It's mins to 4am as you can see and I'm now ready for bed.
But before I leave, here is a link to a site I just stumbled over.

This is coming to you from Korea, but it's all in english, for what little words they have on the site. I was there for and because of a wallpaper.
Poke around. It's intresting. I only give you intresting things to look at. :) And this is so kid safe.
Oh, the site is a bit slow for me. I'm thinking it's all the downloading that I'm doing, and my so called cable modem's speed.
Got to go sleep. See ya. ..
Oh, side note, I wasn't able to make it back upstairs to scan anything I ended up playing with my desktop and for a time I didn't have to clock to show me what time it was, and by the time I installed the first clock that I told you about the other day, it was mins to 9, so I just worked on making a flying of our closed dates due to exam that Ron wanted me/us to post.
I stood in the rain and caught the good bus, and came home to food and a clean floor. :) But I miss my show. Into The West. :(
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