Today was also a bit slow, but I got on my creative side today.
Remember that mod I told I was given to do.
Well here was what I thought was my best one from last night.

Then I was told to make it look like this.

Then I hunted down the pic that I saw in my head that I thought was more professional, and did this.

Now I go to check my e-mail to look for an e-mail saying that the new picture was much better, just to read...
"I think that we just need a plane background with the seal and new info and title. We can use the pictures somewhere else. But great job."
Not what I was expecting, but at least they didn't go back to wanting the flap back.
That said, I bought lunch. An egg salad sandwich, that left me with $2 to get home. I have to walk to the bank tomorrow to get money to make it to work tomorrow, not to mention until payday at the end of the month. I also hear that Nika will be going with me. Fun!
My sister found the cds for my uncle this morning. So I stopped off at his house on my way home tonight. I showed up at night, about 7:30pm to see him finish cleaning his car. I not use to seeing anyone cleaning a car, so at first it just seemed odd to me. Considering he was dusting out the door with an oversized tooth brush.
Well I installed everything. The printer, and the scanner, but the computer wasn't seeing the scanner. So after having him check to make sure that it was still plugged in, I uninstalled and re-installed the drivers just to remove the hardware and have the computer find it, and install it right this time. :) I then spent about 15 mins showing my uncle how to scan. I know that I'm going to be over there next week showing him how to do it all back over again. But then again, he did have Jhodie write it all down for him. :)
He had sent little Ray over to the house to find out when I was coming over. As I came in the house, Jhodie called to see if I was there yet, and to let me know that Nika was on her way over. So they both came over when little Ray said that he wasn't going to take Nika. Nika was happy to see me, and she played a bit with my Tiquan. My uncle's new little boy, he's like 3 or so. Near the end she was fixing what he was messing up.
When I was done, Uncle Ray gave us a lift home, and Jhodie slowly got back to making dinner. So slow that Nika had some Supligen, and fell asleep before dinner was done at 10. I just ate, and that was mins to midnight. It's baked chicken and augruten potatoes. We got here like 9pm, and everything went into the oven after we got here.
The place was just too hot for my sister to make herself go towards the stove. :) Really. After I had hiked my way to get my sandwich and made it back, a guy from admin office who came down looking for Tision, told me not to go outside, it was 200 degrees out. :) Ya, now he tells me. :) It felt like it was 98 degrees out, but it was only 86, but the humidity was 79. Even my uncle had said that it felt like summer in NY City :), and it's not even summer yet. :)
Well it's midnight and Nika just sleep walked out here looking for Jhodie who was sleeping on the couch. I'm trying to stay alive by having a fan on me, having the front door open so some of the breeze out there can find it's way in here, and I'm drinking glasses of ice water.
Well that was my day. Well most of it. The only other thing to mention was that they had the white coat ceremony today. Now it's for 1st semester students, and I crashed the buffet afterwards, pretending that I was looking for someone. Everyone else from my department just showed up and snagged food, I tried to be nice about it, but I did take a piece of a wing from one of their plates. Good thing too, it was pepper hot. I didn't get any when I went to get my own plate. Small red snack plate that it was.
Nighty Night. :) I'm off to watch some tv for be crashing at 2. :)
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