with E on one end telling me I should tell her stuff through e-mail, which brings me to why she was calling me about the cds I did on Sunday night for a few teachers. I didn't have to tell her. Ron said that he was going to deal with it when he got in that morning. Hence, why she didn't see them on my desk where I left them in plan sight. That call woke me up.

Then later someone for Phillys called. At first I thought it was Phillys, but this lady talked slower then she did. She had the same self important sound to her voice that Phillys has. I guess it was one of her friends. I told her to call back after 4, since I didn't know when they were coming back and it was all ready after 1pm and they weren't back yet. Then as I was cleaning out the "pantry", when Lynn called to talk to Jhodie. I talked to her for a bit, then went back to my clean up job.

A little after 2pm they came home. Then I heard that they were going back out agan to the beach. I don't go to the beach. It holds nothing for me.

Before they left Jhodie said how Phillys went around telling people how they were charging too much for everything. Infact, she said that she will send us money to get a new stove.

My uncle came for them around 4:30pm and they picked up Nika and went right to the beach with a quick stop some where to get something for Nika to eat.

Other then Breakfast and Dinner, I picked at almost everything around the house or I selpt. For breakfast I had pancakes. They left the batter and I didn't burn any when I made mine. As for dinner. I put off cooking as long as I could, but Then I had to cook something if I wanted to eat more then some bad cheese crackers that I didn't like. Jhodie said that I could have used one of the corned beefs, so I started with that. I found some home made macaroni that my mom bought and shipped down for us last year. I found it while cleaning out. To that I added some sweet peas, some heat, and a few seasonings. It's not bad. I wish that I had cut some onions a bit late in the process. I like onions.

While they were at the beach, I stayed awake, after all it was too late in the day for a nap. Besides, I had some stuff to scan. I washed a few dishes, remembered that Jhodie asked me to soak some whites for her in the washing machine. But first I had to hand out what she left in there to first. She showed up before I really did anything with turned out to be a good thing. What she called a white and what I called a white were different, and then it came to measuring the clorox. She was happy she stopped me. I didn't have a clue how much to use.

We all got to see the last half of Riddick this afternoon before they went to the beach. I was suppose to record it tonight for Jhodie to see it from the start, but I goofed. I fully turned off the vcr when I was suppose to only turn it half off. Then I got the length of the movie wrong. I saw 120mins, and thought an hour and 20 mins. When I went back to check when next it was going to come on, I realized that it was really telling me that the movie was 2 hours long. When I first watched it, it didn't feel that long. I guess that is one of the reasons I think it was so well done. It didn't seemed rushed, or things weren't brought about too quickly. Another bummer. It's not showing again this month. She will have to wait until next month to catch it again.

I do see something else to tape later in the week to go on our "movie tape". I have to look it up again. Shrek 2, is coming on this Saturday. I saw a bad bootleg version and paid money for it about 2 weeks ago, and now it's coming on, on tv. I should have just waited.

Well it's now 11:56pm right now.

I tried to e-mail in my blog yesterday for yesterday, but it failed. :( I also sent the e-mail to a friend of mine, so I'm asking him if could send it back to me so I can copy and paste it here.

And for the first time ever, I've been going back every couple of lines and re-reading what I wrote to catch the grammer mistakes. I'll check for spelling in a bit.

Ok. Just after midnight now, and now I'm watching Untold Stories of the The ER. It's interesting.


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