I just trying to find a phone number on line. :) I thought that I had it writen down, butI didn't. I then thought about calling off island and asking the state operator for the number. Then I came here thinking that I should try asking them for their number first.
I think that I may try calling my friends. Like one a month so, so I don't ring up a bill that I can't pay off.
Today wasn't bad. Well, I got to work 30 mins late, then our printer ate it's ribbon. So. We were humming long then screeched to a stop. So we ended up taking everyone's pic, and storing them for when we can get the printer working again. I'm just glad that I'm not there tomorrow and Tuesday. :) At first I kinda felt that it was my fault. Since I found the place that we got the ribbon from, but then I got their address from the maker of the printer as being one of their outlet branches for supplies. But the printer is acting so odd, they are starting to think that they might need to get a new one. Let's hope it's not this week. :) (turned out we are getting new one, but the same as the one we have now.)
Oh, my sister took my other sister to Fisherman's Wharf. It's expensive there, but my
sister eats out. Good for her. I told them to bring me back something. I had just gotten in from work, and I didn't feel like going out again. They ended up spending almost $100. For three meals, and not really "meals" they brought back some fries.
I don't even know if they are going to play Star Wars down here. A new student asked
about seeing "The Hitchhicker's Guide To the Galaxy". I told her that I didn't think it had that much of chance, but I would like to be proven wrong. The movies that get into the one movie place we have down here, are picked by a board or something like that.
I don't know if I would want all 6 of the star wars movies. I love 4-6, but I was disapointed with the first one. I think I like the seciond one. Maybe if this one is good, I might get the whole set. But I'm saving the rainy day/weekend for the Lord of the Rings movies. :)
My day ended on a few good notes. I got a ride home, I danced and sung to some music that I turned up since I was the last one there, and I was able to finish the burn jobs that were giving me so much trouble.
Well I think that's it. *kiss* take care.
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