October 04, 2005

Font Garden - Archived fonts

Font Garden - Archived fonts


Just checking in, and sharing something that isn't a program. *grin*

It sounds like it's starting to stop raining and it's taking the lighting and thunder with it. It's been raining for the past what?? 7 hours. It's 2:21 am right now, and once again I'm the only one up.

I was trying to sleep in today, but right after I kicked my sister out of my room Uncle Ray shows up to get me. Great. I can't fight it anymore. Got up, put on something, got my cds and thumb drive and he drove me over to his house. That was at noon.

I then spent the next 4 hours doing a number of things from underinstanding pdf madness to installing office almost twice. I first downloaded and found a problem with viewing a pdf file that my uncle paid for. That made me download and install adobe acrobat 5, then I treid to print it. That started a fight between me and the printer. The whole thing took about 15 mins. The paper came out crooked twice, it was being pulled in wrong for some reason. Then it took about 5 mins just to send the file to the printer. Then after having to print it out twice, I had to reprint two pages that came out really wrong.

Then I looked at the "web verson" of this pdf file thinking that I just waisted all this time to find that that was also badly done also. I'm not going to get into it with you, like I didn't get into it with my uncle that he just waisted money on this millionair e-book that I just printed out for him that was madly made into a pdf file and webpage. The thing was only 10 pages long. But I'm going to get into it.

Next it was back to showing him a few things about e-mail. It was after that I started the install of Office.

Well, I was hoping that installing office wouldn't throw the computer and put us back to where we were before the reinstall last week, but it behaved. I got one hick-up and that was due to a background scan I think, when I was trying to do too much. I installed most of two cds, installed updates, patches, and addons. Then I worked on remaking his two letter heads that I accidently deleted the first time. The first one was easly, and I think that I even made it better. The second one was harder. First we fought about the colour of the triangle, then the size was a bit off, then to top it off, I didn't have the font that I used the last time. I had added the 500 fonts that I had at school into his computer, so they were there when I made the letter head for him.

So that brings us back to the link I have at the start of this blog. I had to go looking for fonts, and I found this one before I left his house. He told me to give it up and come back a next day. He still doesn't get how I could spend so much time on the computer. I don't notice the time when I have something to get done. But then he also thinks that I know everything that is connected to the net. He asked me about starting a bussness on the net. I told him that I take care of an education site, I have nothing to do with accounts, payment and such. That's another part of the net. He just sees it as one big thing.

But as I was about to leave I remembered that I had to made make the letter heads into templates first, and I had to go into my uncle's profile to do that. I was using the default profile for all of this. I went to his profile and everyone else's to see that I needed to reinstall Office in each proifile for each of them to use office. So I had to do that in my uncle's profile first to set up the files as templates. Lucky me, it turned out to be semi-reinstall. It lasted about 1 min for each cd, and two reboots. I also had to make copies of the shortcuts for the office progams to the each profile. When I come back to put in some more fonts, hoping that one matchs the one that we had used before, I will do a semi-reinstall for one of the other profiles. We don't think that the others will use Word at all, and if they do, there is word pad. *grin*

I came home to find that Jhodie took out meat and left it on the counter for me. She was in the bedroom reading off her laptop. Nika looked tired, but she perked up and got dressed to help me cook. She stabbed away at the frozen ground beef that we were going to use for meatballs. I broke out laughing as she attacked the poor thing and jhodie slowly taking the fork away from her. After Jhodie went back inside to her room, she went back to stabbing it as I added bread crumbs and cheese, and cleaned an onion. Finianly I got her to leave it alone to let it defrost.

I got Jhodie to come out and finish cooking it around 7:30 but as I got up to come over here to check out the font link, Nika fell asleep in the couch.

It just went 3am and Jhodie wants to go town. She has quite nicely just about polished off my exta pay of almost $500 without paying all our bills. So I told her tonight. The next time I work extra like this, she doesn't look at buying anything until the bills have been squared. In fact. tomorrow we are going to set up a service though our bank where we can call them up or use the computer and have them pay our bills so my sister doesn't have to run from having to stand in line for 20 to 40 mins.

Half the reason why the money is gone is because she went to Nevis, and things are more expenisve over there, and then we bought stuff from students. I'm sitting on $70 that I have to pay a girl for this router sitting on my monitor. My sister said that thought I said I only owed her $60 so I'm short $10 for my bus fare for this part of the month. And I got lunch yesterday, and I had to buy a water because the cleaners threw out my other one. I left it out in the open.

Yawn!!!.. Ok.. I have to go to bed. It's 3:07am.

I can't stay to spell check or back read. I'll think about doing it tomorrow or maybe fix it Wednesday between bouts of me rebuilding my temp pc at work.

Night or morning as the case my be. Again. *grin*..Ok.. I looked it over and fixed a few things. I'm leaving now. It's 3:25am. I know I'm going to hit someone in a few hours for waking me.

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