Was a boring, long day that I passed by playing a new game that I didn't think much of at first, yet I couldn't stop clicking. I sound like the ad that came with it. After 2 hours I seemed to have liked it. I like when the little things would get upset that my curser was just sitting on it and it would get mad and knock it off. :)
I'm talking about this game. Chuzzles .
Also, I will like to sing the praises of tinyurl.com. It came to my rescue 4 days ago, and I'm thinking of starting to really use it now. I've had it for a while but now I'm starting to use it.
Also, I forgot dinner so I had to go across campus for some peanuts for dinner, since the cafe closed at 4 and it's now 7ish. There were no peanuts so I had corn chips and salsa chips. The salsa chips were hot, and the corn chips were salty. Today I packed some soups. One of them should be good.
Also, at the end of my shift I tried to connect up about 12 new head sets. We are suppose to make it hard for them to walk off with them, but some I tried too, and others I didn't. I might have thought that I would have done that today, since I was late getting home that night. But two are already missing. I know Ron didn't want to use those things that you pull tight and have to cut them to get what you tied up loose, but I don't see a way around it. We will at least use them for the end computers. We won't get another shipment of head sets for months, 6 at least.
I got home to see most of the Spiderman. Jhodie taped it, along with Harry Potter. I started to watch it last night before bed. But she wanted me to tape Inyuasha for her. So I had to cut my viewing short and tape that for her. Then I tried to go to bed, but I should just have left it recording now that I think about it. The new animes are on on Saturday night. So I tried to watch about two of them then I tried to go to sleep. Jhodie had a job today and I wanted to clean. Nika, like I said can take pretty much good care of herself. Besides she would come and get me if she needed anything. But I was too tired to get up. I did go to sleep after 4am after all. I got up, put in the Sponge Bob movie into the dvd player for her. She got it from the kid next door. I got her some water, some dry cereal for her to snack on, and I went back to bed once I got the movie started.
That was at 9:30 or so. Just a scant hour before Jhodie woke me up to let me know she was leaving. When the movie was done, she came and got me to play it again for her. I then went back to bed. Then I woke up at 12 something, this time I stayed up. I looked at the kitchen. Moved a few things around, but ended up playing with Nika a bit. Then I put the tape back in that had Harry and Spiderman on it. I thought that Nika would want to see Harry, since she had liked the first one, but it doesn't seem so anymore. I still didn't get to see all of it. It was getting lat and Jhodie wasn't home yet, and I had to wash my hair. So just as I was finishing combing out my hair, she called from like 2 blocks or so away to let us know where she was since she should have been back home already. Then I got to take my bath and wash my hair after I called work to let them know that I was going to be late.
The odd thing was, I couldn't leave a message her in my department. It would just cycle me back to the switch board. So I left a message in the Library. I said that I was going to be 40mins late. Ya. Just to get out to the corner. It didn't factor in waiting for a bus. But lucky me one didn't take come to come by. I walked in at 3pm.
Anyway, I have to go now. M just left and I have to go cover the front desk. I'll spell this when I'm out there, then post.
As for Friday's blog, I've already started it, just have to finish it. Hope the Chuzzles don't get me. :) I'm just jinxing myself right?
I take that back. Post, then spell check, and then repost. :)
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