Didn't eat the newton yet, wanted to stay for a song and got caught up in something else.
This little link points you to a desktop clock with a lot of skins. They have tons of skins. I bearly got anywhere when I picked the one I had in mind.
If you have a better one let me know.
Infact, I'll come back and add to this post. I had other desktop clocks in the past. Heck, I skined one of them. :)
BeatNik I think. I'll come back with links later. :)
ClocX homepage
Back... I had soup. time - 8pm
First on this list is something to make sure that your clock is update since most or some desktop clocks just go by what is set on your computer.
This one is number one in staff rateing over at SnapFiles.com - Chronograph Atomic Time Clock
Next the list of other desktops that have been highly rated by someone or used by me that I still like even if I don't use them anymore.

This first one is for those of you who have friends all over the place and for some reasion you want to know what time it is there too. :) - SymmTime 2004
Next...This one lets abit of the outside in if you don't have a window where you spend most of your day. - Pawclock I think I tried this one once. I don't remember how I liked it, so it slips in.
Now.. This is the one that I skined for. - BeatNik As I'm reminded as I looked up the link. I was slighty abandaned a few years ago. You can see that log when you get there. Not the best looking site in the world, but it does what it's suppose to do. to see my skins for the clock, check the link Jem's Pages then scrool down to the skins page link. It has a digital read out for the time.
Here's and Odd one. It's called - Ghrone. It's simple looking and free, and it's doesn't have the round face that the first clock has. It has a digital time display, and it looks to be on the big side. That helps if you can't see too well. This comes with skins also, but so does just about every clock I'm going to point you towards.
This one... ahahah.... It's just for you to read the message he has at his site. The program isn't that great, I expected more so I downloaded the prgrogam. It could use some work. Well here's the link. - GSearch Clock & Date
One, one or two more real ones, then you are on your own to find others.
Ok, I'm helping out someone I consider to be a 'small guy'. His clock looks nice, and it has some normal functions, and it uses mp3's that you pick as alarms. :) - Convenient Clock. My only issue with this clock even though I haven't used it, is that it has bar at the top.
Last one... Can't find a last one???? How about a cool calender? :) - Rainlendar. It looks really neat/cool.
Ok, I did find/remember another clock one, but it doesn't really count. It doen't put a clock up on the desktop. It enhances the one down in the system. I found two really.
One, I used for years it's called - TClock. There is just about no, or no real details on the program. I'm thinking that I should type up some since I made skins for it and use it. If you read the language this site is mostly writen in, then you're fine I'm sure. :) But I'll see what I can do for those of use that speak and read english. :)
The other one is where I got the link for the calender program link from. - LClock. I consider this and odd place to find a program from it's maker. Guess he didn't want to invest in a site, and a feed back system when he was part of this already. :) Under that light it makes sense. At least you can get incontact with the maker if you come across a problem. :) It looks really intresting. I may try it. I like how clicking on the clock makes the calender come up, it would keep me from double clicking my clock on the computer that doesn't have webshots to see beyond today. What is webshots?? A wallpaper changer that puts a calender up on your desktop. This LINK is too the download page for the program, but you may want to look around bit. They have upgraded a bit since the last time I was there. Check the tour, they talk about stuff I didn't know about.
Ok, that should enough for now.
Oh... music.....
*black eyed peas - pump it*
Ok... I'll spell check at home. :) Hope I didn't miss too much when I was typing.
Closing time - 10pm.
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