That is the time they woke me up today.
I was promised a 9 o'clock wake up call. Now you might say what is 30 mins? 30 mins can mean a lot if you lost around 2 hours from 5:30am till...
Nika woke up to use the bathroom, and she wasn't fast enough so she messed up the bathroom floor. I helped her finish use the bathroom, gave her a wash down, and changed her underwear, mobbed the floor, and set her up in bed with me. I then fell asleep to Winnie the Pooh. Piglet lost her/his voice. I think it's a girl most of the time.
The reason I was awoken so early was because my other uncle took my uncle's other car and went
If you ever come here, don't get a low car. This place isn't meant to have low cars. But that is what he had, and with all of us in there, it had parts scraping the road all the way there.
First we stopped by the ATM in town and Jhodie cracked open my bank account, and ran into Bachman who I think had money for her. (Nika's God mother.)
We got there and my uncle got a fan that I saw before he left. I'm sure he got other stuff. He even asked me for $5. I walked out of the house with myself.
Until he left I tried to keep track of his kid. He was running around with Nika and then with this other little boy that was there, then back with Nika again. After they left I stayed with AM. She didn't have much to sell, and I even got a bug repellant from her for $2. It lightly rained on us like 3 times, and Nika hung out in her car off and on for the rest of the time until she took us home.
AM was using Freckle's car. I started out as the water holder, then I was holder of everything as they walked around getting more stuff. Let's see, what did Jhodie get?
1. A blanket, throw. White.
2. An interesting little chest box.
3. A lap table for bed that she's going to use with the laptop.
4. A filter
5. An umbrella
6. Two flash lights. One you can plug into the wall.
7. A small brown bag that I think Nika is going to use t hold her pencils and such.
8. A small oblong red pillow.
.... and about 3 other things I think but can't remember.
I was able to get a ride home from AM, and I took all the stuff that we had with me. She was staying to get the fan and few other things and then come home with Uncle Ray.
Oh... I almost forgot about my good piece of luck that befell me at the sale. Someone found $10 on the ground and asked out loud if anyone missed it. No one answered, and he dropped it saying he didn't need it, and that he'll leave it for someone who did. I walked over and picked it up saying that, that would be me. The girl/student who had a good seat for all of this just laughed. :)
Oh, I remember something else she got. A web cam, and a bag for the air bed. The air bed came in a box I think and it broke.
So I thanked AM, told her I'll see her later and walked into the house to set up the cam for Jhodie. She had bought the cam because the person she got it from used it on a laptop. So it should work fine with her's.
An hour later, the cam was set up, I got some more anime for the torrent to get for me, Nika went to sleep on the new red pillow out on the air bed, and I was trying to go to sleep. I tried to go to sleep for about 30 mins at least, and just as I was about to really fall asleep I heard Jhodie's voice. I woke with a start, and thought that it was just in my head, but I knew something was going to happen. In 2 mins I heard my sister calling me and coming up the steps.
I told her to call me at 1:30 after I came out of the bathroom and fall back into bed.
Shame I didn't get up at that time. I had set my clock before she came, but I just turned it off and laid back down. I didn't rise from my bed until 9 till 2. I took a quick bath, and I didn't doodle, but I didn't leave the house until 20 or so past 2. I looked for the $10 that I had put in a math kit that I thought Jhodie had gotten for Nika. Turns out that it was
The bus stopped at the gas station and 3 other buses went by us in that time. I got here about 20 till 3. I stopped at the guard house and called down to M. I asked her is Jhodie called to let her know that I was going to be late. ( I called to Jhodie when I was leaving the house to ask her to make the call for me. ) She said no. Oh well. I told her that I was going to get some lunch on my way down.
I walked over and go a garden salad with fries. That came up to $10. I came down and chatted with M over what E said. It seems that E had written a memo to herself saying that she was no longer burning CDs. I told/asked M about it. She said that she noticed that E just stopped burning cds and left them there for her to do. I should tell someone about this, but I'll ask M first. If it was official, M would have been told that she was going to be the only one doing this from Ron. She was never told that.
Then I went in and started to eat. M left early for something, and that is when people started to need my help. By 4:30 I had plugged back up the sound for a vcr, helped someone to see a video, and fixed a wireless connection, and posted something for the SGA. In the process, I was able to drop dressing on my shirt twice. One right above the other on the left side of my chest.
I caught up with some of my tech e-mails that I just let gather in their own little folder. has a nice new look. If you wonder what I mean by new and say it's been that way for a while, you will know how long it's been since I've been there. I've been living over at for the longest time now. Anyway, did you know they no longer carry software supported by adware?? Ya, it's true. They thought everyone would benefit from it. They thought about how often they had to rebuild their systems after a round of testing due to all the adware that came with the software, and the fact that the top of their most downloaded list is populated with adware removal software, and thought that it would be a good move. The only ones that seem upset, of course, were the people who paid to have their ads placed there in the first place.
I then covered the front desk and worked on the wallpaper that you see below. There aren't many pics out there for the v-chip. I asked Tishon who walked in earlier, he didn't know what the v-chip was, so it didn't work the way I wanted it to on him. Made a few more adjustments to it, then uploaded.
There might be two people in here, but I only see one. Tonight is the end of semester party/banquet. I haven't been to one in like 5 or so years I'm sure.
Ok, I think that's it. I'm looking at something that says tonight there's a chance of Thundershowers and that it's 77 degrees out. It is kinda cold in here, and I did hear thunder at 3pm when M left.
Ok... spell checking. This could take some time considering how long it took me to type this all up.
Current time - 8:15.
See ya.
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