Her voice can so easily get your nerves.
She's already wanting to go buy soda. We don't have soda. We can't really afford soda every pay check.
I tried to come on to blog earlier today but we lost power.
Back.... *looking at the system tray clock*... 7 hour later.

Today is my sister's day. Her luggage didn't come on her plane. They were a flight back due to the weight limit of the plane. Then when they went back tonight at 7:30pm, they found out that the luggage wasn't there. It might be in tomorrow 11-ish.
Right now I'm trying to live though her voice. *winching* she's loud. Sorry mom. Ya, my mom reads my blog. She found the other week or so, and read up on my life with Pearl.
As for my day, I woke up at 8am actually. Ya.. and I stayed awake. That is due to the fact that I fell asleep last night at 9pm or so. Yep. I slept almost all the way though. I woke up two times. The first time I went back in bed at 2 am to keep my sister from making me clean. The second time I just woke up to use the bathroom at 6am or so. I even worked in a nap around 10 for and hour or less. Very short nap. My sister wanted me to clean up the kitchen. It seemed that every dish we had, had a party while we weren't looking. By the time I sorted it all out, every plate, every cup, every fork, knife, spoon, cooking utensil and bowl we had was dirty, plus a few odds and ends.
I was standing for over an hour and half washing everything by group.
Well I have to go post some wallpapers tonight. I know what I'm doing now, and I'm ok with it. I was abit sad about not needing to make contact sheets anymore.
I got to see Riddrick tonight. It's great. Afterwards, Jhodie told me that it bombed state side. How?!? It's great. I was very impressed. I'm getting that one on DVD. Oh, that brings up too things.
One, AM is back. :) She got back a day late due to weather I think. She had a good time at home, and she got the stuff for me. The go between for the DVD player worked great. :) We tested it out with the one dvd we had. Jhodie got it from a student. It worked great. It then paused at an odd moment. This is when my sister decided to tell me that little Ray said that it does that. Fine.
Two, my odd sister bought us some DVDs. She brought I, Robot. I was so happy until I put it in the "hand me down" laptop that she brought down for Jhodie. It's a bootleg! A bad bootleg. All the DVD's she bought down were bad bootlegs. One even had a person passing in front of the screen. But I sucked it up and played I, Robot, but I'm not keeping any. She could have bought a real copy, but ... *just asked her*... she buys the real stuff for herself, and for other people she buys the bootleg stuff. I was searching for a word for her. Jhodie just gave me the word self-absorbed. I told her not to buy us anything then.
Well I have to go. It's an hour before midnight, and I have 10am shift tomorrow then I go back to normal hours. Which gives me Monday and Tuesday off.
I'll let you know how we both do. Oh. one other thing. Yesterday I found out that Roosevelt is was leaving. He's one of the techs in my department. I called him R in here. He went to work for the nursing college down the street. I was the last one to find out. On Wednesday I left work early to go to get my shot, and I found out Friday that they had a meeting later that afternoon at which everyone was told. So I found out two days later. Great. Besides not being able to tell him good bye, some people saw it coming and I didn't. It's almost as if he died. The chances of me seeing him again are slim to none since I don't go out.
Oh, to fill a few gaps.
Friday I was able to nibble on food for most of the day and didn't get sleepy, and wasn't starving for once. I helped out the new teacher again with getting/making IDs for her and her husband. I also did a few more for some other students. Then it rained, and rained and rained. The reason I brought up the rain is because that day was the day of the catamaran trip for the first semester students and faculty and some staff. It's mostly a faculty thing first semester student thing.
I had a run in with our cd duplicator. I once again asked if anyone had the copy of the original software for it, since I had to uninstall it when I lost sight of my cd rom drives a month or so back. This time I got it, and it worked, but now we were back to the old problem... (shoot. :( I was suppose to go back in to work today to check on it. I left it going last night. I might have been able to get the second set going)... The replacement drive was misaligned with the hand that dropped and picked up the cds. So it would drop the cd into the tray, and it would be off. It would close, not see a disk because it was slightly jammed, spit it out, do it two more times, then abort the whole job. A few times it would get it right or the moving of the tray would slide the disk down to where it was suppose to be. But more often then not, I would have to pull the tray out further when it was going to drop a cd or pick up one.
I should go, the wallpaper thing. It's now 21 past. Be back.
It's 11:48pm now. Here's one of the wallpapers I decided to post.

I think it's nice.
Well I should start looking for my bed. I may stay at work late tomorrow depending on how the cd burning goes tomorrow. I'm mostly going to be doing IDs. I was suppose to ask E how much she did on Wednesday, but I just forgot. Oh.. I didn't finish my Friday for you.
Not much more, just three more things.
One, I saw a full box of paper fall on T's head from 2 feet up. They were using an interesting way of getting the papers to us this time. Down a retaining wall from a level up behind the LRC. And like I said, one fell on T's head.
The next thing. I was set to do some data entry with a new scheduling program that we got that was web based. Ron started it, but ofcurse he has no time, so he gave it to me to finish it after he showed me how to do. Later I'll learn more so I can help to trouble shot it for the people who will be reallying using it later.
I was able to get to talk with the guy that was suppose to be sending us updated pictures of the site of the dorms. I was suppose to be receiving weekly pictures of the progress of the dorms to post them on the website. It's been more or less 4 months since the whole thing got stated, but I've only gotten 3 sets of pics. So I had to change the wording on the page from Third Week to Third Batch. They did find some kind of ruin over there, and I waited for those pics, and ofcourse I don't have them. I'm hoping by the time I go back to work on Wednesday I will find them in my inbox. Along with some other stuff I asked for from some teachers.
Well I have to spell check this one. I'm not doing so well in coming back and spell checking and such later.
*kiss*.... oh... for a deep moment. I thought about calling up G, and asked him if he would write me and let know if got a girl friend before I showed up at his door step some time in the future. I still think I should, if for nothing else than to hear his voice. Ya, I'm willing to put some money into my little obsession, but then, I could just e-mail him this blog. I think he still read my mails even if he didn't write me back. Or I could do both. I'll see.
Off to check out how much stuff I messed up typing this thing. :)
Ok.. done.. and it's 12:32am, ya.. long blog. Bye.
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