June 02, 2005

Delayed Due to Lack Of Power

And I'm talking about the stuff that turn on your lights and coffee machine. :)

Yesterday from about 5pm we have been having blip black outs and brown outs and power fluxations. When I got home Internet wasn't working.

I think I got the bus into work that day. (I've already forgotten how my day started) I didn't have much to do, but I did a little leg work that day. Went up and down the stairs a few times. I tried to work on a laptop which we determined has a bad wireless card built in. She never used the wireless before. So we don't know if it was working when she got it or what. It works fine jacked in. I just saw her this afternoon. I told her that her wireless was fried for what ever reason. I personally installed, updated, uninstalled, and reinstalled drivers for her hardware and the supporting software and I couldn't get it to work. So she may end up getting a card from Rick.

After the first blip black out, a teacher called down saying his monitor didn't come back on. I went up to have a look at it and it was dead. Everything was plugged into the APC, but the monitor was no longer working. So he went over to the FDC and brought back on the loose monitors to see if was a good one to use until tomorrow when he would get a new one. As I was plugging it up Ron walked by the window and I called him in. He was a little surprised, but we got him a new that night since the one he brought over was one of the bad ones. He was happy when it came on bright. :) He said that his older one was dark and it had the imprint of the logon box burned into his screen. Then another issue come up. On Friday I'll be defraging his computer and a few other things.

I then worked on a few things before another teacher came down to ask me about his PDA. He couldn't find the files he copied to it. After I found them, he told me that he has been to find the files since after lab that afternoon at 3pm. It's now mins after 7. Since I helped him I asked of a lift home. But he ended up taking to my uncle's house. Earlier that afternoon my sister called to ask me about something. My uncle got Internet, and something was already plugged into where the cat5 cable was suppose to, and I was being told that it belonged to a printer???????? So I said that I would come by after work and look at it.

So I got there and first we found it it was just a loose cat5 cable that was plugged it to it. Then I tried to get on line. I had to delete so many old settings. That it took three rounds of reboots before I got all of them. Then there was the power thing. My uncle doesn't have a surge protector yet, so he wanted me to turn it off before something happened to it. At first I thought that the connection was just dirt slow, but when I got home and couldn't get on, I realized that it was the cable company. They either turned off their equipment to save them from the power fluxation, or they had no power.

Jhodie came over with Nika just after uncle ray decided that he wasn't going to play Russian roulette with the power. So Nika got to play a little with T, uncle Ray's little boy, then he gave us a ride home. Then Jhodie finish making dinner which turned out to be very good cookup. At some point that night we ended up watching this movie that Sandra Bullick made with this other guy and Samuel L. Jackson. I don't remember the name of the movie. I missed the start of the movie. It's the one where Samuel plays a guy that killed two guys for raping and trying to kill his 10 year old little girl. The then town gets torn in two and the whole movie turns into blacks against whites with the whites not looking so "white". I'll go get the name of movie. At least it ended more or less well. As well as it could. Found it. It took a while. It's call A Time To Kill (1996) Over all it's a sad movie, but it was well acted.

My all jumpy abut me trying the shower tonight. Jumpy as in she wanted to use it, wanted to know if I was going to use it. I used it this morning. Two more days and I'm washing my hair. :) I may lose a shade or two in a few weeks.

Today I was up and dressed early since I was going to go back over to my uncle's and finish setting up his computer. His anti virus program has been out of date for like 3 years, along with a few other things. I told him to come and get me at 12:30 because I knew that their will be alot to do, and there will be problems. It's WinMe. He didn't come for me until 1pm. So I sat sweeting for 30 mins since I made sure I was ready for when he showed up. I ofcourse ran out of time, I even left his house at 5 till so I could get to work on time for once. He gave me ride, but somehow we got there 10 past. Was I seeing wrong before we left the house, or is the time just off? Either way, I was walking over to talk to Ms. Cummberbatch who was outside having something to eat when she asked me if we weren't having a meeting. SHOOT! We had a meeting for 2pm this afternoon and he asked that we all be on time. I ran up the steps and just about threw my bag on the desk as I ran to the meeting room. Turns out they were talking but I hadn't missed much. Ron was even joking a bit. Sometimes I don't know what to think when he looks ok or happy about something.

The biggest things going on right now don't really involve me. Most don't. Just wait until we are told that rossvet.edu.kn will become and internal website. HA! the designing I'll be waist deep in. :) Right now, the few things that concern me won't happen for a few more months.

Then I ran into AM while I was cleaning up the front desk. E wondered off and I thought she left for lunch, or left left again with out telling us. So I went to cover the front desk and then she showed back up. She stayed until just before 5 I think. All I know was that she was here for far longer than she should have been and I had nothing to do in the back today. After she finally left, with out telling me I might add, AM showed up with her computer. She wanted some more anime and some games from me. We got a few things sorted out. I made time to do dr. S's video copy from his camera. I've had it for over a week. I had to do it. Last night I would have done it, but with the power acting the way it was, I didn't chance it and turned off off my computer when I was leaving that night too.

I had my dinner. Noddle soup, I played tumblebugs then I came back to cover the front desk after I helped AM out with her computer. Then the new girl from the library came over to play my music. Then I was introduced to a very odd and big hole with Microsoft WebOutlook. I sent a notice out to everyone about it. Then I spent the last few hours typing this thing up. It's almost 2 hours later. Acutely, I think I started to blog before the guy showed me the problem.

Well I'm going to save this and finish it up at home. Just spell checking.

Oh, Nika is sleeping in her room tonight by the light of her Winnie the pooh lamp. :) Let's see how long that lasts. Every night when she falls asleep in the bed, and wakes up to see that Jhodie isn't there, she come out looking for her. Like I said. We'll see.


***Back. :)

It's now 11:39pm. I got home about 10 till 11. The reason for this being, first I left work late due to finding what seems to be 4 blown monitors. I sent and e-mail out to the staff so they would know when they came in the next day. Then when I was leaving around 20ish past, I saw the girl's dad from the library. So he told me to get in the car and we waited for her. She came out really late. He said that was odd since she called and said that she was going to be leaving early. It seems that I girl came after she closed up to return a 48 hour book. You can only have that book for 48 hours. Every hour after that you pay $3. Alarms had to be turned back off, computers needed to be turned back on and all that.

The time is now 12:34 and I just finished spell checking. See ya. ***

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