I see Nika. I see my clock. 10:30? Nika?
Jhodie!?! She didn't make it school ha? Ok.
I wasn't going to put up a fight starting manual yard labour, but Nika and I both asked for break fast first. We got eggs and toast.

Ok, weeding. I got up and watered the yard to make pulling them up a bit easier. On my way out Jhodie asked me to water the banana and plantain plants in the back. I also paused to clear out the drain. I should have gotten the shovel, but I used a stick instead. Knocked a cup that I hadn't a clue where it came from, and dirt. Where was the dirt coming from?
I then went back to wetting the rest of the yard. After getting most of it, I picked up the cloths so I could get that part. Then I hung out a bit to watch DS9. It's the one where they found out that the doctor had his DNA messed with to make him smarter along along with a few other things. It's a bit of a sad ep, but a nice one. In case you missed this one, when he was 7 his parents had just about everything about him enhanced because they thought he was "slow". Most likely he was just a little bit slower and as far as Julian is concerned, they didn't give him a chance to try and catch up. So they "fixed" his memory retaining ability, his hand eye coordination, his height, his stamina. In the end as he said, the only thing that wasn't changed was his name. At the same time we have a guess appearance from the doctor from Voyager. He was playing his maker. The guy who designed and created the Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH). Anyway, he was there to make a version that was going to be used for longer periods of time. The first wasn't to, and this time around they decided to make it based on someone else other than the maker. He had no bed side manners. And of all the doctors in all of Star Feet they picked Julian to be the template for the new EMH.
ok... to hurry and get back to my day... the maker called up his parents after he asked me him not to and found out that they had messed with is genes. Then a whole court thing happened since it's illegal. They passed some law after "Khan" tried to take over earth. :)
Ok.. back to the weeds.
I tried to look for Jhodie's gardening fork to help with the weeds, but we didn't find it. I walked back outside to have Nika spray me with the hose. For her shake I tired to make it funny, and I wasn't that upset. She has to have fun in her life. I sneaked up on her when she wasn't looking my way and got the hose from her. After wetting down the yard some more, we started to pull up weeds. My sister who had the gloves did the bigger ones with the thorns on them. Nika was with me doing the more manageable part of the garden, but she just didn't know which one to pull and after a while she wanted the gloves, I think she just didn't want to pull anymore but was thinking of trying to pull them with gloves. I don't really think that her hands were hurting her. She pulled just about nothing. I was left in a bent over position pulling weeds in a U formation. When I was able to stand up right, I got the rake and pulled them to the trash pile. For a few mins the rake was the only thing keeping me up. I was then sent inside to give Nika something to eat for lunch. Nika may have just had breakfast, but she barely ate anything. The girl picks at everything. Few things she eats a good about of these days. So I heated up her leftovers from the night before.
I seem to have lost some time, until 1:30ish, then we all went down for a nap. I had told Jhodie that I had my appointment for my shot today, but she didn't wake me in time. After doing something else for a while, we got ready to go for a walk. Oh, I was suppose to give Nika a bath, then take one so we could go to town. Nika wanted to splash. I didn't want to, but after 20 mins I had to. So we went in, she got a cup and soon she was flinging water in my hair. After a while I soaped her up and washed her off, and kicked her out of the bathroom so I could take a bath and wash my hair. That took me some time.
By the time we were all dry, dressed and ready to walk out the door it was minutes to 5. Then we walked into town. Jhodie forgot to take a rag with her for all the sweat. On the way in we got a slice of pizza from Pizza Lovers and shared it as we walked in to town. Nika was the only one who had lunch. It wasn't that great. Just about no sauce, wheat crust that was slight burnt, and tons of mozzarella cheese.
Jhodie wanted to swing by Ram's to pick up a few things that were on sale, but it was starting to look that we might not make it in time. They close at 6, but Nika was starting to act up and not walk, but we made in with 5 mins left. We got like five things but we spent more than we had planed to since Jhodie really came to buy some Nachos from Bamboo's. The plate was $25 including tax. When we got there, it looked like it was full. The outside tables were packed, so I hung back while Jhodie went to ask about something. She came back and said that we were getting it, and it was empty on the inside. My sister was dressed for town. But I wasn't that dressed up.
Since there weren't that many people there we were served quickly. The shocker came when we got the bill. Jhodie ordered two fruit punches without knowing how much they were. That plus my OJ came up to $21. :) So once again she spent more money than she thought she would, but we left with a lot of ice. :)
We then walked back around and decided to go check out Port Zanty. We haven't gone walking there in a while. I also wanted to see what became of the last place they were building the last time we were there. It was turned into a jewelry type store. Ok. Then we saw. They were building a new building, that for as far was we knew wasn't suppose to have building there. And it looks like they have been at it for a while. There were walls half way up. We are betting that it's going to be a waiting area for the cruse ship people and such.
Then we slowly walked over the bus stop where we were given the treat of finding the big nice bus there. We got on, and waited about 5 or so mins then we were off. The last event for the day before we got home was when we were getting off the bus. Someone we knew sat in the folding seat next to the door, and when the bus stopped we were trying to tell him not to stand in the door well so the door could open when this kid, just about walked over us to get out of a door that wasn't even open yet. The nerve!
That was my Sunday.
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